Chapter 421


This is Rintaro’s super-hardened right arm, constantly cracking and falling fragments.


This is the sound of Youhe’s left arm, sparks constantly flashing.

“If this stalemate continues, the first thing I can’t support is my right arm.”

The prosthetic eye of the left eye reported the situation to Rentaro. In that case…..


“Bang bang bang!!!”

Three bullet shells were ejected from Rentaro’s right elbow one after another, and the powerful impact was once again applied to Yukawa’s left arm.

“hold onto!!!”

“Give me… broken!!!”




Yuhe’s left arm was broken, and Rentaro’s right arm also shattered. Because there are simulated nerves on the prosthetic limbs, both of them uttered a painful low growl.

Holding back the severe pain, Rintaro took this opportunity to narrow the distance between the two. He clenched his left hand and gritted his teeth and shouted:

“Ten Tong-style fighting technique one type twelve stage…”

“Flashing in the sky!”


The fist slammed into Yuhe’s abdomen fiercely. From the perspective of God, it can be found that Rintaro’s punch did not only target the abdomen. Instead, using the abdomen as a point, the strength of the fist spreads to the enemy’s body.

Flashing in the sky is a move that transfers strength to the opponent’s body through his fists when the two sides are fighting, causing them to coma. Before the battle with Xie Ming, Rintaro had not yet mastered this trick.

However, I have personally experienced Xie Ming’s collapse, and from it I caught some inspiration for how to penetrate the body, and after many practice through artificial eyes and simulated combat devices, he finally completed the move.

“Still….. Lost…”

Before he fell into a coma, all kinds of flashes flashed through Yu He’s head, and he gave a wry smile and lost consciousness.

“It hurts…..”

Seeing the enemy who had fainted on the ground, Rintaro sat down on the ground with a helpless expression.

In this matchup, if it hadn’t been for a dark loss at the beginning, it would definitely not be so difficult. Still, lack of combat experience.

“Oh, that’s done.”

At this time, Xie Ming and Mu Geng also walked over. Behind is a corpse and wreckage.

“That’s it.”

Rintaro gave a wry smile and stood up: “Uncle Zigaki…Where is Senichi Zigaki?”


Xie Ming tilted his head and gestured for a direction.

The two turned their gazes, and found that Ziyuan Xianyi at this time had no gloom and no killing intent. Some are just dull and unbelievable.

Yes, he knew that Xie Ming was very strong, very strong. One person defeated the sky Sasori seat, and one person repelled the army of two thousand primitive gut creatures. However, he believes that if he were replaced by an army of mechanical soldiers of 100 people, he would be able to do these things.

Therefore, he had the courage to make a desperate move, but the reality swelled his face severely. Xie Ming told him with facts that even if a group of chickens gather together, they are still chickens.

This is not a certain tower defense game. No matter how good a person is, he can’t beat the two or three people on the opposite side.

Hundreds of mechanical soldiers who had spent huge sums of money in the creation of the new mankind were all defeated by the men in front of them in close combat and long-range combat.

Even more frightening is that there was not a single casualty. All of them had their prostheses severed and passed out into a coma. This shows what?

It shows that this man is at ease…

Watching the three slowly walk in, Ziyuan Xianyi didn’t have any thoughts of running away or pulling out a pistol in his arms. He knew that this was just useless work.

“Zigaki Senichi…why?”

Rintaro asked with a complicated expression: “Why do you want to do this kind of thing.”

“Do you still need to ask?” Shigaki Senichi laughed at himself: “Of course it is to become the prime minister of Tokyo.”

“So, why are you helping us?!”

“Of course it was to get rid of the Tiantong family.”

Knowing that he could not escape to death, Zigaki Xianyi simply said: “You two, one is a mechanized soldier, the other is a sword ghost with super talent. Moreover, both of you have considerable hostility towards the Tiantong family. No, than Are you better knives?”

“Especially Mugeng. Originally, I planned to use the cabinet room to drive you into a deeper abyss, and then let you join the Wuxiang Club. As a result, I didn’t expect that Tiantong’s family, who had a great family, was like a joke. , Was wiped out in just a few days.”

“So from beginning to end, did you act only for your own ambitions?!”

Rentaro asked.


The cold words completely shattered the fluke in Rintaro’s heart. Let him hang his head and stop speaking.

“Mugeng.” Xie Ming asked indifferently: “Do you have anything you want to say to him?”


Mu Geng walked forward silently with a calm expression: “Mr. Zigaki, no matter what your purpose is, but you have helped me and Rintaro, this matter will not change. So, thank you.”

“Perhaps as you said, if I follow my original path, it is estimated that I will join the Wuxiang Club for revenge. At this point, I will not, and I am not qualified to criticize you.”

“A murderer must have the consciousness of being killed. I have it, and Hutaro has it. Believe, you are also mentally prepared, right.”

“Is this all I want to say?” Ziyuan Xianyi asked indifferently.

“It looks like you are already indulged in your own ambitions and you can’t help yourself.”

Mu Geng shook his head, and when he looked at him again, only coldness remained in his eyes. Slowly drew out the knife, ready to kill the killer.

“and many more.”

Xie Ming held Mu Geng’s hand: “He is not dead yet. I still need him to provide the list of members of the Wuxiang Society in several other regions.”

“You dream.”

Ziyuan Xianyi sneered and said, “Do you think I am such a person who can speak so easily?”

“Heh, when the time comes, I can’t help you.” Xie Ming said indifferently, while slapped Ziyuan Xianyi’s head with a slap, causing his body to tumble in the air a few times, and then fell to the ground unconscious.



Mu Geng and Lian Taro looked at Xie Ming in a daze. Didn’t you say not to kill him?

“What are you doing?” Xie Ming was a little hairy when they saw them: “I’m not dead, just fainted. I can grasp the strength.”

“…I think I should almost get used to your rude style.” Lentaro pinched his eyebrows and said helplessly.

Seeing Xie Ming taking out the phone, Mu asked more curiously: “Hutaro, who are you going to call?”

“Who else?”

Xie Ming looked for a rock to lean against, and glanced at the two men angrily: “Don’t call the holy emperor, we will rely on the three of us to clean up the corpses lying here.”


It feels that too many things have happened today, plus not sleeping all night, the brains of Lientaro and Kisatsu are a bit short-circuited. The two laughed bitterly, and both found a place to rest.

The long day is over.

The three of them quietly looked at the night sky dotted with stars, waiting for the arrival of the helicopter.

At least for the moment, they can enjoy this brief peace and rest.

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