Chapter 423 Three Things

In the meeting room, Rintaro, Kigen, and Mikaki gathered together again.

“Ah, this isn’t a wooden guard~ It’s been a long time since I saw you~”

“Mother fox.” Mu Geng gritted his teeth and stared at Weiwei: “What are you doing here!?”

“What am I doing here? Huhuhu~ Do you still have to ask?”

Weiwei opened the iron fan, covering half of his face: “Of course it was Koutaro who came to me.”

“Hey, Miori, you too.” Rintaro was a little surprised: “Miss Kisara and I were also found by Hutaro.”

“…Really?” Miori’s face suddenly calmed down: “It seems that Ohu Taro is going to do something.”

“How do you know?”

Mu Geng turned Byakugan and said coldly.

“Hehehe, too. After all, Mu Geng, your nutrition has gone to your chest, and your head is empty, so I don’t know.”


“…It’s lively.”

Xie Ming leaned on the door frame of the room and looked at the three of them faintly.

“I will bypass you today.” Mu Geng gritted his teeth and took back the half-drawn Taishou.

“Hutaro, you call the three of us over, there should be something important to say.”

Rentaro asked seriously, “Could it be that something is going to happen?”

“Strictly speaking, it is.”

Xie Ming stepped into the room and sat on the main seat: “All in all, sit down first. Xia Shi, trouble you.”

“Yes, brother.”

Xia Shi, who silently followed Xie Ming, nodded, and went to the counter beside him to prepare tea.

After Xia Shi served a cup of tea to everyone, Rintaro took a sip, put the tea cup down, and said anxiously.

“Hutaro, the thing is…”

“Ah, there are three main things. The first thing, Yui, and I are leaving the Tokyo area.”


Mugeng accidentally knocked the teacup over, and Rintaro opened his mouth wide, and Miori’s hand holding the teacup trembled.

“…The reason?”

“Listen to me first.”

Xie Ming waved his hand: “I told you about this because I hope you and Mugeng will come and help me take care of Gensokyo. Rintaro is outside of you, Mugeng is inside of you. Xia Shi will help and assist you.”

“The purpose has not changed. Continue to gather the children to make Gensokyo a home for children all over the world. I don’t know, would you like it?”


The two fell silent.

“Mugeng, although you said you want to be my sword, you are still very confused now. I don’t know what to do next, or what the future holds.”

Xie Ming looked at Mu Geng: “If this is the case, why not devote the future to something more meaningful? Although the past is dark, at least, we must bring light to our future. And let this light, Dispel more darkness, don’t you?”

“my future…..”

“Lian Taro.” Xie Ming smiled: “I believe, you are fed up with this damn world, haven’t you? The kind of thing that Yanzhu experienced, I believe you don’t want to see it again.”

“You said that you want to be the insignificant hope, the justice that makes people laugh. Then, can you become the hope of the children and fight for the justice of the children?”


“Miori, although we have had unhappiness. But I still want to ask you shamelessly. Can you be the backing of the children and the backing of this still weak, Gensokyo?”

“I believe in you, so I want to ask you. Please, help me.”

Xie Ming bowed his head deeply.

“Brother…” Xia Shi turned around, clenched his fists, and resisted her tears from falling.

“Hutaro, you…”



The three of them couldn’t help standing up, and even their bodies trembled. They know how arrogant and self-esteem the man in front of them is. In the face of so many disasters that could crush people, he managed to break through with one person and one knife.

But today, he lowered his head for a group of children who have nothing to do with him. They can hear Xie Ming’s words, there is no falsehood at all, so they are so moved.

“I have said this, can I still refuse?” Lentaro rubbed his eyes, turned his head, and complained.

“I am your sword, Hutaro.” Mu Geng stepped aside, knelt down and sat on the ground, placing the sword in front of him with a solemn expression.

“When you help me take revenge, this is my only survival value. So please look up. I, Tendo Kigen, will definitely protect Gensokyo and the children’s home. Until, your return. .”

“That’s it, Ohu Taro, please raise your head.”

Weizhi chuckled and said, “You are the great benefactor of our Sima family. The family motto of the Sima family didn’t teach me, let the benefactor bow his head. Although, the matter of dealing with Mu Geng in the future makes me a little unhappy. .”

“Mother fox, don’t you look at any occasion!?”

Suddenly, Mugen jumped up, glaring at Unknit.

“Thank you.”

Raising his head, Xie Ming gently touched Xia Shi’s head: “Next, it’s the second thing.”

“Doctor Muroto has developed an inhibitor of enterovirus.”


Rentaro, who had just sat down, jumped up again, this time, he was excited.

“Be safe and not restless.” Xie Ming smiled: “The effect of the inhibitor, every injection, can reduce the children’s erosion rate by 10%, and it can be used repeatedly. Side effects are due to the reduced erosion rate, which will make The children’s abilities have declined slightly.”

“Not only does it have inhibitors, but it also has a large number of children’s organizations…” Rentaro said in shock, “This will become a public enemy of the world.”

“Satomi, every country won’t do this.”

Mu Geng smiled bitterly: “Originally, it needs the strength of the children to be against the Antigut. If they are hostile to Gensokyo, how should they be against the Antigut?”

“Yes, that’s the truth.”

Xie Ming nodded: “Regarding inhibitors, it can only multiply from the mother. So even if other people get the medicine, they can’t copy it. The mother’s custody is at Doctor Muroto’s. I will later Take you to see.”

“However, even so, after I leave, there are still things in this world that can threaten Gensokyo. This is the third thing I want to say.”

“Can threaten the existence of illusion…Could it be!?” Unwoven’s pupils shrank, and she covered her open mouth with a fan.


Xie Ming chuckled and said: “The day after tomorrow, I will set off and eliminate the rest, all the zodiac.”


“In this way, even in the face of hostility from many countries, Gensokyo has a threat like me, and controls the only lifeblood of Antigen Gut creatures. I believe that even with the courage of the prime ministers of various countries, they dare not take it lightly. Go ahead.”

“This is what I want to tell you, three things.”

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