Chapter 414

The central control development agency is called the “black building” by the insiders.

In fact, this is the core of the surveillance network in the entire Tokyo area and the hub for the distribution of electricity in the Tokyo area. This shows the importance of this building.

Externally, it was completely confidential, and even the inside of the building was accessible to a very small number of people. At this time, an uninvited guest was ushered in.


Looking at the man in black in front of him, the guard raised his gun and warned: “Unrelated personnel are not allowed to enter.”

“Wait, you are… Uranus Temple Houtaro from Gensokyo!?”

The other guard squinted his eyes and recognized the identity of the visitor. He immediately pressed the gun of his companion next to him and said nervously, “Your Excellency, what’s the matter here?”

“I have the permission of the Son of Heaven, come and check the surveillance video.”

Taking out the document from his arms, Xie Ming said lightly.

“It is indeed the permission of Master Shengtianzi. However, if we want to mobilize surveillance video, we need to ask the cabinet guard…”

“Did you not see the content on the file?”

Xie Ming frowned: “I don’t need to ask anyone for instructions on my actions, I will directly take orders from the Son of Heaven.”


“Obviously it was the order of the Son of Heaven, but you have always wanted to ask the cabinet guard for instructions. Later, arrest him and I will ask later.”

From every corner, several men in black and sunglasses turned out, and all of a sudden they pressed the guard to the ground.

These bodyguards are investigators directly under the Son of Heaven. Legally speaking, they have the right to arrest anyone for investigation. It is equivalent to the special intelligence bureau in the Tokyo area.

In order to cooperate with Xie Ming’s actions, Shengtianzi specially arranged several intelligence agents to follow Xie Ming to help him clear the obstacles.


The guard who had just raised the gun raised the gun again, a little at a loss.

“Put down the gun, it’s nothing to do with you, just look at your door with peace of mind.”

Xie Ming glanced at him, then went straight into the building. The black-clothed intelligence agents also controlled the arrested guard and quickly disappeared into the corner.

“what happened…..”

As the cold wind blew, the guard holding the gun murmured.

Within a few minutes, Xie Ming walked out again. An intelligence agent walked out of the corner, Xie Ming followed him, and disappeared in this area.

“Are I sick… or are they sick…?”

The guard at this time was completely stunned.


The reason why Xie Ming first entered the central control development organization was to put the monitoring Master of the entire Tokyo area in his own hands, or to let Yui take over.

Although you don’t have to go in, Yui can take a bit of effort to hack into the system, but there is no need to do so. Since it can take over the supreme control in a fair manner, then why go in at the risk of hacking in?

Of course, even though Yui took over the supreme control of the “Black Building”, it didn’t change anything. What she needs to do is to help Xie Ming monitor some key people and investigate suspicious power trends.

Some people may ask, it is understandable to monitor key figures, but why should we investigate suspicious power trends?

This brings me to the point. Don’t forget, there are two important pieces of information in the information provided by Hiruko Yingyin.

The restart of the New Human Project, and the cultivation of gastroenterologists resistant to the elements.

Do these two research projects cost no electricity? Nonsense, of course it costs electricity, and the amount of electricity required is definitely not the kind of self-sufficient level. Therefore, through the “black building”, it is bound to be able to find the location of the other party’s research room through the direction of electricity.

This is the main method for finding traces of the Wuxianghui in Xie Ming’s plan. However, this trip to the “Black Building” brought him an unexpected surprise.

Abandoned building somewhere.

Xie Ming followed the intelligence personnel to the third floor of the abandoned building. The guard just now had been tied to a chair by Wuhuada, with a piece of rag stuffed in his mouth. Only a pair of close-fitting shorts remained on the clothes on his body.

“Shortly after being caught by us, this person wanted to bite his tongue to commit suicide, but we found out in time and stopped him.”

The intelligence officer whispered.

“Good job. Now, I caught another big fish.”

Looking at the guard’s waist, there was a pentagram with a feather pattern, Xie Ming stroked his chin.

There is no doubt that this is the mark of Wuxianghui. A piece of feather means that the guard is the lowest member of the Wuxiang Society.

Since it is a member of the bottom, there must be a superior presence. So who is the superior of this guard? Think of the words before and after him, it is not difficult to guess.

“This cabinet police watcher seems to be a member of the Wuxiang Society…or, they are both father and son?”

“what should we do?”

The intelligence officer asked seriously.

“In short, you first send this information directly to the Son of Heaven. Remember, you can only let the Son of Heaven know about it. As for the father and son in the cabinet, don’t move.”

“Understood. What about this person?”

Looking at the ashes of the guard in front of him, Xie Ming said indifferently: “Let him be kept secretly in the prison of your Intelligence Bureau, and deal with it together at that time.”

The intelligence personnel nodded, one person quickly left in the direction of the holy residence, and the other two stunned the guard and took him down.

After thinking about whether there was any omission in the plan, Xie Ming said silently in his heart.

“Yui, find out where Atsushi in the cabinet is now.”

“Dad, wait a few seconds.”

“I found it, in a Starbucks coffee shop in the city. The one with him is… Sister Mu Geng?”


This is another thing Xie Ming did not expect.


“Miss Mu Geng, how have you been all these years?”

“Don’t make fun of me, Mr. Cabinet. It’s better to say that Mr.’s face has become more radiant over the years.”

Mu Geng looked at the polite and elegant young man in a suit in front of him, as if trying to maintain the demeanor of the eldest lady. But in my heart, he secretly cursed that it was a hell.

I was thinking about going to Gensokyo to talk to Xie Ming about something, but I didn’t expect to get Cheng Yaojin halfway through. And it was really troublesome that Cheng Yaojin had to deal with it.

“Just laughed. Although I have made little achievements in these years, I always feel that something is missing in my heart. Only when I returned to my empty home did I realize that I need a person who supports each other.”

The cabinet room smiled softly, then sighed a little disappointedly, and Hemu even more confided in his own inner distress.

“No?” Mu Geng covered his mouth and said in surprise: “With Mr. Cabinet’s terms, there must be a lot of people admiring you.”

“That said, but there is already a person I like in the cabinet, so I don’t know what the other person thinks.” The conversation between the cabinets turned loudly, and he looked at Mu Geng tenderly, as if conveying something.

“Really? I don’t know which outstanding girl can be appreciated by Mr. Cabinet.” Mu smiled more elegantly.

“Miss Mugeng, please don’t pretend to be confused. I found you this time just to continue with you, our unfinished engagement.”

“Puff~cough cough cough”

Xie Ming, who had just entered the door, almost didn’t catch his breath when he heard these words, and a thought came to his mind.

“Lian Taro, Qingqing Grassland welcomes you.”

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