Chapter 415


Hearing a familiar voice, Mu Geng stood up, as if he had seen a savior. He grabbed Xie Ming’s arm and dragged it towards Du Lang in the cabinet.

“Hello, what are you doing Mugeng?”

“Please, help me first.”

Mu Geng kept an elegant smile, but his little hand pinched Xie Ming’s arm in secret, but was averted by Xie Ming’s move.

With his current physical defensive power, if Mu Geng’s hand is really pinched up, only her will be injured.

“Miss Mu Geng, who is this?”

Looking at the intimate movements of the two in the cabinet, the expressions remained unchanged, and asked elegantly. However, Xie Ming keenly noticed the jealousy and viciousness in the deep eyes of the cabinet at this time.

“Let me introduce it, Mr. Cabinet.”

With a happy smile on Mu Geng’s face, he lightly leaned his head on Xie Ming’s shoulder: “His name is Uranus Temple Houtaro, Mr. Cabinet must have heard of him.”

“It turned out to be Lord Uranus Temple, long Yang.”

Hearing Xie Ming’s name, Du Lang’s face in the cabinet changed, and he quickly stretched out his hand and smiled and said, “I am Du Lang in the cabinet. I currently hold the position of the police. I am considered Miss Mu Geng’s former fiance.”


Xie Ming glanced at Mugen meaningfully, making Mu even more irritated. First, he was angry at Xie Ming’s non-cooperation, and second, he hated the stern pull of tigers between the cabinets. But immediately, she changed to a coquettish appearance.

“Hutaro, don’t be angry.” Mu Geng patted Xie Ming’s arm gently, and said softly: “My marriage contract with Mr. Cabinet was cancelled when I left Tendo’s house. Now, Everything about me is yours alone.”


Xie Ming’s body suddenly became extremely stiff, oh my god, he didn’t have the intention of wanting to be green, why did he become like this? I can’t help but start to reflect on when did I establish a love FLAG with Mu Geng.

Like Xie Ming, no matter how good the camouflage is in the cabinet, his face at this time is extremely ugly.

In his mind, he had long defined the woman Tiantong Mugen as his own. This is not a beautiful feeling of love, but a kind of ugly possessiveness.

“Hahaha, in that case, I won’t bother you both.”

The cabinet with an extremely pale expression gave a strong smile, and quickly left the cafe.

Watching the man leave, Xie Ming said helplessly: “Now you can let go.”


Suddenly realizing how bold he had just done, and how bold he had said, Mu even exclaimed, hurriedly let go of his hand, and his pretty face suddenly turned red.

“I only know shy now.”

Xie Ming sighed: “If I changed people just now, I really misunderstood. Let’s have a snack next time.”

“Well what does that mean!”

Mu Geng, who was still shy just now, raised his eyebrows in an instant, and stared at Xie Ming fiercely: “Do you think I am really just a person who would do that kind of action?!”


Now it was Xie Ming’s turn to be speechless.

“Hmm.” Mu Gengbai gave Xie Ming a glance: “Also, what I just said is not all false.”

Leaving such a sentence, Mu Geng turned and left. Xie Ming was left in a daze, staying in place.

“Although the grievances have been reported, it is a good thing to have a cheerful personality… but… alas.”

With a sigh, Xie Ming also left the cafe. After being so upset by Mu Geng, he has forgotten what he was doing here.


“Asshole! Asshole!! Asshole!!! Uranus Temple!!!”

In the abandoned factory, the cabinet in the cabinet kicked the man who was tied up by the five flowers fiercely, his expression was distorted, and his previous elegance was not seen. He seemed to regard this man as Xie Ming, freeing his anger to his heart’s content.

“Cough…cough cough…”

The man who was bound and fell on the ground was constantly twisting his body because of pain. But this kind of struggle aroused the deep anger in the cabinet.


A man with a mask stopped the venting of anger in the cabinet, and said lightly: “Hurry up and kill him. This man understands the part of the Black Swan plan, which has become an obstacle to the Wuxiang Society.”


A spit on the man, Atsushi in the cabinet seemed to have some meaning: “Lair, when will we go to do it? And, can you get rid of that damn Uranus Temple Hutaro first?”

The masked man who was called the lair by the cabinets looked mercilessly at the cabinets, and replied indifferently: “This time period is impossible. I also advise you to give up this idea and don’t provoke the evil star. .”


The cabinet asked angrily: “Even if his strength is strong, don’t our Wuxiang Club have enough ability to solve him?! For example, using the power of the police in my hand, I will kill this and discover our secrets. The police were accused of convicting him.”

“I said, this time to stay hidden, this is the command of the leader.” The lair calmly glanced at the cabinet, making him quiet for an instant. But the face is still a bit ugly.

“If you can’t bear it, you’re going to make big plans. It’s just a woman who will have to wait until Wuxiang will succeed. At this time, the Tokyo area is in a turbulent period of power transition, and the leader is trying to get a higher position. So, we We must eliminate all unstable factors.”

“…I see.” There was a bit of resentment in the cabinet, but he nodded and said: “I will continue to delete the images of the members of the Wuxiang Society from the’black building’ and make a disguise. work.”

“That’ll be fine.”

The lair nodded, then bent down, took out the rags from the man’s mouth under the feet, and calmly said, “Any last words?”


“HuoChang…. Is your initiator red and hot? I understand. I will send her down to see you.”

The lair nodded and drew the pistol from his waist.

“Then, goodbye, Suwon Guiba.”


At this time, a bullet broke through the window and hit the place where the lair was originally standing. However, the people in the lair had already stepped aside, and their tone was full of chill.

“who is it?”

“Didn’t you just mention me? How come you forgot about it.”

The heavy door of the factory was cut into several pieces in an instant, and the warm sunlight came in. Stepping on the sunlight, Xie Ming’s voice faintly reached the ears of the two.

“I was thinking about following the vines, and following you to find more members of the Wuxiang Society. But forget it, I can’t help but die.”

“Uranus Temple… Houtaro.”

The tone of the lair was full of deep fear: “You are, how did you find this place?”

“How did you find this place? Then you have to ask the member next to you. Isn’t it, the cabinet is very bright?”

Taking the demon sword back into the scabbard, Xie Ming said playfully.

“How is it possible!!? It’s not me!!!”

The cabinet yelled in panic: “How can I be exposed?! I have always been hiding well!!?”

“Yes, you hide well. But your IQ is too much in arrears.”

Xie Ming played with the blue rose casually, with a sneer on his face.

“Anyone who enters the ‘Black Building’ to check the surveillance must have your consent, even if the Holy Emperor himself gave the order. But did you give this order?”

“Yes… so what?”

“Not so good, just sighing for the accomplice next to you.”

Xie Ming glanced at the masked lair and said softly.

“Next time, don’t look for a pig teammate again. However, I believe you will not have another one.”

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