Chapter 413

Through Hiruko Yingyin, Xie Ming learned about another thing in addition to Wuxianghui, about the main god space.

In the mission world, there is an extremely rare kind of person. This type of person can see everything about the main god space.

He can open the treasure chest dropped after the surrogate is killed. The equipment on the substitute body can be worn… Except for the data-based character template without the main god space, and unable to shuttle in the world, they are almost the same as the substitute.

This kind of people, the main god space calls them: Abnormal.

The anomaly is a different kind of the world. If you compare the world to an adult, then the abnormal is equivalent to a genetically upgraded cell in the human body. They will not have too much influence on the world, but for the main god space that manages countless planes of the world, the anomalous are equivalent to an alien outside the system.

For such heterogeneous species, the main god space has only two ways to deal with them. Include, or exclude.

So when Hiruko Yingyin revealed that he was an anomaly, the mission of the main god space was also issued.

Rare task (?) Anomaly handling: When you find a unique alien, what will be your decision? Accept him? Or exclude him?

Mission Objective: Invite the abnormal Hiruko Yingyin to join the main god space. / Eliminate the abnormal person Hiruko Yingyin.

mission rewards:? ? ?

Not to mention that Xie Ming saw this task for the first time. Even the surrogate of the entire main god space, the number of people who saw it is estimated to not exceed 1%. Moreover, it is completely impossible to judge whether it is an invitation or an exclusion.

However, to be honest, there is no difference to Xie Ming in terms of invitation or exclusion. He wasn’t a reward for this rare mission. If Hiruko Kageyin did something harmful to Gensokyo, he would kill him without saying a word.

But now, Hiruko Kageyin gave himself a big surprise, so it’s not impossible to invite him by himself. Anyway, after entering the main god space, whether he can become stronger or not depends on his own ability.

Before the invitation, there is one last problem.

“Where is Hina? What are you going to do with Hina?”

“…Originally, I wanted to train Little Hina into an evil angel, and let her and me bring chaos and war to this world. But now, there is no need for this.”

Hiruko Kageyin said mercilessly: “I believe Lord Uranus Temple, will accept Kohina.”

“Isn’t she your daughter?”

“So what?” Hiruko Yingyin asked back.

“I see.”

Xie Ming closed his eyes and said calmly, “Xi-Hina is taken over by Gensokyo, and Gensokyo will take the responsibility to adjust her mind.”


Hiruko Kageyin shrugged: “Then Lord Uranus Temple should be able to give me an answer.”

“…Hiruko Yingyin, on behalf of the main god, I invite you to join the main god space. Do you accept it?”

When Xie Ming said these words, Hiruko Yingyin’s head showed countless intelligence data.

Substitutes, mission worlds, hierarchies, equipment, data points, exchange points… everything, the main god has instilled into his brain.

“Ha…Hahaha…hahaha…hahahahahahaha!!! It’s so wonderful!!! Your Excellency Uranus Temple originally came from such a wonderful space!!!”

From chuckles, to big laughs, to finally covering his face and laughing wildly, the look under the mask of Hiruko Yingyin must be extremely excited and crazy.

“Yes, my hunch is right. This is the meaning of my existence, this is the value of me being a mechanical soldier! Hallelujah!!!”

“Be quiet.”

Xie Ming frowned: “I have done what I promised. Now tell me your secret base of the Wuxianghui. Also, if you refuse to enter the main god space, I will immediately kill you here.”

“Reject? How could it be possible to refuse!?”

Hiruko Yingyin’s emotions are a bit out of control: “Ah, Lord God! I accept your invitation and send me to those bloody and murderous worlds to your heart’s content!”

Rare task (?) Anomaly handling: When you find a unique alien, what will be your decision? Accept him? Or exclude him?

Mission Objective: Invite the abnormal Hiruko Yingyin to join the main god space. / Eliminate the abnormal person Hiruko Yingyin. (Invited)

mission rewards:? ? ? (Issued in the settlement space)

Seeing that his mission had been completed, Xie Ming turned off the mission panel, and his voice improved: “Tell me, Wuxiang will hide in the Tokyo area.”

“Oh, it’s rude.”

Controlling his emotions, Hiruko Kageyin whispered, “Your Excellency Uranus Temple gave me such a great gift. How could I not cooperate with your mission? The secret base of the Wuxiang Society in the Tokyo area is… ..”

“Number five…”

Before he finished speaking, Hiruko Yingyin’s figure disappeared.

“Number Five…”

Xie Ming chewed the three words repeatedly, then unlocked the lock of the room and pushed the door out.

It’s getting busy again.


After arranging Gensokyo’s affairs, Xie Ming rushed to the holy house without stopping. After all, to find the Wuxianghui in the Tokyo area, the help of the holy emperor is necessary.

Still the same room, still the same simple and elegant decoration, the holy emperor sat on the sofa elegantly, watching Xie Ming sitting in front of him.

“Mr. Hutaro, if you are here this time, something big must happen again.”

“Yes. About a secret organization, Wuxianghui. I think it is necessary to let you know.”

Not to mention polite words, Xie Ming was straight to the point, and all the information he had learned from Hiruko Yingyin was shared with the holy emperor.

The more I listened, the face of Shengtianzi became serious. She didn’t interrupt Xie Ming, she kept listening quietly until Xie Ming finished speaking.

“Mr. Hutaro, if this news is true, then I am afraid that the Tokyo area will suffer another round of disasters…”

“It’s better to trust it, than to trust it to nothing.”

Xie Ming also said very seriously: “So, I need your help. Even if it is for insurance, you have to check it out to be at ease.”

“……I see.”

Shengtianzi closed his eyes and opened them again without any hesitation: “Please wait a moment, I will take you to see two people.”

“Seeing two people, who?”

“The police officer in charge of the garrison in the Tokyo area, the cabinet is Atsushi. And his father, the police chief, the cabinet Soichiro.”

“……and many more.”

“What’s the matter, Mr. Hutarou.” The Holy Heaven who was just about to get up to call, paused and asked suspiciously.

“For the Wuxiang Club, we don’t know how many people they have, but we only know a rough idea. Our only advantage is that the other party still doesn’t know that we have learned about their existence.”

“So at this time, we must be extremely careful.”

Xie Ming tapped his finger on the table and said, “On this matter, I hope that you will not easily disclose the information to others.”

“Would you like to trust me in this matter of the Wuxiang Club and leave the matter to me?”

Looking directly into the eyes of the Son of Heaven, Xie Ming asked softly.

“Now you are still saying these things…”

Shengtianzi sighed, and then showed a beautiful smile: “I always believe in Mr. Hutaro no matter what.”

Seeing Shengtianzi’s smile, Xie Ming was a little speechless for a moment.

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