Chapter 416

“Brother, brother…brother, I’m so hungry…”

“This voice is… Nanako!”

In the darkness, the young man named Suwon Kihachi mumbled to himself.

Every time he recalled his sister’s voice, his heart seemed to split. Pain, regret, powerlessness, all kinds of negative feelings entangled him, as if to drown him in the water.

The Suwon family is not poor. Rather, it can be regarded as a family with better conditions. However, his sister, Nanako Mizuhara, never got enough to eat.

There is only one reason, Mizuhara Nanako is the child of curse.

The parents hated her. The neighbors rejected their home because Nanako. The children on the street often took stones to smash the glass of their home, shouting that Nanako should die, and the children of the curse should die.

Every time she was dying of abuse by her parents, Nanako survived tenaciously by relying on her super resilience. But when he recovered, he suffered even more vicious abuse.

Even myself, every time I bring a few chocolates or snacks to Nanako, he will be beaten badly.

My young self is powerless. I can only make up my mind to be independent as soon as possible, leave this home as soon as possible, and take my sister with me.

However, Nanako did not wait until that moment.

Mother, holding the Browning pistol, pulled the trigger frantically. The bullets shot into the girl’s body one by one. He can only be sluggish, witnessing all this.

“It’s okay, my sister can still live. As long as it doesn’t hit the heart…”

Suwon Guiba can only comfort himself so much. But a shot of gunfire easily shot through this comforting lie.

The younger sister fell to the ground, the blood carrying her life slowly passing by.

“Nanako, don’t die…don’t die…”

Holding his sister in her arms, she said some weak words, looking at her sister’s attachment to her brother, her desire for life, and her pure and flawless eyes, gradually dimmed.

“Hahaha, bastard is finally dead!! Damn devil!!! I finally liberated!!!”

Obviously, he personally shot and killed his own daughter, but the mother did not feel a trace of sadness. Instead, he laughed sharply and even hummed a small song.

My sister is dead. She always follows her ass. My sister who tries her best to smile no matter how painful things she encounters… is dead.

The blood reddened the hands that I was holding my sister, soaked in my uniform. My sister’s lifeless eyes and pale face were my eternal nightmare and eternal scar.

Therefore, he left home from junior high school, self-reliant, and became a policeman. Just to be able to save more children who are like their own sisters.

When I knew that someone had created the children’s hometown, Gensokyo. He immediately became the first group of members to join, and his partner, the starter who looked almost exactly the same as his own sister, was in full bloom together.

Wait, the fire is hanging?

“Your initiator is red. I will send her down to see you.”

The voice of the man wearing the mask suddenly echoed in Suwon Kihachi’s mind.

“Fire drop!!!”

Sitting up abruptly, Gui Ba shouted.

“Hey, I’m very energetic. It seems that the treatment effect is good.”

Xie Ming put down the file in his hand and said lightly.

“Your Excellency Uranus Temple… is this? Gensokyo’s hospital?”

Smelling the faint smell of disinfectant in the air and the white decorated ward, Gui Ba said in surprise.

“It looks like it’s okay. Then go through the procedures for leaving the hospital by yourself. I’ll leave if I have something to do. By the way, your partner doesn’t know about your hospitalization, and is still studying at school. So don’t worry.”

“Wait, Lord Uranus! I have something to tell you!”

Gui Ba quickly got up and stopped Xie Ming.

“About Wuxianghui’s’Black Swan Project’, right? I already know about that, but I still want to thank you for your contribution.”

“Then…just fine. I don’t know what you are going to do?”

“Do you still need to ask?”

Xie Ming showed a cold smile: “Following the vines, and then pulling out these guys one by one, and slaughtered them.”


Although he joined Gensokyo for almost a year, Guipachi has probably understood what kind of person Xie Ming is. However, it is still a bit difficult to adapt to his decisive and indifference character towards him.

Seeing some unforgettable ghosts, Xie Ming comforted.

“It’s okay, the den and the cabinet have been arrested. You and Hozuru will stay in Gensokyo during this period. Don’t go out. It’s absolutely safe in Gensokyo, so don’t worry.”

After speaking, he walked out of the ward.

“That was not what I meant.”

Guiba looked at the closed door of the ward, feeling helpless. Looking at his body, there were no problems with the broken limbs and ribs. I couldn’t help but sigh again for Gensokyo’s superb treatment techniques beyond the outside world.

Although I still couldn’t let go of the organization of Wuxianghui in my heart, I changed my mind and thought that the boss of my own family can even handle the existence of such a behemoth as the Tiantong family. The little Wuxianghui, no matter whether it is wise or armed, I believe it is invincible.

“Go home and cook for Huo Chu.”

Shrugging, Guiba also walked out of the door.


In the secret prison of the Intelligence Agency, the father and son in the cabinet, as well as the lair, have been tied up by the five flowers and thrown into the interrogation room.

In front of them, Xie Ming, Mu Geng, and Rintaro.

“Mr. Cabinet, we met again. It’s been a long time, Uncle Soichiro.”

Mu Geng looked at the two with complicated expressions, and said softly. Rintaro also looked at the two with a complicated face, and clenched his fists. Xie Ming had already explained the affairs of Wuxianghui with the two.

“I am telling you to come just because I found something interesting.”

Xie Ming glanced at the two and said lightly.

“The first one is that the intelligence personnel have entered the homes of the father and son in the cabinet to conduct a full search and found a list of the Wuxianghui. Some people on the list are not recorded on the Tokyo area registration. It appears to be the Wuxianghui. Hidden people.”

“The other people recorded on the list have been arrested one after another. However, what makes me curious is that there is no one person’s name on the list. This is somewhat inconsistent with my Master’s news.”


Rintaro couldn’t help but asked aloud.

“Senichi Shigaki, the highest cadre of the Wuxiang Society in the Tokyo area.”

Hearing this name, the expressions of Kisara and Rintaro changed in an instant.

“Uncle Ziyuan? Impossible! How could he be the highest cadre of the Wuxianghui?!” Lentaro slapped the table and shouted in disbelief.

That’s right, this name is familiar to Rintaro and Ki. He used to be the housekeeper of Tendo’s family, and took good care of them when Rintaro and Kisara were children.

Even when Kisara and Rintaro left Tendo’s house, they also left with them, becoming the registered person in charge of the Tendo Police Company and the guardian of the two minors.

In the eyes of the two, Ziyuan Xianyi was a kind-hearted uncle, who is now recognized by Xie Ming as the highest cadre of the terrorist organization Wuxiang Society. How can they accept this? How can it be accepted? !

In other words, Rintaro is the only one who is unacceptable. After the initial emotional fluctuation, Mu Geng has calmed down.

“Hutarou, since you said that Uncle Zigaki is a member of the Wuxianghui, then believe that you have a certainty.”


With a sneer, Xie Ming opened the laptop on the table and projected the data onto the wall through the projector.

Seeing the picture, the father and son in the cabinet suddenly looked like ashes, and the nest also lowered their heads.

They knew that the Wuxiang Society could be declared completely destroyed in the Tokyo area.

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