Chapter 432 Princess Mariana

The five went through a ‘happy’ afternoon, and bid farewell to each other at the prompt of the maids in their respective palaces.

“Master Xie Ming.”

A brown-haired maid bowed and said, “His Royal Highness Mariana invites you to dinner together.”


Xie Ming’s face was a little surprised, but his heart was extremely helpless. He really didn’t want to see that woman, but he couldn’t help it. In name, he is still a knight attached to Mariana, plus others have a bole for him, how can he refuse?

“I see.”

Nodded, Xie Ming smiled: “Thanks for your hard work.”

“You are polite.” The maid bowed slightly: “This is what I should do.”

This is one of the reasons why Xie Ming can mix well in this intriguing palace. No matter who he is to, he will put the opponent on the same status as himself, and will not despise the opponent because of his title.

This is true for both the prince and princess and the attendants. This is why, he can have a close relationship with Yu Fei and others. Because he wanted to tell Euphy, Lelouch, and Nanali, who were still young children.

People may have status because of their different origins, and the difference between rich and poor. But everyone’s life is equal.

Of course, this is diametrically opposed to the education of the British Royal Family. Some elder princes and princesses all have a wrong perception of themselves. Think that you are born to be superior. Even if a group of untouchables die thousands, it is not as important as hurting a finger.

The same is true for Coneglia before. But under the subtle influence of Xie Ming, this concept has been gradually changed.

You know, the second emperor at the time, because of her superior tone and condescending attitude, was often spanked by Xie Ming with a wooden sword. After the fight, I didn’t tell her why, let her reflect on her own.

Even if she cried to complain to Mariana or her mother, the effect would be minimal. After all, a 14 or 15-year-old girl filed a complaint against a child who was only 8 years old at the time. It would be a shame to speak out.

Conelia is also the kind of strong character, even if he was beaten and cried on the first day, he still came to Xie Ming to ask for swordsmanship on the second day. Over time, Xie Ming naturally changed it.

However, Xie Ming’s behavior could not be publicized at all, or even spoken out. Because once it is said, it is a positive confrontation with the royal education model, and the education style of the royal family was formulated by Emperor Charles.

If Xie Ming’s behavior is exposed, he will definitely be used by some hostile people to frame him. You know, Xie Ming and You Fei and others get along very well, but it doesn’t mean that they get along well with all the princes.

Hostile him, despise him, and want to get rid of his prince and the forces behind them are definitely not a few. They, like Lion Majesty hiding in the grass, waited for Xie Ming to reveal his flaws, then entangled and bit him.

For Xie Ming, he didn’t want to stay in this broken place at all. But thinking of the woman Mariana, and thinking of Lelouch and Nanali… Well, forget it, I can bear it.

Knowing that Xie Ming was going to see Mariana with herself, Nanali looked very happy, and even Lelouch’s mood became very good. Although Xie Ming has tried his best to conceal it, how can they not feel Xie Ming’s alienation from his mother when they get along day and night.

One is my closest friend, and the other is my mother. No matter who it is, I don’t want two people who I value very much to have a bad relationship.

In this regard, Xie Ming could only smile wryly.


The emperor, Charles Di Britannia, had countless concubines and more than three-digit children. However, only the most favored or highest status concubine can live in the palace.

In the palace, the places where the imperial concubines and princes and princesses live are divided into 12, named after constellations. And Princess Mariana, Lelouch and Nanali lived in the Aries Li Palace.

Xie Ming lived in this place.

Seeing slim women at the gate of the palace, Lelouch and Nanali both ran over.


“Lelouch, Nanali.”

The woman in a blue luxurious dress squatted down, hugged the two of them in her arms, and gently stroked their heads. Both the pupils and the face reveal the love of mother.

“This is it…..”

Seeing this scene, Xie Ming suddenly felt a huge sense of disobedience. It was obvious that every move of this woman was a perfect image of a mother, but Xie Ming just felt unable to let go.

I feel that what she is holding is not her son and daughter, but…

“My cherished… decorations…”

Forcibly resisting the discomfort in his heart, Xie Ming bowed his head slightly and knelt on one knee: “Subordinate Xie Ming, see Her Royal Highness Princess Mariana.”

“Ah, Xie Ming.”

Seeing the child in front of her, Mariana’s face showed joy: “Get up quickly, didn’t you say that there are no outsiders, can you completely treat me as a mother?”

“Ghosts want to treat you as a mother! Wait, don’t Lelouch and Nanaly become ghosts?”

In his heart, Xie Ming said politely: “Thank you for your love, but the subordinates really don’t dare to be it.”

“Really…. You kid is too kind to me.”

Mariana bent down, squeezed Xie Ming’s face intimately, and said softly: “Come on, kids, let’s eat together.”


Following Lelouch and Nanali, Xie Ming walked into the Aries Palace. Mariana, like a normal mother, looked at the three children in front of her from behind. However, the look in Xie Ming’s eyes was the strangest.

That’s a kind of… Yes, if you use Xie Ming’s metaphor, it’s like scouring a peerless treasure from a group of garbage, full of greed. It makes people feel that Xie Ming’s existence is more important than his own two children.

It’s a pity that Xie Ming didn’t turn on the purple magic pupil now, so he didn’t see Maria’s eyes. Therefore, he just felt that the sight behind him was very uncomfortable, and he didn’t care too much.

After all, staying with Mariana was enough to make him uncomfortable.

At the dinner table, Lelouch was very excited to talk to Mariana about what happened during this time. Tests between myself and other brothers, learning status, and bad things about Xie Ming.

And Mariana, with love on her face, had been quietly listening to Lelouch’s words, and she didn’t say to Xie Ming until the dinner was about to end.

“Xie Ming, this time I will probably stay in the palace for nearly a year, and you are already 10 years old. Would you like to follow me and learn to drive the’Knightmare’?”

Hearing this, Xie Ming’s eyes lit up. Although he had already learned various materials about the humanoid mecha ‘Knightmare’ in various books, he never had the opportunity to actually operate it.

Although I wanted to stay away from this woman, the love for mecha in his heart made him nod involuntarily.

“Thank your highness for your kindness, then your subordinates would be more respectful than fate.”

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