Chapter 428: The Liberation of Life

“Yui, should you laugh enough.”

Walking on the road of the commercial district, Xie Ming said helplessly.

“Hmm, don’t worry, Dad, I won’t tell anyone about this.”

Yui said sweetly, but the smile at the corner of her mouth couldn’t be concealed.

“…..Let’s laugh, laugh, laugh enough, stop laughing.”

“Dad is angry?”


“Sure enough~”



The father and daughter chatted, and once again came to the center of the business district.

First, he sold the dagger Yui pulled out and the blue shadow on his body to Fatty Zhao. The price has been discussed in the private message. 300,000 daggers, 20,000 Qingying.

Although at that time, the price to buy Qingying was 35 thousand, but that was the first order. Sell ​​it to the Chamber of Commerce and ask them to sell it to the first order again, and the Chamber of Commerce will always lower the price.

After all, other chambers of commerce also want to make money. With Fatty Zhao’s relationship, being able to give Xie Ming 20,000 yuan is considered an exceptional treatment.

As for the sale of 300,000 daggers, Xie Ming was not surprised. After all, this is a second-tier equipment, and it is the most expensive weapon, and its performance is not bad. It’s so cheap just because of the type of weapon.

If it were replaced with an epee, or a common cold weapon such as a Tang knife, the price would have to be raised by at least another 100,000 or so.

All in all, it’s fine if you don’t get pitted.

But this time, Fatty Zhao couldn’t see him anymore. This guy, there will be another mission world, he will be upgraded, and he is trying his best to prepare.

So Xie Ming and Yui threw the equipment to the counter of the Foreign Spirit Chamber of Commerce, took the money, went out and turned right, and came to the Star Chamber of Commerce again.

Now, there are a total of 860,000 in hand (the last time I bought shoes, there are still 40,000 left), and the budget for armor is about 500,000. The rest of the money is used to purchase alchemy materials through the main god space.

The 10ml Fountain of Life in my hand is still waiting to be configured by myself.



Category: Cloth Armor

Level: Tier 2

Effect: physical, magical defense +500, durability, agility, intelligence +30.

Skill 1: Waning Moon (Passive): During battle, there is a 20% chance to produce a moon shadow to confuse the enemy.

Skill 2: Full Moon (Active): Creates a Moonlight Enchantment with a durability of 3000 points, with a cooling time of 24 hours.

Price: 420,000 exchange points.

This was the equipment Xie Ming chose after repeated evaluations. The 3000-point durability enchantment can withstand the collapse that he has hit three times with all his strength. No matter the price or the skills, Xie Ming was very satisfied.

As for whether it is better than it? There must be, but it is not necessary. Don’t buy the best, only the most suitable. This has always been Xie Ming’s shopping standard. For Xie Ming, this piece of equipment is enough.

With 440,000 left, Xie Ming bought a potion formula from the main god space and spent 150,000.

Don’t say why this medicine formula is so expensive, you have to know that knowledge is priceless. Coupled with the medicine made with the fountain of life as the main material, it is definitely the best of the best.

How can this formula be cheap?

Someone might ask, aren’t Xie Ming and Fatty Zhao on a good relationship? Why not buy the formula from the Alien Chamber of Commerce?

Indeed, Fatty Zhao’s position in the Foreign Spirit Chamber of Commerce is quite high, and the relationship with Xie Ming is also considered acceptable. However, the Foreign Spirit Chamber of Commerce was not opened by Fatty Zhao himself. Those pharmacists who belong to the Foreign Spirit Chamber of Commerce definitely have a much higher right to speak than Fatty Zhao.

Seeing that what Xie Ming bought was a medicine formula related to the Fountain of Life, then these pharmacists were not crazy, chasing Xie Ming to buy the Fountain of Life in his hands. You know, this thing is a very precious material even in the Foreign Spirit Chamber of Commerce, which has a big business at home.

With Xie Ming’s personality, there must be only a three-character reply: Don’t sell, get out.

In this way, not only is it difficult for Fatty Zhao to be a man in the middle, but the relationship he established before may also be ruined. It’s not worth the loss, it’s not necessary.

Moreover, the formula purchased directly from the main god space is also safer and will not be manipulated by others. Coupled with this 150,000 formula, it is definitely worth the money.

Life Liberation Potion Formula

Category: Recipe

Material: Three drops of the fountain of life, tears of the elves, fallen leaves of the tree of life, steel shoots…..

Method: Omitted

Pharmacological effect: After taking it, it permanently increases strength, durability, intelligence, and agility by 10 points, and develops 2% of the physical potential of the substitute. Can be taken three times, and died after exploding after taking the fourth time.

This is a 120-point data point for nothing, and a potion that can develop the body’s potential is not seen on the market. If you sell it, it will cost at least 500,000 a bottle of starting price.

You must know that the development of the body’s potential is directly related to the sublimation of the third level to the fourth level of life. The more potential is developed, the higher the success rate. This alone will allow the three major chambers of commerce to buy it desperately.

Of course, the cost of configuration is also relatively expensive. Except for the fountain of life, which is something that can not be found, the other materials add up, and it takes 20,000 exchange points to configure it.

The most precious thing is the fountain of life. With the 10ml of spring water in Xie Ming’s hand, there are only 20 chances.

Although Xie Ming owns the pharmacist’s artifact that reduces the error rate of material handling to zero, the master of the gods does not need experience and failure to control the heat and time.

Especially when configuring this kind of medicine, it may require the configurator to do five or even ten uses of Isshin.

This is also a very big test for Xie Ming’s spirit.

Therefore, Xie Ming also arranged for the next 7 days.

In the morning, after cultivating the purple magic pupil, he began to dispense the medicine until noon. After lunch, I took a nap for 1 hour, and then began to comprehend the ancient book: the sword breaks ten thousand methods, and the practice of swordsmanship. After dinner, use the once-a-day recovery, and then prepare the medicine until sleep.

To be honest, Xie Ming didn’t intend to sleep. But under Yui’s pouting protest, he compromised.

You know, the most important thing for the job of pharmacy is to have enough energy and a peaceful mind. Therefore, adequate rest is still necessary.

Moreover, Yui will also assist Xie Ming in the preparation of the medicine. With Yui’s accurate calculation, Xie Ming’s success rate will also increase a lot. So in order to take care of the emotions of my baby girl, it is natural to listen to her.

Seven days passed in an instant. The result is gratifying. Although I didn’t have much insight into the ancient books, 4 bottles of the medicine were successfully dispensed. And these four bottles were all successful in the last four consecutive times.

In other words, Xie Ming has thoroughly understood this formula, and if it is configured later, there will be no difficulty.

Three bottles, keep for your own use. The remaining bottle…..

“Give it to Fat Zhao. After all, the wool still comes from the sheep.”

After all, if Fatty Zhao did not succeed in upgrading, his status in the Foreign Spirit Chamber of Commerce would also plummet. Nothing is lost for Fatty Zhao. Moreover, he should be given his favor, and it will be convenient to get good things from him in the future.

Thinking about this, Xie Ming clicked on the private message interface.

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