Chapter 436

“You kid, what do you want to do?”

Xie Ming naturally returned this very ‘friendly’ greeting. Even if he holds Nanali with both hands, it is enough for him to deal with a child’s attack.

First, a sweeping leg tripped the boy directly to the ground, and then a foot was not light or heavy on his chest. The strength just made the teenager unable to get up.

“How can it be?”

When he was stepped on the ground so easily, the young man’s face was not painful, not panic, not anger, but revealed a hint of weirdness.

Don’t think he is only 9 years old now, but Tenten trains swordsmanship in his kendo gym. Moreover, his physical abilities have far surpassed his peers in all aspects, and it stands to reason that he can beat even 15 or 16-year-old teenagers.

And now, he was easily overwhelmed by a teenager who looked as old as himself? And the other party is holding a girl! ?

“your name?”


Xie Ming was smirked directly: “Little devil, first attacked without any explanation, and then wanted to know the names of others without telling them. This is quite the opposite of the Japanese etiquette in my memory.”

With that said, Xie Ming pressed his feet slightly and once again suppressed the teenager who wanted to resist.

“Damn it!!”

Seeing that his plan had not worked, the boy cursed: “I don’t have a name for the bastard Britons to know!”

“Oh, is it?” Xie Ming’s face became cold when he saw the other party’s uncooperativeness: “Don’t think that you can be unscrupulous by relying on yourself as a kid.”

After speaking, the right leg began to exert force slowly.


There was a painful expression on the boy’s face.

“Brother Ming, forget it…”

Nanali gently tugged Xie Ming’s clothes and persuaded.


Seeing Nanali with her eyes closed and a trace of worry on her face, Xie Ming sighed deeply, kicked the boy on the soles of her feet away, and said faintly: “Take us to see your father, Suzaku Suzaku.”

“What!” The boy named Shumu Suzaku by Xie Ming got up, with a surprised expression on his face again: “Why do you know my name!?”

“The physical fitness is very good, but the head is missing a string…”

Knowing the character of Suzaku, Xie Ming shrugged and looked at Lulu Xiu who was aside: “Or, would you explain it to him?”

Lelouch sighed and looked at Suzaku indifferently: “We are the prince and attendant exchanged by Britain. We live in the residence of Japanese Prime Minister Shumu Xuanwu. Here, there are children who can go in and out freely. Then your identity is ready to be revealed?”

“The only son of Shumu Xuanwu, Shumu Suzaku.”

If you want to go to a completely unfamiliar place, how can you not investigate the intelligence of that place? These things don’t need to be reminded by Xie Ming, Lelouch also knows them. However, Xie Ming also saw Shumu Xuanwu’s attitude towards Britain from Suzaku’s behavior.

I believe he should have heard his father and his men discuss how to deal with Britain. In fact, they are correct in doing so.

Before coming, Mariana’s supporter, Ashford’s family, specially sent someone to contact Xie Ming and told Xie Ming about Britain’s plan.

As I said before, the world can now be divided into three major forces, the Chinese Federation, the EU, and Britain. But there is a country that has always wanted to remain neutral and not join any forces.

This country is Japan. However, there is no such good thing in the world. Not to mention, Japan’s underground is buried with the resources that Britain desires.

The foundation of Britain’s foothold in the world is the Knightmare, a secret war weapon that far surpasses all countries in the world. What is needed to drive this Knightmare is an underground mineral called ‘Sakura Stone’.

In the setting of this world, a large number of Sakura stones are buried underground in Japan. Therefore, Britain has always wanted Japan to provide resources to enable its military to expand further.

But Japan, once again rejected Britain’s request. Because it provides Sakura stone to Britain, it means that it has become a subject of Britain and is hostile to the Chinese Federation and the EU.

This is inconsistent with its policy of maintaining neutrality. In addition, cooperating with Britain is tantamount to seeking skin with a tiger, and sooner or later, there will be no bones left. So Shumu Xuanwu strongly rejected Britain’s request.

This has also led to the long-standing diplomatic confrontation between the two countries.

The news Xie Ming got from Ashford was that Knightmare was about to be put into actual combat. Before Xie Ming and Mariana drove, all were just trial machines.

The reason Knightmare has not been put into actual combat is because the pilot machine requires too much of the driver, and the manufacturing capital is too expensive to be suitable for mass production. Therefore, in Britain, only the Knights of the Round Table and the Royal Family own the Knightmare.

Mariana has been committed to promoting the research of Knightmare, and she believes that this weapon will definitely become the mainstream of future wars. So she strongly supported the Ashford family’s research on this.

Even the trial machines used by Xie Ming and Mariana for training were made by the Ashford family.

Now that the weapon of Knightmare can be mass-produced, a large amount of Sakura stone must be needed. Japan has become a must-see for Britain. The reason why Lulu Xiu and Nanali were sent here was just to stabilize the Shumu Xuanwu and prevent them from being suspicious.

All these news pointed out a result. The war is about to come.

After flashing the news in his mind, Xie Ming looked at Suzaku again: “Little devil, take us to see your father. Although you don’t understand etiquette, we can’t do this. When you come to someone’s site, somehow you want to give it to you. The master says hello.”

“One bite, one kid, one bite, one child…” Suzaku’s head burst out with blue veins, and angrily roared: “Aren’t you all kids the same size as me!?”


“Sure enough, it’s a kid.”

Xie Ming and Lu Lu Xiu looked at each other, then ignored the Vermillion Bird and started walking towards the door of the room.

At this time, the people inside seemed to have waited and watched enough, the sliding door was opened, and a man in a green military uniform walked out.

“Lieutenant colonel…” Xie Ming glanced at the man’s military rank, and meditated: “It seems that this man is one of Shumu Xuanwu’s henchmen.”

The man observed the three of them with sharp eyes, and then said lightly: “Prince Lelouch, Princess Nanali, Knight Xie Ming, please come with me.”

“Prime Minister Shumu wants to see you.”

The three of them did not make a sound, and silently followed behind the man, walked in, leaving behind a messy Suzaku outside.

“Ignore me… and… princess, prince, knight?” Suzaku’s eyes widened: “Isn’t that a member of the British royal family? Why did they come back to my house?”

“No, come and have a look.”

The curiosity of the juvenile made Suzaku secretly keep up with a few people.

This was also an opportunity for Suzaku and Xie Ming to become friends.

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