Chapter 427: Opening the Treasure Chest for the First Time

Pale blue rose

Category: Double caliber large revolver gun

Level: Tier 2

Restrictions: Firearms Grandmasterlv.20, strength and agility are above 120.

Reloading number: 6 rounds

Attack power: 100~160

Effect: Bullets can be filled with live or energy bombs. Energy bomb reloading consumes the energy of the surrogate. There are four types of explosive bombs (10), frost bombs (10), light thunder bombs (20), and shadow bombs (20).

Explosive bombs have burning and explosive effects.

Frost Condensation Bomb slows down the movement speed and freezes the effect.

Lightning bullets have armor-breaking paralysis and special attack effects on dark creatures.

The Shadow Corruption projectile has the effect of corroding and trapping the enemy.

Skill 1: Head Hunter (Passive): When hitting an enemy’s head, the damage is increased by 100%.

Skill 2: Evil Hunting (Passive): When fighting against dark creatures, the damage is increased by 100%.

Skill 3: Lock (active): After opening, it will automatically aim at the enemy’s head and perform 3 consecutive shots. (Cooling time 10 minutes)

This is the blue rose after the upgrade. It can be said that it is exaggerated and scary. It can be regarded as the pinnacle of Tier 2 firearms equipment. It even has a place in Tier 3 pistol firearms.

You know, Xie Ming saw in the business district before that the best sniper rifle on the market has an attack power of only 100 to 130. The attack power of a pistol can actually reach 160 directly.

More importantly, the original energy bomb has been upgraded again. Although the energy required has been directly doubled, this double is definitely worth the money.

However, the dramatic increase in power also represents the harsh conditions of use. Regardless of whether it is the LV.20 firearm Grandmaster, or the dual-attribute 120 or more, you can directly persuade the substitutes for single-attribute development.

Even Xie Ming barely managed to meet the basic attributes. If you change to another gunner, it is estimated that the other equipment on your body will have to match this weapon to increase your strength.

“Speaking of which, I really want to thank Fatty. It saved me a lot of money.”

“Dad, Uncle Zhao is a good person.”

That’s right, the LV.20 firearm Grandmaster, the world’s reel price is 800,000~1.3 million. And this big gift, when Fatty Zhao was in the first order, he could easily give it away. It can be seen how big his investment in Xie Ming is.

“Next time you have a chance, please give Fatty Zhao some compensation.”

Shrugging, Xie Ming said lightly.

Now that the equipment has been upgraded, then next, it is time to replace this piece of cloth armor on his body. I don’t know if 500,000 is enough.

“By the way, Dad.” Yui pulled Xie Ming’s hand and said helplessly: “Isn’t there a bloody treasure chest in Dad’s hand?”


Xie Ming was silent for a moment, then remembered. At that time, it seemed that I was planning to find someone with good luck and then open the treasure chest. As a result, because there were so many things, I accidentally forgot about it.

Moreover, there is one important thing. In the end, he seemed to stay with Mugeng and Rintaro.

These two people, although they are the protagonists, are lucky…If they are lucky, Tenten will not be poor and come here to eat.

“Forget it, just be happy. The more you hope, the greater the disappointment.”

Xie Ming, who was deeply poisoned by the Krypton mobile game, knew this truth well.

The scarlet treasure chest was taken out of the space, and the voice of the main god appeared in his mind again.

Whether to open the bloody treasure chest.

“Turn on.”


The treasure chest opened slowly, and the inside was pitch black, like a bottomless hole.

Please reach into the treasure chest and grab the object. There are three chances in total, and 0/3 times have been grabbed.

Xie Ming and Yui looked at each other, Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “You come first Yui.”

“All right.”

Yui learned Xie Ming, shrugged cutely, and then reached into the treasure chest to explore.

“Um… this thing is a bit small… this one feels a little soft… Dad, what kind of thing do you want?”

“Anything will do, Yui, look and take it.” Xie Ming said very buddhistly.

“Then this!”

Yui’s eyes lit up, as if she had touched something that interests her, and then she said forcefully.

A dagger with a pitch-black blade was already in her hand at this time.


Type: Dagger

Equal order: second order

Limitation: Agility over 140 points

Effect: Strength, agility, intelligence +30, weak point crit damage increased by 50%, stealth speed increased by 50%.

Skill 1: Night Shadows (Passive): In the dark, the dagger cannot be observed by the naked eye.

Skill 2: Quick strike (active): After opening, the attack speed is increased by 100%.

“This piece of equipment seems to be…that guy’s main weapon.”

After reminiscing for a while, Xie Ming’s gaze looked at Yui’s eyes suddenly a little bit wrong, Ou Chi Spear!

No, I am not an African. Forget it, who dares to move your baby girl!

“Hehe, then it’s Dad’s turn.” Yui said happily.

“Then, I will once again verify my pedigree.”

Xie Ming stretched his hand into the treasure chest just as he was facing the enemy.

The inside of the treasure chest is like water without resistance. From time to time, you will feel an item that will hit your hand. All you need is to decide and then take things out.

“That’s it.”

After a draw, Xie Ming took out the treasure chest.



This is a book with a blonde woman in a three-point swimsuit. So the question is, what is this book?


A green flame ignited in his hand, instantly burning the book to ashes. Xie Ming said silently: “You are not allowed to tell anyone about this.”

“Puff haha…” Yui covered her mouth with a smile on her face and nodded.

“Hahahahahahaha!!!! Partner, your luck really is the best!!!”

Yui still restrained a little, Draig in the consciousness space had no such scruples. The wild laughter kept echoing in Xie Ming’s mind.

The corners of his mouth twitched a few times, Xie Mingqiang endured the desire to avenge Draige in his heart. After all, if it really tells it its original future, then this dragon needs medicine.

“For the last time, will Dad come?” Yui asked mischievously.


Fighting spirit ignited in Xie Ming’s eyes: “I Xie Ming, when have I been afraid of this! Wherever I fall, I will climb up from wherever I fall. This time, I will also touch books!”

After that, he stretched his hand into the treasure chest again, and took it out without hesitation.

A simple book appeared in his hand. On the book, three characters are written.

spring! ! ! palace! ! ! ! picture! ! ! ! !


Throwing the book on the ground in one hand, Xie Ming scolded angrily.

“Is this guy’s head all liquid!!!?”

“Puff ha ha ha ha ha!!!!”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!”

Yui couldn’t help it anymore, and fell on the grass and couldn’t laugh. Draige in the consciousness space was also tumbling in the sea of ​​flames.

Double laughter is the deadliest.

At least for now, Xie Ming’s state of mind of the Grandmaster Realm was directly broken.

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