Chapter 420 The so-called mechanization

The right foot raised high, like a sharp axe. The thrust of the cartridge made Rentaro’s kick fall like a meteorite, and Yukawa couldn’t dodge it at all.

“If you can’t dodge, then next!”

The artificial eye began to quickly calculate the wind direction, gravity, the strength and angle of the kick, and which direction is most suitable. In just half a second, the answer has been reached.

Cross your arms and lift up slightly. At the same time, both knees are slightly bent, and everything is acted according to the calculation of the artificial eye. At this time, Rintaro’s attack had arrived.


The powerful impact force directly acted on You He’s entire body, and numerous cracks appeared on the ground where he stood on his feet. But with this attack by Rentaro, he was next.

So, it’s his turn to fight back! Yu He thought so, the geometric patterns in his pupils began to change and rotate.

What is the most critical role of the so-called mechanical artificial eye that can bring to the mechanized soldiers? Quick lock? Calculate environmental factors? Night vision? Thermal induction? These are just auxiliary functions of the prosthetic eye.

The most important thing about the prosthetic eye is the built-in calculation device. This device has only one function, and that is to accelerate thinking.

The intelligence that people obtain through the eyes is actually much more than imagined. However, human knowledge limits the processing of such information by humans. This also leads to human beings unable to analyze the information in a timely manner and then act.

The existence of a mechanical artificial eye actually replaces the brain to analyze the intelligence obtained by the eye. Through the calculation device in the prosthetic eye, the analyzed information is transmitted to the brain. The first step to complete the intelligence processing is equivalent to the first step to control the body’s actions.

Even the ultimate calculation speed of the mechanical artificial eye can even reach ‘two thousandths’ of a second. If this limit is really reached, then people can even predict the future.

Unfortunately, this is impossible. First of all, the human brain cannot do this. This is not to say that the function of the brain cannot achieve this point. In fact, even without the aid of a mechanical artificial eye, with the brain alone, a person can still reach the state of “one in two thousandths of a second”, or even higher.

If the human brain is likened to a supercomputer, then each synapse in the brain is a CPU chip, but these chips have their own uses. The blood circulation, the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and the normal operation of the body are all controlled by the brain.

But all of this only accounts for a very small part of the calculations of the brain, the supercomputer.

A computer, if you use it to play Snake for a long time, suddenly one day you use it to play a large single-player game that requires ultra-high configuration. Even if your computer configuration meets the standard, it is very likely to crash.

The human brain is the same. Computers can also use water condensation to dissipate heat, but how does your human brain dissipate heat? ice bag? The inability to dissipate heat to the brain in time has led to the inability of high-speed operation of the brain’s intelligence processing.

By forcibly transmitting a large amount of processed information to the brain through mechanical artificial eyes, the brain may be able to respond in time, but the side effects of overheating will cause your brain to become necrotic. This is what people often say, “burning the head” in the true sense.

Even if you can solve the problem of heat dissipation, you cannot solve the problem of energy. Using a computer requires electricity, what do I need to use the brain? energy.

The normal learning and calculation of the brain takes up 20% of a person’s daily energy intake. The remaining 80% is the energy required for physical activity. If you want your brain to run faster, it must consume more energy.

So your brain consumes more energy, what about other parts of the body? Eat dirt? Even if you eat soil, it takes a certain amount of time to convert soil into energy.

Therefore, it is impossible for people to maintain the super-high-speed operation of the brain. Unless, you are not using science, it is magic.

Remember one of Xie Ming’s skills, ‘overclocking’? That is equivalent to autonomously turning on the super-high-speed operation of the brain. The side effect is Xie Ming’s large demand for food.

This side effect was not solved until Xie Ming obtained the passive god-level skill of ‘energy conversion’. But Xie Ming has not thought of a solution to the side effects of overheating of the brain.

(Ahem, having said so much, I have lost a lot of words.)

Taking advantage of the end of Rintaro’s attack, while his body was still in a short period of stiffness, Yukawa’s prosthetic eyes had already calculated the best way to attack. With both arms pushed Rintaro’s right leg, his left hand clenched a fist to transform the hammer, and smashed the enemy who was still in the air.

Everything is the same as calculated by the artificial eye.

“Tiantong-style fighting technique type two and sixteenth!”


With the sound of another cartridge firing, Rintaro’s body swung around, easily evading Yukawa’s attack, and at the same time kicked out his right leg again.

“Hidden Zen·Black Sky Wind!”


There was a low growl in his throat, and Yuhe had only time to shrink his right arm to the side, exerting a huge force on it. His feet rubbed a long mark on the ground, and his legs softened, and he couldn’t help kneeling down on the ground with one knee.


Taking a breath, the geometric figure of Rentaro’s left eye was slowly rotating, and he said faintly: “What’s the matter, this is the end?”


You He stood up strong with his body: “Obviously, whether it is calculation speed or transformation intensity, I am above you. Why, I will fall into the wind?”

“Don’t understand yet?”

Rintaro looked at enemies of his age with pity: “Mechanical soldiers existed from the very beginning to allow ordinary people to be able to treat anti-intestinal organisms. Mechanical surgery can only give people the power to surpass ordinary people.”

“However, if you regard mechanized surgery as invincible capital, then you are very wrong. Not to mention Hutaro, even Ms. Kisara, I can hardly beat it. Even if I am a mechanized soldier, it is the same. ”

“A person’s strength is not determined by foreign objects. It is determined by one’s own body and perseverance.”

“I, Satomi Rintaro, although only the early stage of Tendo-style combat techniques, I have experienced a lot of hard battles so far. These battles will digest and become my strength and make me stronger.”

“Si Ji Youhe, you can’t beat me down!”

“I, never feel that I am invincible…”

Yuhe said softly, “I want to do only one thing. That is to prove to the professor who gave me a second life that I am not a failure. I can help the professor!”

“So…” The artificial eye began to spin quickly, and the heat generated by the CPU was transmitted to the depths of his brain.

“I have to, knock you down!!!”

“Then give it a try!!!”

The two roared and rushed towards each other.

“Tiantong-style fighting technique one type three times-the reeling deer and the ghost!!”

“Super vibration!!!”

Twisting his body, a punch with a cartridge and a straight punch with full force, collided in mid-air, and then stalemate.

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