Chapter 437

“Fujitang, the little ghosts have already been brought here.”

Following the man, Xie Ming and the three came to the kendo hall. And a middle-aged man with a stern, majestic look, kneeling in the middle of the gymnasium wearing a kendo uniform, said lightly.

“Yes, Prime Minister Shumu.”

The man called Fujido lowered his head slightly and replied.

“Then let them in.”


The sliding door was completely opened, Xie Ming hugged Nanali and walked into the kendo hall with Lulu Xiu.

At Xie Ming’s sign, Lelouch stepped forward and bowed, “Prime Minister Shumu, I’m Lelouch Vi Britannia. Next to me are my sister Nanali Vi Britannia and our righteous brother Xie Ming. .”

“Hello, Prime Minister Shumu.” Xie Ming bowed slightly.

“Hello, Uncle Shumu.”

Nanali said timidly.


Shumu Xuanwu looked at the three indifferently, and when she saw Nanali’s closed eyes and legs, her eyes softened slightly, but then they turned into merciless.

“Believe, you also know your own situation here.”

“Yes, Prime Minister Shumu.”

Lelouch said calmly: “The three of us were exchanged to Japan as props to reassure Prime Minister Shuki. But in fact, Britain doesn’t care about our life or death at all. So wars will happen sooner or later.”


Shumu Xuanwu sneered: “At a young age, I can see it thoroughly. Then why, are you swapped over?”

“It’s because our mother, Princess Mariana, was assassinated.”

He clenched his fist tightly, Lelouch tried his best to calm himself. But the anger and hatred in the words cannot be concealed anyway.

Seeing Lelouch’s hatred hidden under his eyes, Shumu Xuanwu felt more and more interesting.

There is such a city at a young age. And that kind of deep hatred can’t be faked at all. This also proves that these three people are indeed abandoned sons thrown by the British emperor, and they have no use value.

That’s right, the emperor who has hundreds of heirs, how could he care about the two children who have lost their backing? For that man, the existence of heirs is at best a reliable prop.

Use the blood relationship to control the children, let them attack the world for themselves, and then give some status and land appropriately. Oh, what a British emperor.

However, there is another element of instability.

“So, what about you? Little devil.” Shumu Xuanwu shifted his gaze to Xie Ming: “The two of them are helpless, but you are not.”

“You praised, Prime Minister Shumu.”

Xie Ming smiled: “I am the knight of Lelouch and Nanali, and the brother of the two. How could it be possible to just leave my brother and sister alone and live in Britain?”

“Besides, I’m not talented, and I have some kind of guards and means of life. I can always take care of them both.”

“Faithful knight? No, it should be a warrior who respects love.”

It is impossible to want Xie Ming to show loyalty to someone. Because Xie Ming will always act according to his own will, unless he is willing to change, no one can change his decision.

Regarding affection can be said to be Xie Ming’s only weakness, and it is also Ni Lin. The old and cunning Shumu Xuanwu saw this at a glance, so the vigilance towards Xie Ming in his heart was also slightly broadcast.

Being able to easily defeat his incompetent son indicates that the martial arts of the teenager who has been holding the girl in front of him has reached a very high level. Although I don’t know how he reached it at his age, it doesn’t matter.

The important thing is that he has weaknesses and has been given up by Britain. So, is it possible to recruit them to become a part of Japan’s combat effectiveness?

Unfortunately, only 10 years old…

Shumu Xuanwu sighed inwardly. The 10-year-old kid couldn’t let him go to the battlefield anyway. I want to wait for him to grow up, but can Japan survive that time?

Abandoning this idea, Shumu Xuanwu said indifferently: “You know that with me, you will not be treated like a prince and princess. Everything will only be with Inuzi, that is, the wild child who just stopped you outside. Same.”

“If you have some thoughts that shouldn’t be in your hearts, then even if you are a child, I will do it, understand?”

Shumu Xuanwu released a strong murderous intent and warned.

Xie Ming turned slightly to his side, protecting Nanali in his arms and Lulu Xiu next to him, and said lightly: “Of course, Prime Minister Shumu. If we want revenge, we will only go to Britain. There is no saying, the enemy. Is your enemy a friend?”

“Huh.” Seeing his murderous aura without fear, Shumu Xuanwu sneered: “This is the point, let’s wait for your hairs to grow up. The stinky little ghosts.”

“Suzaku, come in!”


There was an exclamation from outside the door, and then Suzaku opened the door and said slyly: “Father, you found me.”

“Idiot!” Shumu Xuanwu’s expression of hatred was frustrated: “Take them to the second floor of the warehouse, where they have already been cleaned up.”

“All right…..”

Suzaku shrank her neck, then looked at the three of Xie Ming: “Then, come with me.”

“Trouble.” Lelouch nodded, then turned and said: “The three of us will leave first, Prime Minister Shumu.”

Then took the lead to follow Suzaku and walked out of the kendo hall.


Listening to the three people’s footsteps gradually moving away, Shumu Xuanwu closed his eyes and said faintly: “Tengtang, what do you think of these three little ghosts.”


Kneeling and sitting quietly behind Shumu Xuanwu, the man known as Fujitang opened his eyes: “Girls have a strong affinity. Although small boys are still very immature, they will do great things in the future.”

“So, what about Xie Ming?”


Fujitang said softly: “You can’t think of him as a 10-year-old child. His heart is far beyond his age. At the same time, although he is well hidden, his body is full of blood.”

“If Britain trains him well, it is inevitable to become the overlord of the world in the future. But it is a pity that Britain has given up on this crouching dragon by itself, and even moved his reverse scale.”

“When a few people grow up, Britain will definitely have a headache.”

“Very high evaluation.”

Shumu Xuanwu sighed: “I hope that the ineffective son can have a good relationship with them. In this way, Japan will still have a chance to rejuvenate in the future.”

“prime minister.”

Fujido clenched his fists: “I wait, I will protect Japan to the death!”

“…Hehe, that’s right.” Shumu Xuanwu laughed, and a fierce aura broke out again on his body: “Even if it is dead, let the emperor know that Japan is not so good to chew its bones!”

“If you want to swallow this piece of meat, at least you have to knock out a few teeth!!”


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