Chapter 434 The Emperor of Britain

“You said, it was your Royal Highness Mariana who asked you to remove the guards of the Aries Palace?”


Conelia put on her skirt tightly, bit her lip, and even shed blood.

Because of the worship of Mariana, Conelia has always served as the guard of the Aries Palace. This can be regarded as the emperor’s little practice for his daughter, and Mariana is also happy about it.

However, such a tragedy actually happened in the Aries Palace, this responsibility, Cornelia is inseparable from the relationship anyway.

“…Don’t blame yourself too much.”

Pat Conelia’s head, Xie Ming walked out. Looking at the bright sunshine outside, I only felt extremely cold.

Frankly told Xie Ming that Cornelia did not lie. In other words, this happened because Mariana herself asked to evacuate the guards.

There are only a handful of people in the entire palace who can convince Mariana and want the guards to evacuate. But these people Xie Ming knows are not the kind of people who can’t be seen.

The death of Mariana was not a big blow to Xie Ming. Although she taught herself how to control the mecha and made herself a knighthood, all these were done for certain purposes.

Of course, kindness is kindness, so Xie Ming will avenge her. But it’s only that.

And Nanali’s injury completely ignited Xie Ming’s anger.

After that, the most comprehensive medical team in the palace picked up Nanali, and then announced a few days later that Nanali would not be able to walk in the future, and her eyes could not be opened due to psychological pressure.

Shit’s medical team, Nanali’s psychological pressure, would Xie Ming who were on the first scene not know?

After hearing the news, Xie Ming broke into the medical room without saying a word and picked Nanali out. At this time, no one dared to offend him directly.

The terrible situation in that place made even the Knights of the Round Table unbearable to look directly at it. Who can imagine that this was made by a 10-year-old boy.

‘Blood Lion Cub’, this is the title Xie Ming received after that day. However, at this time, Xie Ming could not take care of these.

The maid of the garden, the guard, the gardener, Mariana’s maid, and even Cornelia, Xie Ming all inquired. However, there is no useful information.

In other words, the prisoner is deeply hidden in this British palace, and has a huge network of power and connections. Even Cornelia, the second queen, could not know his existence.

Who is more noble than Cornelia?

The imperial concubine, the major earls, and the emperor.

There is no safe place in the palace. Even if they stayed in the palace stubbornly and lost Mariana, they are definitely the lowest level existence. The treatment of Nanali cannot be done in the palace either.

Either oneself, or Lelouch and Nanaly, are in a very dangerous state at this time. You must, you have to escape.

If only Xie Ming himself, then he could go out anytime. The guard of the palace is useless to him, even if he has not yet recovered to his best condition. But what about Lelouch and Nanaly?

How can you leave these two children alone in this palace. If they left, they would really be helpless.

Therefore, we must find a way to take Lelouch and Nanali and leave the palace together.

Thinking about future plans, Xie Ming came to Nanali’s room. Nanaly was still sleeping, while Lelouch was sitting on the edge of the bed, her face gloomy.

“Xie Ming, you are here.”

Lulu Xiu saw Xie Ming push the door in and stood up, his face full of anger.

“Tomorrow, I’m going to see your father. Question him.”

“Go to see your Majesty…I understand.” A plan instantly formed in Xie Ming’s heart: “Then, I will be with you, Your Majesty.”


“Me too, Nanaly’s brother…”

“…Hmm!” Lelouch nodded vigorously: “Xie Ming, you don’t have to be respectful to me in the future. From now on, we will be a family!”

Xie Ming didn’t speak, but rubbed Lelouch’s head.

He has already anticipated what will happen tomorrow. That emperor is not a kind father…


“The Holy British Empire, the seventeenth heir to the throne, Lord Lelouch Vi.Britain, knight Xie Ming, see 98th British emperor, His Majesty Charles Di.Britain!”

Following the call of the informant, Xie Ming and Lu Lu Xiu, dressed in gorgeous costumes, slowly walked into the hall.

On both sides, there are the nobles of the British Empire, looking at the two people, they are all talking.

“I heard that His Highness Lelouch witnessed his mother’s death with his own eyes.”

“It’s so pitiful, I heard that his sister was also involved in the assassination.”

“However, even if it is injured, it can be used as a political prop.”

“Shhh, keep your voice down. Although your Royal Highness Mariana has passed away, you forgot about the other person!”

“‘Blood-stained lion cub’…It’s really scary. At only 10 years old, he can kill a small group of terrorists…”

“With his protection, no one dared to do anything to His Royal Highness Lelouch and His Highness Nanali. His Royal Highness Mariana left a good chess piece.”

“After all, it’s the ‘Flashing Mariana’…”

Xie Ming, rubbing his eyebrows, followed behind Lulu Xiu. This noisy environment simply annoyed him. Moreover, the undisguised malice mixed in it has the urge to draw his sword.

Lelouch, on the other hand, shielded all noise. At this time, in his eyes, only the emperor sitting high on the throne without any expression, his father.

“Your Majesty the Emperor.”

Lelouch resisted the anger in his heart and calmly said, “My mother was killed.”


There was no wave on Emperor Charles’s face: “Then, what’s the matter?”

“What’s wrong!?” Lelouch couldn’t help the anger in his heart anymore, repeating these three words.

“Did you ask to see the Emperor of Britain just for such a trivial matter?”

With a hint of impatience on his face, Charles turned his head to look at Xie Ming: “Why, you also came for this matter?”

“No, my matter, let’s wait until after His Royal Highness Lelouch.”

Xie Ming bent down gently and said lightly.

“My Father!!!”

Lelouch took a few steps forward and stepped up the stairs. The guards on both sides trot up to stop Lelouch, but Charles waved to stop him.

One is that he didn’t think Lelouch would pose any threat to him. The second is that Xie Ming did not know when he had already stood in front of Lu Lu Xiu, staring at the two guards with cold eyes.

Charles had no doubt that if the guard took a step forward, the young man in front of him would break their neck without hesitation. Even if this is in front of oneself.

“Why didn’t you protect your mother!!” Lelouch stepped up the steps and looked at Charles fiercely: “Aren’t you the greatest and most powerful person in this country!!”

“At least, I should see Nanali…”

With his eyes closed, Charles interrupted Lelouch’s angry speech.

“Me and the weak, there is nothing to say.”

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