Chapter 417-The Fifth Monument

“This is a statistical graph of the power consumption of various facilities directly transferred from the’Black Building’, which is the central control development agency, with the permission of Shengtianzi, as well as the repaired, all the action surveillance videos of Zigaki Senichi.”

Xie Ming explained that he manipulated the computer skillfully.

“First let’s look at this statistical chart. This chart has filtered out the facilities that have been checked, leaving only the power consumption inconsistent with the actual situation. Let us see, what are these facilities?”

“The 錵 element collection factory, the 錵 element refining company, the XX research center…the power consumption of these facilities far exceeds the average, and each of them has a more or less relationship with the Zigaki Senichi.”

“And the one that interests me the most is this.”

Controlling the mouse, Xie Ming clicked on a picture.

“This is…” Mu Geng murmured, “The fifth monument.”

“Yes. In the statistical chart, the power consumption of the fifth stone monument actually accounts for 2% of the total daily power in the Tokyo area. This is very unimaginable.” Xie Ming knocked on the table with his fingers, faintly Said.

That’s right, this is the biggest loophole in the Wuxiang Club plan. The huge power consumption of the No. 5 Monument cannot be covered if someone is interested in investigating it.

The reason why it can be hidden to this day is that the father and son in the cabinet firmly controlled the “black building” and eliminated all traces. Secondly, no one cares about the trivial things about the electricity consumption of the monument.

People have only one idea. As long as the stone monument is still useful and can resist the invasion of the gastrointestinal organisms, what does it matter if it consumes more power?

Residents in the Tokyo area think so, so until now they have not found the Wuxianghui.

The people in Wuxianghui think so too, so they haven’t made up for this huge loophole.

Therefore, now that both father and son are caught in the closet, this loophole has become the biggest weakness of the Tokyo Gosho Association. And this biggest weakness, now the Master is in Xie Ming’s hands.

It is precisely because of this that the father and son and the nest between the cabinets will show their faces.

In fact, the reason why Xie Ming was able to determine that there was a problem with the fifth monument was because of Hiruko Yingyin’s prompt. Although he only said number five, it was not too difficult after repeated screenings.

“But, this only shows that there is a problem with the fifth monument? It doesn’t mean that Uncle Ziyuan is a senior cadre of the Wuxiang Society, right?!”

Rentaro raised a question.

That’s right, just looking at the statistical graphs really can’t really prove Zigaki Senichi’s true identity. Even if all the power-consuming facilities are more or less related to him, he is not alone.

This can be completely prevaricated by the word’coincidence’.

Just looking at the statistics chart, it is true.

“Don’t worry, there are repaired surveillance videos.”

Flicking the mouse with his right hand, clicked on the surveillance video compiled by Yui.

In the picture, a man wearing a cloak walks into the underground facility of the fifth monument. Then the picture paused and zoomed in. After a few sharp adjustments, everyone could clearly see that the man’s finger was wearing an expensive ring.

Later, Xie Ming tuned out other surveillance videos with Ziyuan Xianyi, and also enlarged his hand.

“Now, there is nothing to say.”

Rentaro was silent.

He and Mu knew that ring better, and it was the only contact between Ziyuan Xianyi and his dead wife. Since childhood, they never saw Xianyi Ziyuan take off this ring at any time.

It’s funny, it’s ridiculous, it’s ridiculous. But this is reality. As the highest cadre of the evil organization, he exposed his identity because of a ring in memory of his deceased wife.

No matter how evil, how ambitious people are, there is always such a soft place in their hearts. And the softness in Isshin, perhaps, is just such a ring.

However, these are not the reasons for Xie Ming to let him go.

Perhaps, you can call Ziyuan Xianyi a hero. If you want to achieve great achievements and reach the pinnacle of power, you will inevitably step on countless people under your feet, and even sacrifice.

For Zigaki Senichi, everything in the world can be sacrificed for him who lost his beloved in the war of primitive gut creatures. But Xie Ming couldn’t let him do this.

Anyone who dares to stretch out the clutches of Gensokyo or threaten the lives of the children will surely cut them all by the sword.

“Do you know what you are doing!? You are destroying, the last hope of mankind!”

The cabinets bound to the chairs seemed to be in the final struggle.

“The 錵 element will be collected and exhausted one day. At that time, humans will inevitably fight each other and war due to the resource problem of the 錵 element! Before that, we Wuxiang Society must first use the original intestine creatures. , To unify the world!”

“This is the real hope of the world!!!”


Hearing the deep thoughts in the cabinet, the three of them were silent. Mugeng and Rintaro are a little better, Xie Ming is already looking at the cabinet as if he is mentally retarded. The look in his eyes instantly annoyed him.

“What’s weird?! Only when Wuxiang will unify the world first, and then eliminate the primitive gut creatures, will the world usher in true peace!!”

“With your IQ, you can still be a policeman in Tokyo, so is it still relying on nepotism?”

Xie Ming squeezed the bridge of his nose, looked silently at the cabinet, and said lightly.

“You said that the world will fight for the 錵 element. Then can you tell me why the world is vying for the 錵 element?”

“Of course it is because the 錵 element can kill the gastrointestinal creatures!”

“Then the primitive gut creatures have been eliminated, isn’t the 錵 element less important?”

“What silly thing are you talking about?” At this time, it was the turn of the cabinet to look at Xie Ming like a fool: “If the gastrointestinal organisms were so easy to eliminate, would humans be forced to the present level?”

“Since you also know that gastroenteric organisms are very dangerous, why do you Wuxiang have to cultivate gastroenteric organisms that are resistant to the elements? With this technology, it is not better to use it on how to eliminate gastroenteric viruses. ?”

“Obviously I want to take advantage of this troubled world to satisfy my ambitions and desires, but I want to hang on to save the world. When I become a female watch, I have to set up a torii, and I’m talking about people like you.”

Without concealing his contempt for the cabinet, Xie Ming mocked: “A person like you who is incapable but empty and ambitious is just a cannon fodder in the eyes of others.”

“Dream words, just talk in your dreams.”

He immediately walked out of the interrogation room and shut the yelling sound from the cabinet in the room. At this time, a member of the Intelligence Bureau came over and said with a serious expression.

“Your Excellency Uranus Temple, Ziyuan Xianyi was rescued. The direction of escape is the fifth megalithic stele.”

“I see.”

Xie Ming nodded calmly: “Proceed according to the plan, and be careful not to cause casualties.”


“Okay. Next, it’s time to close the net.”

Extending his arms, Xie Ming glanced at Rintaro and Mugeng who were still in a depressed state, and asked, “How about it, do you want to come with me?”

“Of course!” Lentaro gritted his teeth and Mu Geng nodded silently.

“Then go, go to the fifth monument.”

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