Chapter 419

People’s common sense has always told themselves that one person can’t compete with an army, no matter how powerful you are.

Because human spirit and physical strength are limited, it is impossible to be in a state of full concentration all the time. In the fierce battle, a little relaxation will kill you.

Even if you can persist, mental fatigue and physical exhaustion are inevitable. More importantly, your enemy is more than just a cold weapon confrontation.

If talking about the most famous one-to-many battle, there is nothing more than Zhao Yun Changbanpo’s seven in and seven out. And the reason for his brilliant record is not only Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong’s martial arts superb and mental tenacity. The more important reason is that Cao Cao’s men are merciful.

It is well known that although Cao Cao’s personal behavior is very poor, he is a person who loves talents very much. Otherwise, he would not make a famous poem like “Zhou Gong spit-feeding, the world returns to the heart”.

In the Battle of Changbanpo, Cao Cao saw Zhao Yun’s bravery and loyalty, and he loved talent. Therefore, he ordered that no one should shoot arrows to attack Zhao Yun.

Otherwise, once the overwhelming arrow rain fell, then Changbanpo might be Zhao Yun’s bloody place.

However, once you solve the physical and mental problems, and have enough skills to deal with enemy attacks, then what kind of existence you will become on the battlefield.

There is only one answer, dominate.

Although I’ve seen Xie Ming’s battle twice before, it was only through the screen. At this time, Mu Geng, who was behind Xie Ming, felt this in a real sense.

Bullets, knives, swords, spears, claws, teeth, tails, countless methods of attack attack Xie Ming from all angles all the time. However, these attacks were never able to get within 3 feet of Xie Ming’s body.

Mu Geng thinks that his knife speed is already very fast. Especially when she uses the zero-style Tendo Sword Drawing Technique created by herself, her sword speed can even be close to the speed of sound.

But the one that is close to the speed of sound is only that one, or two. If she were to be close to the speed of sound, her physical fitness would not be able to support her, not to mention whether she had that kind of technology.

However, the ray of blades in front of her told her that there was really someone who could maintain the speed of sound with every slash.

Regardless of the mechanized soldiers, the primitive gut creatures of the Wuxianghui are all special species with resistance to the cockroaches. But these special species, in the face of Xie Ming, seem to be no different from ordinary gastrointestinal organisms.

Is there any value that needs to be distinguished from something that becomes two halves with one cut? Xie Ming’s behavior seems to illustrate this point. Unless, among these primitive gut creatures, the regeneration level reaches stage IV, which is the level of Aldebaran.

Of course, this is impossible.

If the regeneration level of a primitive gastrointestinal creature is Stage IV, how can human beings live to the present?

There are things that Mu can do better. Don’t cause Xie Ming to trouble Xie Ming.

By the way, can you improve yourself by observing Xie Ming’s sword skills?


Obviously it was a three-player war with more than six hundred people, but at this time it was divided into two battlefields. One is Xie Ming with Mugong, fighting against mechanical soldiers and primitive gut creatures. And the other one was Rintaro vs. another, a mechanical soldier.

“Introduce yourself first.”

The mechanical soldier opposite Rintaro said softly: “My name is Mizuki Yukawa. The standard for my mechanized surgery is to kill you in a second, Satomi Rintaro’s level.”

“Kill me in seconds?” Rintaro put on an attacking posture, and the “two-one black stone artificial eye” placed at the left eye began to rotate: “If you can do it, try it!”

“Tiantong-style fighting technique one type eight times, firework fan!”

Without the use of prosthetic cartridges, Rentaro’s body turned into a sharp arrow and shot directly at the enemy.

“It’s useless.”

Miji Yukawa said faintly, facing Rintaro’s aggressive offensive, he just stretched out his left hand.


The clash between the super prosthetic limbs made a metal collision sound.


Rentaro’s pupils shrank, and even if he did not use the cartridge to advance, the firework fan was considered a full blow from his normal state. However, he was easily blocked by the man in front of him.


A strange sound came from Yu He’s left arm. What followed was an extremely powerful vibration. This shock even caused Rentaro’s super-chattered right arm to crack.

“Tiantong-style fighting technique three-type nine-fold, Yuqi cage bird!”

Recognizing that something was wrong, Rintaro instantly switched his moves, stepped forward with his right foot and tried to step on the back of the opponent’s instep, and at the same time, his shoulder slammed into Yukawa’s chest.

“So, it doesn’t work for me.”

The prosthetic eye in Yuhe’s eyes quickly rotated, and his left hand gently pushed away Rintaro’s right fist. With this force, he dodged backwards and easily avoided the attack. At the same time, he kicked Rentaro’s chest without mercy.


He supported his body, but was kicked back a few steps. Lentaro’s expression became a bit ugly.

In the first confrontation, he was completely at a disadvantage and suffered a big loss. There was a crack in the prosthetic limb of the right arm, and the foot just made him breathless. more importantly…..

“You know my information.”


Si Ji Youhe spread out his hands and said faintly: “My eyes are an improved version of the “two-one black stone artificial eye” of your left eye. My left hand is equipped with the ability to increase blows. The’super vibration device’ that directly destroys the internal organs of the enemy.”

“It can be said that I am a completely upgraded version of you. But…” said this, a sad and puzzled face appeared on You He’s face: “Why even so, the professor still calls me It failed.”

“However, this title will end today. Because Satomi Rintaro will die at my hands,’Dark Stalker’ Miji Yukawa. I will prove that I am not a failure! ”

“Obviously he is a big man, he can really talk.”

“What?!” Youhe’s eyes showed a trace of anger.

“I said, your nonsense is so much!”

Rintaro clenched his fists and assumed a posture again. At this time, the jet port on his right arm and right leg had been opened.

With a fierce glow in his eyes, Rintaro shouted angrily: “I am not that easy to die! If you want to kill me, please try it!!!”

“as you wish!!”

Pulling out the pistol from his waist, the geometric figures in Yohe’s eyes began to change, and the CPU in the prosthetic eyes began to quickly calculate the environment, deducing the perfect shooting trajectory. So he shot.

“Boom boom boom boom!!!”


At this time, Rintaro was already provoked high, and a bullet was ejected from his right foot.

“Tiantong-style fighting technique type two and four-Hidden Zen·Xiahuafanzi!!”

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