Chapter 424 Announce to the World

Only by contacting Gensokyo’s interior can I understand how terrifying this non-governmental organization that has been established in less than a year is.

Mutual assistance agreement with IISO, exclusive production inhibitor, a research team headed by one of the four wise men, Muroto Sumire, and mysterious protection methods.

The so-called mysterious means of protection is naturally the barrier established by Medea for Gensokyo. At its core is a disc that has been meticulously carved and covered with wonderful patterns. Inside, all the energy Xie Ming saved in his free time has been injected.

As long as this disc is placed at a magical intersection, it can spontaneously generate an enchantment with an area of ​​5 hectares. The meeting point of magic can be sensed naturally by the disc.

Regarding all the operations of the disc, Medea told Muroto Sumire. After all, Muroto Sumire is a smart person, and she doesn’t know what to do.

Unknown ancient alchemy technology, magic and magical intersection point, containing highly toxic blood, these things, reveal too much information. But since Xie Ming didn’t say anything, she naturally wouldn’t ask.

This is the convenience of dealing with smart people.

This barrier can even withstand the power of an intercontinental missile. But after resisting, all the magic inside will be consumed.

Even so, it was enough to make Mu even more stunned. After all, that is an intercontinental missile. If she hadn’t believed in Xie Ming, she would have thought she had joined a lunatic organization.

As for the mutual assistance agreement with IISO, it was signed when Xie Ming was running around to eliminate Wuxianghui. IISO also played a big role in eliminating the Wuxiang Society so quickly.

It is said that there are people on the top who are easy to handle, and a good relationship with IISO, an international organization, is of great benefit to both the children and the future of Gensokyo. Therefore, when Xie Ming ran to the Americas, he also stopped by to meet with IISO’s highest council president.

After some ‘friendly’ talks, the two sides reached a consensus. As a reward for killing the remaining zodiac, IISO will not prevent Gensokyo from housing the children.

In times of crisis, Gensokyo is obliged to mobilize a combination of civilian police to help each country survive the disaster. Of course, IISO will inevitably win corresponding rewards and powers for Gensokyo.

In other words, after the members of Gensokyo go to various regions, they don’t need to look at the face of the local authority. Even if necessary, local legal actions can be ignored.

IISO will be responsible for all these responsibilities.

Of course, if the police are found to have abused their power, Gensokyo will directly dissolve the relationship between him and the child and expel him from Gensokyo without IISO.

However, this possibility is still relatively small. The most important thing in Gensokyo’s recruitment is character and whether it is hostile to the children. This policy will continue in the future.

Under all kinds of tedious things, one day just passed.


The next day, Gensokyo City Hall.

The audience is full. Lily, Hina, Yeonju, Medea, Yui, and even Muroto Sumire who was squatting at Ten Thousand Years’s house completely cleaned up and sat among the children.

“Da da da.”

Xie Ming, wearing a black and blue gorgeous suit, followed him, Xia Shi in a cyan dress and Mu Geng in a black dress gradually walked to the middle of the stage.

Spotlights, cameras, and everyone’s eyes all gathered on them.

Fortunately, all three of them have a big heart, so there is no nervousness or panic.

When he walked to the podium, Xie Ming watched the gestures of the staff below the stage.

“3, 2, 1, start!”

At this moment, the faces of three people appeared on screens all over the world. This is a live broadcast for the whole world. Also, the world is changed, start.

“I am Houtaro Uranus Temple, the founder of Gensokyo.”

“I believe you have heard the name’Gensokyo’ to some extent. For you, this organization is a shelter for’monsters’. In your understanding, the people who join this organization are not mentally ill. , Is the child of the curse.”

“But it seems to me that the brain is sick, it’s just you idiots who don’t know what to do.”

Obviously it was a live broadcast to the whole world, but Xie Ming still said the word ‘idiot’ without hesitation. This made the people in the audience, watching the live broadcast in front of the screen, and those who are familiar with Xie Ming’s style, all smiled bitterly.

“Who do you think is the one who has been protecting you? You have been fighting for your life under the claws of the primitive gut creatures. Who is it? It is the policemen, the innocent children you call ‘monsters’.”

“There is an old saying that God closed a door for you, and he will certainly open a window for you. However, you idiots want to close the only window. You really think that there is Is it air-conditioning?”

“You don’t have to try to change channels, it’s useless. Because this is a bandit broadcast. It is licensed by IISO, bandit broadcast. So dirty-minded idiots, don’t think about how to frame us.”

“The reason why I am standing here is not to waste my tongue with you idiots, because it is just playing the piano to cows. The main purpose of this live broadcast is to let the children of the world see. Your hope is here. ”

At this point, Xie Ming showed a soft smile.

“No need to be afraid, no need to fear, no need to be at a loss. Gensokyo was established for you. This is your home!”

“From today, Gensokyo will take you home from all over the world.”

“Wait, and hope.”

After speaking the last sentence, Xie Ming turned and left without stopping for a moment. This time, it was Mu Geng’s turn to speak. The main thing is about how to receive the ‘child of the curse’.

Yui and Medea left with Xie Ming.


“Dad, do you really want to leave without saying goodbye?”

Holding Xie Ming’s hand, Yui asked softly.

“That’s right, master. If you do this, Lily and Hina will be sad.” Medea also rarely showed a reproachful look.

“I have already said what should be said. I have also arranged all the things that should be arranged. Everyone in Gensokyo also knows that I will leave today. Then why make the scene so sad? Besides, I It’s not that I won’t come back.”

Xie Ming gave a wry smile and touched the heads of the two of them. He immediately looked at Medea and said a little apologetically.

“I’m sorry, Medea. I call you out this time and let you do some hard work.”

“Master, there is no such thing.”

Shaking his head, Medea showed an innocent smile: “The master has brought me so many good friends, so that I can do such a meaningful thing. I think it’s better than I’ll be with Yia in the future. Master Song is going to travel, it still has to be meaningful.”


Standing on tiptoe, he gently kissed Xie Ming’s face. Medea said with a ruddy face: “I am willing to sign a mutual assistance contract with the master. This is the kiss of the contract.”


Touching his face, Xie Ming’s face flushed, and he gently stroked Medea’s head: “Then, please take care of me too, Medea.”

“Yes, master.”

“All right!”

Looking at the helicopter parked in the distance, Xie Ming said with a light smile.

“Then, let us travel the world in 30 seconds!”

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