Chapter 411 Revenge

The main house of the Tendo family is also located in the first district where the holy residence is located.

It is a very classic, traditional Japanese style courtyard with taste everywhere. The area is very wide and the trees in the yard are trimmed very neatly.

“Speaking of which, this old man is still a Buddha sculpture sculptor who is recognized as a’national treasure on earth’.”

“Ah, yes.”

As if recalling something, there was a warm smile on Rentaro’s face: “At that time, I and Mugatsu were playing hide-and-seek in this courtyard. We were also learning the carving of Buddha statues with him.”


Mu Geng said nothing, his pupils were filled with darkness, but there was no aura on his body. Xie Ming knew that she was gaining momentum.

For the upcoming revenge, adjust yourself to the best condition.

The purpose of Lentaro’s remarks was to recall the good times in the past, and to impress Mugeng with this memory.

It’s a pity that his actions were a wink to the blind. At this time, Mu Gen’s mind was fully absorbed in the excitement of impending revenge. How could he be affected by a simple sentence?

At this time, the memories Rentaro said, Mu Geng didn’t even listen to it.

Seeing that both of them ignored him, Rintaro asked himself to be boring, and followed him with a wry smile.

Pulling away the sliding grille, the three people walked in and found that the five people in the room had been waiting for a long time.

It was Tiantong Juzhicheng who was kneeling in the middle. On both sides of him, there are men and women. As for their identities, just look at Mu Geng’s expression next to them.

“Wako, Hyuga, Hyunpecker, Heemin…”

Mu Geng showed a very bright smile: “I really… miss you guys!”


The eyes of the four people seemed to want to eat the person in front of them. They know that it is precisely because of the three people in front of them, no, it is better to say that it is because of Xie Ming that they have fallen to this point.

“Yo, Lord Tendo.”

Similarly, Xie Ming also smiled, but this smile was so full of chills: “Do you like this return of mine?”

“how did you do it?”

Tiantong Juzhicheng opened his eyes at this time, his eyes were still so sharp, and the pressure on his body was still so strong.

“How did you do it? Are you asking about the recording? Or about Tendo and Hikaru’s corruption, or…”

“I’m not interested in knowing these.” Tiantong Juzhicheng said coldly: “Even if it is exposed, it is not a big deal for us. However, with so many capable people who can replace us, and the suspension notice, how did you do it? of?”

Yes, this is where Tiantong Juzhicheng is puzzled.

“You know, there are many capable people who have been suppressed by your Tiantong family over the years. Besides, I am not the only enemy of the Tiantong family.”

Hearing this, Tiantong Juzhicheng’s pupils suddenly shrank, and the other four also gritted their teeth and said three words.

“Sima Family…”

“To be honest, the Sima family is indeed a surprise. Originally, my plan was to let the capable people who were squeezed out by you first occupy important positions to maintain the operation of the Tokyo area. Then I will slowly find talents to fill other gaps. ”

Xie Ming smiled faintly: “Time is off, and the variables are big. Maybe you will find a chance to come back. After all, the centipede is dead and not stiff. But the mutual assistance with the Sima family has successfully avoided the variables from happening.”

“Really, God wants you to die.”

“Boy, don’t get too smug!!!”

A man with glasses who was kneeling on the side stood up abruptly and glared at Xie Ming.

“Forgetfulness?” Xie Ming sneered, “Who was it that fortunately? Tendo Kazuko was the culprit who caused the third Kanto battle and severely degraded the Self-Defense Forces.”

“Sit down, Kazuko!”

Tiantong Juzhicheng glanced at Tiantong Heguang, then looked at Xie Ming again: “The last question, why these people will replace so quickly.”

“Of course someone helped.”

Xie Ming stared at Tiantong Juzhicheng, and said calmly: “The person who can get these people out of the formalities and avoid a lot of trouble. Who else is in the entire Tokyo area?”

“Master Shengtianzi…”

After getting the answer he wanted, Tiantong Juzhicheng seemed to grow older in an instant, and even his straight back bends down.

“It’s very uncomfortable to be disgusted by people you love and love.” Xie Ming didn’t have a trace of sympathy in his eyes: “But, it’s all you, and it’s all made by Tiantong’s family.”

“After spending so long with Shengtianzi, I believe you can’t be clear about the expectations and goals in her heart. However, how did you respond to her?”

“Summoning the Heaven Sasori seat of Phase V, which caused the third Kanto Battle and prevented her from achieving her goals. This is what you call the way of respect?”

“Boy! What do you know!!?”

“I don’t understand!”

Xie Ming said coldly: “But I understand the feelings of the holy emperor. Alone alone, there is no partner, no trustworthy person. Everyone is her enemy and must hinder her from accomplishing her own. ideal.”

“How much do you know about the girl’s mood?! Are you not her assistant officer? The so-called assistant officer means obstructing those who need assistance everywhere, and even burying her ideals?!”

“You don’t respect and love any holy emperor at all! You don’t even take anyone to your heart! You are no different from the crowd of fools who are marching and shouting outside. You are just a pig who is blinded by hatred!!”


Xie Ming’s words made Tiantong Juzhicheng’s expression extremely ugly. There was fire in his eyes, staring at Xie Ming firmly.

“It’s useless to look at it this way. The winner is the winner. The facts have proved that the Tokyo area does not need the Tendo clan, and the Holy Son does not need you, the so-called assistant officer.”

“The next thing will be done by Mugeng. The evil results you planted, taste it yourself.”

Turning around, Xie Ming left the room without looking back. Lentaro opened his mouth, glanced at a few people complicatedly, and followed him away.

In the room, only the five people of Tiantong Juzhicheng were left, and Mugen, who had always maintained a bright smile.

“Why, are you going to kill us?”

After sighing, Tiantong Juzhicheng asked faintly.

“Master Shengzi has already handed over the execution of the five of you to Hutaro. He has entrusted the execution to me.”

Slowly pulling out the sword from his waist, Mu Geng’s face turned into blood and darkness.

“Don’t worry, I will let you all know that I specially modified for revenge, the Tendo-style sword drawing technique.”

“Do you eat the evil fruits you planted yourself…”

Like a mockery, but also at self-deprecating, Tiantong Juzhicheng sighed: “The revenge ghost who crawled out of hell finally succeeded.”

“Yes, because I met a noble man. From now on, my body and this sword will be used by him alone.”

Mu Geng slowly raised the knife and placed it in front of his face.

“What kidding, how can we die here!!!”

Tiantong Juzhicheng has accepted his fate, but that doesn’t mean that other people have also accepted his fate. The other four people stood up, took out their weapons, and rushed towards Mugeng.

“Tiantong style sword drawing technique zero type, double-click the dragon and tiger.”

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Mu Geng quietly looked at the four people who rushed forward, with a cold smile on his face that was somewhat similar to Xie Ming.

“Zero-type three-style, two-headed sword of ferula and evil.”

The next moment, blood spilled all over the room.

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