Chapter 426: Red Dragon Emperor-Draige

Dark red metallic luster, sharp barbs on both sides of the arm, and layers of shells on the hand armor are like dragon scales. The most conspicuous is the green orb on the back of the hand that reflects the ferocious dragon’s head.

At the same time, Xie Ming’s consciousness was also drawn into a dark red space.

The tumbling flames. As if the air was about to burn. If Xie Ming’s first impression of entering this consciousness space is red and hot.

Then, he was a huge dragon head, staring at its emerald green mullions, staring at himself.

“Chilong Emperor?” Xie Ming asked aloud uncertainly.

“Yes, my new partner. I’m one of the Er Tianlong, the Emperor Chiryu-Er Draig Goch.”

Withdrawing his head, Draig’s thick voice echoed in this space.

Even if he didn’t express his aura specifically, Xie Ming could still feel a sense of threat and oppression from Draig’s body. This made Xie Ming suddenly a little excited.

“I don’t know, I turned on the mad god state, can I beat you…”


Draige let out a stunned voice, what kind of reaction was this. Among the owners of the cage hand of the Chiryu Emperor in the past, those who saw it for the first time usually had only two reactions.

Those who do not know are afraid, those who know are ecstatic.

And here I want to fight, what the hell is it?

“Ah, don’t care.”

Xie Ming reacted and waved his hand: “It’s just that it’s rare to see the strong, and the desire in my heart is a little hard to contain.”

“Hahahahaha, interesting. It seems that this generation of Chilong Emperor is a fighting madman.”

Tossing his tail, Draig laughed.

“This is a bit wrong.” Xie Ming shook his head and said seriously: “Although I want to fight the strong, but I am not a madman. I will not challenge a strong when I see a strong like a madman. That is death.”

“My battle has always been to protect the people around me. A powerful force must be used on the right path.”

“I see.”

Draige nodded and scratched his face with his paws: “Although I feel that you have the meaning of teaching me, but I am also very happy that my new companion is a man who will not shake his heart because of the powerful force. ”

“Speaking of which, this main god space is really amazing. I didn’t expect that the new generation of Red Dragon Emperor would actually be in such a space with infinite possibilities. Now, the fellow Arubian will lose.”

“Arubion, the White Dragon Emperor…”

Mentioning the name, Xie Ming shrugged: “Perhaps one day, I will enter your world to perform tasks. However, if the White Dragon Emperor does not come to provoke me, I will not take the initiative to provoke him. ”

“But…” Xie Ming said with a weird face: “The main god told you the information of the main god space, but did it tell you, if you didn’t enter the main god space, what would your future be like?”


Seeing Xie Ming’s weird expression, there was a bad feeling in Draig’s heart. This kind of feeling, even when it faced the three forces of God, Demon King, and Fallen Angels, had never occurred.

“No… what is my future like?”

“No…that’s good.”

Xie Ming rubbed his face and said, “Well, let’s do it. You don’t want to understand these, really, some things, you still don’t know the best.”

“…Alright.” Draige nodded: “Then, I would like to ask you a lot of advice in the future, buddy. Take me with you to learn about these heavens and myriad worlds!”

“Well, leave it to me, buddy.”

Xie Ming stretched out his fist and touched Draig’s outstretched paw lightly, and then withdrew from the consciousness space.


In his personal space, Xie Ming looked at the scroll and test tube in his hand, and began to discuss with Yui how to use this reward.

First of all, needless to say, first add Rewrite’s 10 data points and rewarded 40 data points to your five attributes.

Lord God Walker: Xie Ming

Title: Shield of Body, Blade of Heart

Main God Space Number: 23333

Race: Human

Combat power: 170

Combat power level: second-order high-end

Strength: 124

Durability: 124

Agility: 124

Intelligence: 124

Energy: 124

Then, it is the equipment upgrade scroll (perfect), which equipment should be used. To be honest, Xie Ming is very difficult to choose this time.

If the equipment on one’s body is not the best, using this equipment upgrade scroll (perfect) to upgrade is completely wasteful. But Xie Ming’s body is almost all top quality.

If it weren’t for the guidance of Yaodao Cunzheng and Qixingxing, Xie Ming would not be so distressed.

In the end, Yui replaced Xie Ming, who had difficulty choosing, and listed two candidate equipment.

Handy iron knife, blue rose.

Because the equipment on Xie Ming’s body, whether it is Blue Shadow Cloth Armor or Yuzan’s Pain Leggings, can be replaced in Tier 2. In particular, Qingying’s cloth armor, the barrier created by its skill, light defense, could no longer keep up with Xie Ming’s pace.

Slashing! In the world of Crimson Eyes, the light imperial enchantment in front of Acedes can only play a role in delaying that time for less than half a second. For Xie Ming, this is like a tasteless one.

Especially the skill protection that Aegis got after upgrading, made Qingying’s equipment equal to nothing. Replacement is already inevitable.

Another piece of equipment, Yuzan’s Pain. Although it was also a piece of top-quality equipment, it was directly inferior compared to the blue rose.

If you asked why the handy iron knife was also added to the list, it was because of Aegis in the final analysis.

Aegis, has a peculiar property that cannot be broken or destroyed. The handy iron knife can change with the user’s wishes. What can everyone think of for the first time with this characteristic?

In Journey to the West, Monkey King’s golden cudgel, Dinghai Shenzhen, is not such an attribute?

Of course, this is just a guess. In case this handy iron knife is just a little special, then the equipment upgrade scroll (perfect) is really a waste. It can be said that choosing a smooth iron knife is a gamble.

“Sure enough, choose the blue rose.”

This is not because Xie Ming does not want to gamble, but Xie Ming is indeed facing a problem now, the lack of long-range attack methods. Only relying on the first-order blue rose can no longer deal with the second-order enemy.

This can be seen from the fact that in this world, the leader of the surrogate team easily accepted the attack of the Blue Rose with the giant sword in his hand.

Now that it has been decided, there is no more hesitation.

“Use the equipment to upgrade the scroll.” Xie Ming opened the scroll in his hand and said lightly.

It is detected that the agent is using the equipment upgrade scroll (perfect), please select the upgrade equipment.

“Pistol, blue rose.”

Are you sure to upgrade this equipment?


This time, what was drilled out of the scroll was no longer a colorful bird, but countless mechanical parts.

Under the gaze of Xie Ming and Yui, the gun body of the blue rose was disintegrated in mid-air, and then those small mechanical parts were added in, surrounded by countless geometric patterns, the blue rose began to reorganize.

First of all, the barrel became more rugged and turned into a vertical double caliber. On the gun body, weird patterns and markings appeared. Before the comparison, the gun body appeared more narrow and long.

This is Xie Ming’s new long-range weapon. but…..

“It feels like that blue rose with Nero (one of the protagonists of Devil May Cry IV, Devil May Cry 5)…” Xie Ming couldn’t help but vomit.

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