Chapter 409

Xie Ming, are you the kind of person who suffers and does not retaliate?

How can it be? !

If there is no Tiantong Juzhicheng’s handwriting in those thousand bombs, Xie Ming will walk upside down in the future!

From then on, Xie Ming had already begun planning how to retaliate against Tiantong Juzhicheng. If he wants to destroy the things he cherishes, the children’s belongings, Gensokyo. So…..

“I also want to introduce you to the gastrointestinal creature to kill my son and daughter-in-law, and to protect the Tiantong home, and completely destroy it!”

The Tiantong family is a giant. If you compare it to a great tree, its rotten roots have penetrated all parts of the Tokyo area. It is definitely not an easy task to uproot this big tree.

I also said before that there must be a prerequisite to bring down the Tiantong family.

First, the help of the Holy Son.

Second, suitable replacement candidates.

Third, opportunity.

Now, the opportunity has come.

Watching TV and apologizing to the residents during the celebration ceremony, the holy son with a wry smile, Rintaro and Kisara standing behind the holy son, as well as protesting to the residents of Tokyo, the limp head of my church is right.

After that day, the sane residents realized that if this goes on, the Tokyo area will be ruined by other idiots someday. So they started to act.

It can be said that the current Tokyo area is in an extremely unstable state.

Reasonable people are full of anger, irrational, and people who hate the children of the curse have suppressed anger, and hate Xie Ming and Gensokyo.

Everyone’s emotions are on the verge of exploding at one point. They are in desperate need of a release port, a release port that allows them to release their negative emotions to their heart’s content. At this moment, Xie Ming got a document brought by Mu Geng.

This document can explode public anger exponentially, and it will inevitably make everyone in the Tiantong family unable to eat Kabuto. It is appropriate to be suspended for investigation.

During the suspension period, it is the best period for the upper ranks.

As for the right candidate, Yui is now quickly operating the computer next to Xie Ming.

Everyone knows that those in the upper ranks will inevitably squeeze out their competitors. And the Tiantong family, using the huge power of the family, somehow squeezed out how many capable people without background.

Some of these capable people and heroes were discouraged and went directly to the company as ordinary employees, without asking about political affairs. Some still have expectations in their hearts, but they have been suppressed to the bottom by the Tiantong family step by step.

To deal with the Tendo family, is there a better choice than them? Who else wants the collapse of the Tendo Family more than they do?

With Yui, a top hacker, Xie Ming was able to quickly screen and find the location of these people. He made few requirements for these people, just three points.

Don’t hate the children, and have the ability to help the holy emperor.

But at such a small point, a lot of candidates were eliminated. But there is no other way. You can’t kill the tiger and lead the wolf into the room.

Today, Xie Ming’s task is to visit these capable folks one by one. However, in the home of a capable man, he met an unexpected but reasonable person.


“Miss Sima, can you ask why you are here?”

Sitting cross-legged on the tatami, Xie Ming faintly looked at the kimono lady on the opposite side, and asked aloud.

“Ah la la, don’t say that, Huta Lang sauce~”

Sima Weizhi smiled charmingly, ignoring Xie Ming’s indifferent tone: “After all, our Sima family also needs talents, don’t we? Otherwise, we will be struggling to deal with the Tiantong family in power~”


There are two major families in Tokyo, the Tendo family and the Sima family. The Tiantong family was in politics, and the Sima family was in business. The two big families have always been in a state of hostility.

Some people use power for money, and some people use money to buy power. This is the truest portrayal of the Tiantong family and the Sima family. In order for the Tiantong family to develop, they must use their power to obtain more money.

In order to develop, the Sima family will inevitably need political support. In addition, the two are feuds, so both sides are constantly infiltrating each other, wanting to find a chance to completely put the Tokyo area Master in the hands of their own family.

It can be said that if the Tiantong family is to be overthrown, the Sima family is definitely the only partner. And don’t worry too much, the Sima family will covet power.

Because in the final analysis, the Sima family’s foundation lies in business and arms trade. Although the Sima family has the potential to develop into profiteers, there is at least one thing that you don’t need to worry about.

That is credibility. Once the business person loses his credibility, then everything is over.

In addition, Xie Ming has some understanding of Sima Weizhi in front of him. Her wrist was smart enough to control the general direction of the Sima family. And the character is not bad.

Thinking of this, Xie Ming had a decision in his heart. The plan is always the more reliable the better.

When Xie Ming was thinking about these things in his heart, Sima Weizhi also asked aloud.

“Hutarou sauce~, Miori wants to ask too. Why did you show up in this old gentleman’s house~?”


Looking at the smiling Sima Weizhi, Xie Ming said blankly: “Because this is a very good opportunity to overthrow the Tiantong family.”


Sima Weizhi was stunned for a moment, and he started to calculate quickly in his heart, but on the surface he didn’t change his expression: “Can Houtaro sauce talk to Weizhi in detail? Maybe, Weizhi can help you.”

“First of all, you can change the name of the Hutarou sauce. I get goose bumps all over my body when I hear it.”

“Hey~~” Sima Weizhi pursed his mouth, and said dissatisfiedly: “Isn’t the name Huta Lang sauce very cute. How else would I call you…”


With lessons learned from the past, Xie Ming’s mouth twitched: “Just call it that way.”

“Yeah. Then, can Hutaro-chan talk to Weizhi?”

“Since I have told you, I naturally want you or the Sima family to participate. After all, this is a mutually beneficial thing.”

Xie Ming didn’t go around the corner either, and told Sima Weizhi all of his plan and Pingzhan.

If you want merchants to act, you must first show them the benefits. So to some extent, businessmen are much easier to handle than others. After all, no matter what businessman it is, there can be no two words.


Sima Weizhi quietly listened to Xie Ming’s plan, and his expression became a little serious. He held the iron fan in his right hand, and hit his left hand one by one. It can be seen that she is also very entangled.

Do you want to bet this time with Xie Ming.

But it didn’t take long for her to make a decision.

“Hutaro sauce, wait a while, I’ll give you another document. This is collected by the Sima family over the years, about the darkness of the Tendo family. Although they are all small characters, they can definitely play with the big head in your hands. Wonderful effect.”

“Regarding the issue of talents, the Sima family will handle the shortage of candidates. I hope that this time my bet is correct.”

“Don’t Miss Sima believe her own vision?”

“No, I believe in my own eyes. It’s just that I can’t see through you, Hutaro-chan.”

Hearing that Sima Weizhi had decided to assist with this plan, Xie Ming’s mood became a little happy, and he said something rare.

“Men, there are some secrets, isn’t it easier to attract women?”

“Hmph~” Sima Weizhi showed a fox-like smile: “So, Huta Lang sauce is attracting me.”

“No, I don’t, I am not, don’t talk nonsense.”

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