Chapter 422

Each of the five regions in Japan has a top official of the Five Sho Association.

Senichi Shigaki in the Tokyo area, Sagitake Zonggen, the prime minister of the Osaka area, and Tsukihiko Juzouji, the prime minister of the North Blue area. The Sendai and Hakata areas remain, and the two top officials have no way of knowing.

When Zigaki Xianyi was pressed into the interrogation room of the Intelligence Bureau, he insisted on not revealing any information. Even if the Intelligence Agency used a confession agent, he only revealed some known information.

But when Xie Ming took Medea into the interrogation room and came out again. All the information is already Master. So what needs to be done next is very simple.

Through IISO, an international organization, Xie Ming took a team of people to various regions and caught those who had joined the Wuxiang Club. Those who surrendered were put in jail, waiting to be sent down. Don’t surrender? Killed directly.

It’s so simple and rude.

At the same time, as one of the four sages, even the first of the four sages, Grune World’s lair was also searched for clues that Yui found on the Internet.

Xie Ming personally flew to the Americas, and smashed in one by one, taking Gruene World out.

For this kind of old cunning guy, even if he is the world’s number one mind, Xie Ming would not even think about cooperating with him. It was the best choice to kill directly, but it was a pity that Muroto Sumire asked Xie Ming to save his life.

“It’s a shame to kill like this, Hutaro. Why don’t you take him back to Gensokyo, maybe it will come in handy.”

This is what Muroto Sumire said when he learned that Xie Ming was going to Grune World’s lair. Xie Ming certainly wanted to meet the requirements of this person who could be regarded as one of the most important people in Gensokyo.

What? What do you think of Gruene World? What a joke, how can the captives have any freedom to speak of. It was Muroto Sumire’s face that could keep him alive, there weren’t so many things left.

When Xie Ming threw Gruene World into Gensokyo’s prison, the prompt sound of the main god space also echoed in his head.

Main task three: Hope: slash the darkness of the world and let the light reappear! (Zodiac (3/11), solution to enterovirus (unfinished), solution to organization-Wuxianghui (finished))

One of the three conditions has finally been fulfilled. It takes time, two weeks.

Unconsciously, it has been almost a year since Xie Ming came to this world. This is also very rare among substitutes. You should know that although the body of the surrogate is digitized, it will normally age due to the passage of time.

Unless you reach Tier 4, your life level is sublimated, or you abandon your human identity, buy the lineage of the longevity species (elves, dragons, blood, etc.) for replacement, or obtain items that can keep your body young.

You know, there are many substitutes who are over a hundred years old, who are still struggling at the top of the third tier at this time. These seniors, because of the failure of the sublimation of their lives, in order to maintain their physical state, some have already entered a state of madness.

In the mission world, extract the vitality of the entire world to reactivate your decaying body, or use some evil abilities to seize the body of the protagonist in the mission world, and then re-enter the main god space from the first level…..

There is only one reason they do this, and that is to survive. Dragging his old body to continue the task, there is only one dead end. Everyone understands this.

It is a pity that Xie Ming is an outlier among the alternates. Maybe he is still young, but at least now, he doesn’t want to do things that he regrets because of this boring reason.

Moreover, as a “superman”, the time to maintain a physical state will be much longer than that of ordinary people. Therefore, he does not need to worry about these things for the time being. Plus, he never doubted the possibility of reaching Tier 4.

As long as halfway, don’t really kill yourself.


Crossing the street, the park, and came to a place with many wooden houses. Unconsciously, many vines have grown here and climbed up the walls of the house. In the small open space in the middle of the house, there is a simple bracket, and a big iron pot is hung.

Here is what everyone calls the place of origin. It is also the place Xie Ming built by himself a year ago.

It’s class time now, so this open space looks very deserted. However, after school and after school, this place is full of children’s laughter. Compared to the stadium Xie Ming specially spent money to build, it seems that the children like it more.

That big iron pot still looks like it’s still being used.


Seeing this place, Xie Ming’s face also became very soft. But without stopping, he stepped into the abandoned factory and into the underground laboratory.

“Yo, Doctor Muroto, Medea.”

“Here, Hutaro.”


Muroto Sumire greeted casually, and Medea stood up with a smile on his face.

Gently patted Medea on the head, Xie Ming asked out aloud: “Doctor Muroto, since he came to me, it means that the research has achieved results, right?”

“That’s it.”

Muroto Sumire yawned and threw a light yellow sealed test tube to Xie Ming: “Inhibitors for suppressing the erosion rate of gastrointestinal virus in children have been successfully developed. Every time they are used, the children will be reduced by 10%. % Erosion rate.”

“Moreover, it can be used repeatedly. As for the side effects, that is, the common problem of reduced erosion rate, the ability will also decrease slightly.”

“This is also thanks to the research materials about Grune World brought back by the master.”

Medea said with a smile: “That data fills the last gap in our research. Teacher Muro and I have been fighting for five days without sleep, and finally successfully developed it.”

“Thank you, Doctor Muroto, Medea.”

Hearing the sound of the main god space again, the last stone in Xie Ming’s heart finally landed.

“This is what I should do.”


Muroto Sumire yawned again and waved his hand: “I’ll leave the rest to you to arrange. I’m going to sleep…”

After speaking, she lay on the bed in the corner and fell asleep.

“Medea, take a break, too. Although it is a hero, the spirit will feel tired, right?”

With a wry smile, Xie Ming asked gently.

“Yes, then I’m going to rest too, master.”

“OK, good night.”

“Good night.”

Seeing Medea walked into the lounge next to the research room, Xie Ming raised the test tube in his hand, looked at the light yellow potion inside, and muttered.

“Then, it’s time to say goodbye to this world…”

“Really…. I can’t let go of it.”

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