Chapter 433 Bloody Aries Palace

Time, another six months passed.

During this time, except when Mariana had something to do, Xie Ming almost followed her to learn the “Knightmare” operation technique. From the beginning of being hung and beaten, it turned into a back and forth.

At the end of the day, even Mariana had to get real in order to defeat Xie Ming. This progress is simply inhuman.

You must know that the mecha operation technology of “Flashing Mariana” is even the strongest in the empire. In the great empire, even the 12 knights of the Round Table, named as the “Round Table”, can support very few in Mariana’s hands.

Even the first knight, Bismarck Worldstein, is the strongest knight who succeeded only after Mariana was married into the palace.

In other words, Xie Ming, who is only 10 years old, has already reached the level of a ‘round table’. This once again shocked the top empire.

Some people even asserted that if there is no accident, Xie Ming can lead the imperial army and conquer the whole world after waiting another five years.

In order to tie Xie Ming, Emperor Charles had already planned to marry a certain princess to Xie Ming. In this regard, Xie Ming really wanted to thank him for being young, otherwise he would really defect because of the gift of marriage.

The future star of the British Empire is treason for fear of marriage. This is enough to make everyone in the world laugh.

However, for the two duels between Mariana and Xie Ming, only the parties concerned would know the real result.

In the first swordsmanship duel, Xie Ming completely released the water. One is not to be too pushy, and the other is to be moderate in everything. If Mariana is really defeated and she can’t get off the stage, Xie Ming will only be in trouble.

That’s why he thought of a reasonable reason and lost to Mariana.

Mariana knew this too, so she never tried Swordsmanship with Xie Mingbi again.

As for the mecha showdown, Xie Ming really couldn’t beat Mariana. One is his technique, and the other is that the mecha can’t keep up with his reaction speed.

In the face of Mariana’s slash, Xie Ming could respond clearly, but the mecha couldn’t keep up. Sometimes Xie Ming wanted to jump out of the cockpit to dismantle the mecha again.

But if you lose, you lose, and Xie Ming is not someone who can’t afford to lose. Mariana’s familiarity with the mecha and her veteran combat against mechas were the real reasons for Xie Ming’s failure.

After exercising for half a year, Xie Ming believes that he will never lose to this woman again. Maybe Xie Ming didn’t pay attention either, he already regarded Mariana as an opponent in a real sense.

Therefore, he has such a desire to win.

It is a pity that this idea can only be a hypothesis forever.


The next day, Xie Ming walked out of the corner room of the Aries Palace, ready to practice as usual. On the road to the garden, I ran into a somewhat impatient Lelouch.

“What’s the matter, His Royal Highness Lelouch?”

“Xie Ming.” After seeing Xie Ming, Lu Lu Xiu stopped and asked anxiously, “Have you seen Mom and Nanali?”

“His Royal Highness Mariana and His Highness Nanali? No, I didn’t see it.”

Xie Ming frowned and replied.

“Today, I went to Nanali’s room and mother’s room, but I didn’t find them!”

“Don’t worry, His Royal Highness Lelouch.” Xie Ming walked over and patted him on the shoulder: “Worrying will only make you lose your composure, but it is of no use. In short, let’s go and take a look in the garden first. Maybe They are playing there.”

“…Well, indeed.”

Hearing Xie Ming’s explanation, Lu Lu Xiu’s expression improved a lot, and the two quickly walked towards the garden. But when there was still some distance from the garden, they heard the worst sound.

Countless gunshots and Nanali’s screams.


Xie Ming’s expression instantly became extremely cold, grabbing Lelouch’s collar and bursting out at his fastest speed, he came to the garden in just a few seconds.

Then, they saw that a team was retreating from the men in black sunglasses, and Mariana who fell in a pool of blood.


“Where to run!?”

Xie Ming left Lulu Xiu behind, instantly drew out the knight sword behind him, and chased him up with incomparable speed.

“Damn it! Shoot!!!”

The man with sunglasses in the lead saw a 10-year-old child chasing him at super fast speed, and after a curse, he quickly issued an order.

The well-trained team members quickly set up their formations, picked up the small submachine guns in their hands, and poured countless bullets to Xie Ming.

“All of you are going to die.”

This is Xie Ming’s announcement to them. It represents their destiny and will end here.

Wielding a knight sword that was higher than himself, the purple magic pupil in his eyes looked very strange because of the anger in his heart, and even left two shadows in the air.

“Ding ding ding ding ding…”

All the bullets near Xie Ming were cut in half and embedded in the floor on both sides of Xie Ming.

“What kind of monster is this!!!?”

The people in black who had emptied their magazines and were changing bullets couldn’t help making a sound of horror. Because Xie Ming had already entered their queue.

The stumps, heads, internal organs, and blood all instantly covered the white marble floor of the Aries Li Palace.


Xie Ming picked up the head of the club that he had shaved off. There was no trace of Bloodline on his body, only the lumpy knight sword still dripping with blood, showing what had just happened.

“Who sent you, say.”


The severe pain had already distorted the face of the black collar. Looking at Xie Ming, who had no expression on his face, he gave a wry smile.

“Britain, will eventually perish because of this. He actually let us break this monster out of the cage…”

After all, he crushed the poison in his teeth.


Throwing the corpse on the ground casually, Xie Ming returned to the garden of the Aries Palace.

Inside, Lelouch knelt on the ground with a look of disbelief.

Mariana is dead, there is no doubt about that. His face was so calm. And under her corpse, Nanali was horrified with her pretty face stained with blood.


Xie Ming clenched his fists fiercely, his nails embedded in the flesh. Drops of blood fell on the ground.

The Aries Palace is really too big. It was so big that neither Yui’s hostile detection nor his own eyes could perceive it. The past few years of my own have also been a bit too comfortable.

I also believe too much about the so-called guards of the Aries Palace…

This is my own fault, and there is no reason.

Stepped forward quietly, gently put Mariana’s body aside, Xie Ming hugged Nanali.

“Xie Ming… Brother…”

“It’s okay, Nanali.” Xie Ming said softly: “Everything has a brother. So, let’s rest for a while.”


Nanali closed her eyes gently and fell into a drowsiness. And her legs have abnormal distortions. Judging by Xie Ming’s medical level, this is an injury that cannot be cured by current technology.

If there is no supernatural means, or the world’s medicine can cross two or three levels in a short time, then Nanali will always be in a wheelchair from now on.

“Go to sleep, Nanali. I will heal your leg.”

“However, not now.”

Hearing the dense footsteps in the distance, Xie Ming’s face became extremely indifferent.

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