Chapter 435: Going to Japan

“The weak!?”

“The weak die, and the strong survive. The so-called royal family, the so-called royal family, and the so-called succession to the throne exist in this way.”

Charles lightly showed a 9-year-old child the most ruthless side of the royal family. I didn’t even think about how a 9-year-old child knew so much.

In fact, Lelouch has matured much earlier than his peers. But, after all, he is still young. At this time, he had already been dazzled by anger.

“Then, I don’t want any so-called succession to the throne!!”

As soon as this remark came out, there was a commotion in the hall. Malicious, not malicious, everyone looked at Lelouch in surprise.

“He, do you know what he said?”

This was the only thought of everyone at the time. Xie Ming behind Lu Luxiu showed a wry smile.

“Sure enough, this is the point…Next, it’s Charles’ reaction.”

“Whether you inherit your seat or fight, I have had enough!!” Lelouch vented all the anger and suffering in his heart.

“already dead….”


“When you were born, you were already dead.”

Charles’s face showed undisguised, mocking: “Who gave you the clothes on your body? Housing, food, and even life! I gave them all!”

“In other words, you have never lived by yourself!!! However, you are so stupid!!!”

Charles stood up abruptly, and the momentum that followed made Lu Luxiu step back uncontrollably.

The so-called emperor is angry, and corpses a million. As an emperor who rules over one third of the world, Charles’s aura is naturally not something that Lelouch can resist.

Lelouch was wrong at the beginning, he asked, but the emperor of the whole country. If the emperor is indifferent to Lelouch’s provocation, what is the emperor’s majesty?

“You who are dead don’t have any human rights at all. You, go to Japan with Nanali, and become my exchange item.”


Lelouch’s knees softened, his face full of horror, almost collapsed to the ground. However, he is not alone.

“Oh, I knew it would be like this.”

Holding Lelouch’s arm, Xie Ming sighed helplessly.

“Brother Xie Ming…”

“Xie Ming.”

Charles looked at Xie Ming indifferently: “Now, you can tell your problem.”

“Your Majesty, my problem is easy to solve.”

Supporting Lelouch, Xie Ming looked straight into Charles’s emotionless eyes: “I beg your Majesty, take back my knighthood, and let me go to Japan with His Royal Highness Lelouch and His Royal Highness Nanali.”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone, including Charles, was taken aback.

“Xie Ming, do you know what are you talking about?”

Charles, whose face was completely cold, stared at Xie Ming firmly. If you change another person, I am afraid that you will be speechless in a panic.

“Of course.” Xie Ming smiled and said with certainty.

“Brother Xie Ming, why…”

Rubbing Lelouch’s head, Xie Ming said with a smile: “You said, we are a family. Then as a brother, how could I leave you and Nanali alone?”

“Unexpectedly, you are so stupid, Xie Ming.”

In Charles’s tone, deep disappointment was revealed.

“With all due respect, Your Majesty.”

Xie Ming said lightly: “Although I am still young, I also know what is right and wrong, and what is good and evil. Your Majesty is kind to me, for which I am very grateful.”

“But without Her Royal Highness, whether I can survive is a big question. Therefore, it is Her Royal Highness that I need to thank most, not Your Majesty.”

“Now, His Royal Highness Mariana is killed. I have no way to cut the culprit by the sword. This is because of my lack of ability. However, seeing Lelouch and Nanali being exchanged as props to Japan, this is It’s not that lack of ability can be explained. This is…”


Ignoring Charles’ icy face, Xie Ming continued: “So, please make it happen.”

“very good.”

Charles said it twice and it was good, and he flung the cloak behind him back on the throne: “Then, you can go to Japan with the props over there!”

“Thank you for your fulfillment.”

Smiling, Xie Ming took Lulu Xiu’s arm and walked out of the Palace of Ye Jian.

Within a week, Xie Ming and the three were notified by the servants and boarded the transport plane to Japan, which was at war with the British Empire.

The host of the three was the leader of Japan’s main battle group, Prime Minister Shumu Xuanwu.



Sweat had soaked Lelouch’s shirt. He panted heavily and followed closely behind Xie Ming.

“Brother, are you okay?”

Nana Li, who was held by Princess Xie Ming, wrapped Xie Ming’s neck and asked worriedly.

“It’s okay, Nanali.” Lelouch tried to calm his breath, barely showing a smile: “Nanali is all right, right?”

“Well, I’m fine. It’s Brother Ming who worked hard.”

“Nanali is so light, so why is it so hard.” Xie Ming said with a light smile: “It’s not good to be too light. You have to eat more later. It’s best to eat it as a little fat pig.”

“Don’t do it.” Nanali complained: “If you eat too much, don’t you want to cause trouble to the brothers again?”

“Trouble? Where is the trouble? I didn’t find it. Isn’t Nanaly talking about the little princess in my arms?” Xie Ming asked ‘lostly’.

“Really! Brother Ming pretended to be stupid again.” Nanali groaned, but there was a slight smile on her face.

The three of them are now going to the stairs of Shumu’s house. And Shumu’s house is on a very high mountain. The weather is very shameless, and the poisonous sun is high in the sky, making the ground slightly hot.

In this kind of weather, even Nana Li, who was in Xie Ming’s arms, was all sweating, not to mention Lelouch, a sickly child who had grown up since he was a child.

“Hold on, Lelouch.”

Xie Ming said lightly: “The days after, if there is no change, it will only be more difficult. This kind of hardship is not physical, but psychological. This staircase is just an appetizer.”

“I know.” Lelouch wiped his sweat with his sleeve, then rolled up: “It’s just a flight of stairs, I can hold on.”

“Well, that’s fine. Would you like to take a break and add some water?” Xie Ming motioned to the backpack he was carrying on his back.

“No, Brother Xie Ming.” Lelouch licked his lips: “The last part of the road is left, let’s go up quickly. Otherwise, Nanali may get heatstroke.”

“All right.”

Shrugging, Xie Ming continued to move forward. But he slowed down the pace of walking again, making Lelouch easier.

Lelouch knew this too, so instead of speeding up aggressively, he tried his best to match Xie Ming’s speed.

After another 5 minutes or so, they finally reached the end of the stairs. And there, a young man wearing a Japanese swordsman uniform and holding a bamboo sword was looking at them fiercely.

“It’s coming!? The bastards of Britain!!!”

After the boy said, he threw down the bamboo sword, raised his fist and hit Lulu Xiu fiercely.

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