Chapter 412

“Brother, Mr. Rentaro, you are back.”

“Yeah. I’m back, Xia Shi. What happened?”

Seeing Xia Shi’s somewhat serious expression, Xie Ming asked aloud.

“That’s it, brother.” Xia Shi said softly, “Hiruko Kageyin and Kohina visited Gensokyo.”


Xie Ming was a little surprised at once, and Rintaro instantly became vigilant.


meeting room.

“Really, it’s been a long time, see you there. Also, thank you for your mercy last time, Sir Uranus Temple.”

It was still the red suit and the mask with a strange smile, Hiruko Yingyin stood up, took off the magic hat and saluted.

“Hiruko Yingyin! What are you doing here!?”

Rintaro was now ready to fight, the prosthetic limbs of his right hand and right foot had been revealed, and the mechanical prosthetic eye of his left eye had also been opened.

“Calm down, Rentaro.” Xie Ming patted Rentaro on the shoulder, and said lightly: “Lita and the others are here, plus me, he can’t get over any waves at all.”

“That’s right…” Rintaro nodded, but suddenly he noticed a little bit: “Hey, Hutaro, didn’t you count me in?”


Xie Ming looked at Rintaro disgustingly, but did not speak.

“…If I couldn’t beat you, I would fight with you now!”

“Brother, Mr. Rentaro, can you stop making trouble?”

Xia Shi said calmly.

“Sorry.” Rintaro immediately persuaded.

“Uh…cough cough.” Xie Ming coughed dryly, then looked at Hiruko Yingyin again: “Then, what is your purpose here?”

“Are you sure you want to speak in front of so many people?”

Hiruko Kageyin’s tone is a bit playful: “About the assassination you encountered in the third Kanto battle, and the fall from the killer…”

“To shut up.”

Xie Ming’s pupils instantly turned purple, and the cold voice directly reduced the atmosphere of the room to zero.

“elder brother?”


“Everyone, go out.” Xie Ming said lightly: “You don’t need to know about this matter.”


Lentaro wanted to say something, but was stopped by Xia Shi.

“Mr. Rintaro, let’s listen to my brother here.”

Xia Shi whispered: “There are some things that you don’t know are happiness. And if my brother doesn’t let us understand, he must have his own thoughts.”

“I… Okay.”

“Then brother, we will go out first.”

“Well, sorry, Xia Shi, Rita, Luis.”

Seeing a few people leave, Xie Ming locked the door behind him, then looked at Hiruko Yingyin faintly.

“So, can you tell me, how many people have you told this matter?”

“Just me and Kobinet know, Lord Uranus Temple.”

Hiruko Kageyin smiled and said, “I also knew through Kohina that I was the only one who saw the treasure chest dropped by the assassin. And when you waved your hand, the treasure chest seemed to have disappeared. I am now, but I have a stomachache. Questions.”

“That’s why you came to me for an answer?”

Sitting on the sofa, Xie Ming tilted Erlang’s legs, ignoring the prompt sound of the main god space in his head: “Why do you think that I will tell you the answer? Killing you directly is not more convenient and faster for me? ”

“Hehehe, of course I know about it, Lord Uranus Temple.”

With a weird laughter, Hiruko Yingyin sat opposite Xie Ming: “I have a feeling in the dark. If I miss this opportunity, then I will never find what belongs to me. I will always be in a world of disputes. . So, even if I knew there was a danger of death, I came here.”

“If there is no battle, no war, then what is the difference between my life, this body, and death?”


“Thanks for the compliment.”

“…..Ah.” Xie Ming sighed and asked faintly, “So, you are here? Tell me your support. If you can move me, then I will tell you the answer. It’s okay.”

“That’s really grateful.”

Hiruko Kageyin said with a smile, “I don’t know the Lord Uranus Temple, do you know the organization of the “Five Xianghui”.”

“…I really dozed off and got a pillow.” Xie Ming sat up straight: “I won’t be imaginary with you, and you know how you deceived me. So, let’s be honest.”

“Of course, playing tricks with someone like you will only be a dead end. I still understand this truth.”

After clearing his throat, Hiruko Yingyin began to explain to Xie Ming that what he knew was all about Wuxianghui.

The Gosho Association is a mysterious organization in the five major regions of Japan. Because each region has a representative, it is called the Gosho Association.

And the goal, of course, is to conquer the world starting from the conquering of Japan.

Everyone in Wuxianghui is marked with wings. The number of wings represents the identity of this person in the Wuxianghui.

Hiruko Yingyin also has such a mark on him. He has three wings and represents one of the high-end combat power of the Wuxianghui.

With the highest five wings, there is only one person in each region. The five of them are the highest cadres of the Wuxiang Club.

The three highest known cadres are the Prime Minister of the North Blue region, Tsuzoji Tsukihiko, the Prime Minister of the Osaka region, Qiwu Xuanzong, and the Tokyo region’s Shiheng Senichi.

At the same time, Albrecht Gruner World, one of the four sages, the transformer of Hiruko Shadow Yin’s body, is also the highest cadre of the Wuxiang Society. However, he is only responsible for research.

Now, the Wuxiang Society has two plans to conquer Japan.

The first is the new human creation plan to create more mechanical soldiers to become a powerful force in the organization.

Second, it is the Black Swan Project.

The black swan is a type of swan found in Australia. Thus was born the black swan theory, that is, when encountering unexpected things that are out of common sense, people often get overwhelmed and panic.

With the name Black Swan, the naming plan is naturally not that simple. Even, some are creepy.

First cultivate the primitive gut organisms that are resistant to the elements, and then use various methods such as drugs to control Hypnosis, and let them go to a specific place to destroy the country that is not controlled by the Wuxiang Society.

These are everything Hiruko Kageyin knows. I believe Xie Ming didn’t have the patience to listen to other trivial things, so he didn’t talk about it either.

But knowing this is enough for Xie Ming.

“No matter when, the human heart cannot stop. The smarter the person, the more so.”

Cultivation of gastrointestinal organisms that are resistant to cockroaches? It’s also really bad for this group of people to think about it. So far, the only way for humans to contend with the gastrointestinal organisms is the chi element. Once this resistant gastrointestinal organism cannot be controlled, what will be the consequences?

The number of people sacrificed, the destroyed city, will increase by geometric multiples. At that time, it will be the recurrence of the first bowel biological war.

Originally, things like gastroenterology were created by human beings themselves. Now, I have to continue to toss. Oh, really keen on self-destruction.

The cold smile on Xie Ming’s face and the murderous intent on his body became more and more obvious. Hiruko Yingyin couldn’t help shaking.

Excited and trembling.

“Ah, yes, this is the breath of a strong man who has experienced countless battles. The breath of battle, the breath of war!”

Hiruko Kageyin said fanatically: “I have provided your Uranus Temple with information. Now, it should be your turn, right?”


Xie Ming chose to accept the task in his mind, and then said calmly.

“Whatever promises others, I will always achieve it.”

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