Chapter 439

Human adaptability is strong, so people can survive in this world.

After coming to Japan for nearly a year, Xie Ming, of course, needless to say, Lelouch and Nanaly, soon became familiar with the life in Shumu’s house. Even they all have a feeling that it’s not bad to live like this.

Forget the troubles, forget the hatred, forget everything in Britain, and live such a simple happy life.

However, the truth is cruel. This can be seen from the increasingly gloomy face of Suzaku’s father, Shumu Xuanwu.

More and more people began to visit Shumu’s house. Another major power in Japan, several heads of the six houses in Kyoto, Rear Admiral Katagiri, the boss of Fujido, and even members of the Japanese imperial family.

All signs are showing that the storm is coming.

The nobleman who supported Lelouch, the Ashford family, was also cautiously passing on domestic intelligence to Xie Ming. The mass production of Knightmare, the movement of domestic nobles, the instructions of Emperor Charles…

However, Xie Ming did not tell Lulu Xiu and others about these conditions. Hatred or something, children can forget it or forget it.

Of course, it’s not all bad. Under Xie Ming’s daily conditioning, Lelouch and Nanali’s body gradually improved. At least during this period of time, the two have not been sick once.

Nanaly’s legs seemed to have improved a little. This should be difficult to achieve with the current level of technology. But for Xie Ming, it is not difficult.

The first is the daily massage. Xie Ming will deliberately convert energy into magic, stimulate the muscles of her legs and correct some deformed bones.

Secondly, Xie Ming will add a bit of fairy beans to the once-a-day medicated diet. With the huge vitality contained inside, make up for Nanali’s fragile bones.

Although the easiest way is to directly let Nanali eat a fairy bean, then her legs can directly recover. But Xie Ming couldn’t do this.

You know, although Shumu Xuanwu has not shown malice to the three so far, it is based on the situation that the three of them have no use value. Once Nanali’s legs recover, she will inevitably receive attention from many people.

For three people, receiving attention is tantamount to life-threatening. The lower the key, the safer.

Moreover, taking fairy beans directly in that way can only repair Nanali’s injury, but cannot make up for the congenital shortcomings caused by the modification of the human body. Therefore, whether it is external or internal, this is the best choice.

In the past year, a fairy bean has been eaten by Lulu Xiu and Nanali. The physical deficiencies of the two of them seemed to have been made up under Xie Ming’s inspection.

Although they can’t seem to have unlimited energy like a physical stupid like Suzaku, the physical fitness of Lelouch and Nanaly at this time is not much different from that of normal children.

At least, when Lelouch climbed the stairs of Shumu’s house again, he wouldn’t be tired into a dog.

If anything weird happened during this year, it’s not without it. At least Xie Ming felt a wonderful sight every morning exercise.

Looking along the way, a beautiful girl with long green hair and amber pupils, about 19 years old, is looking at herself without any disguise. In her eyes, there was numbness to life and boredom in life. It seemed that everything in the world could not attract her attention.

But only when she looked at her, the girl’s gaze had a hint of humanity.

At first, Xie Ming just thought this was just a whim of a Japanese girl with suicidal tendencies, so he didn’t care too much. As a result, I didn’t expect that every morning exercise, this girl would be in the same position, watching him silently.

“Maybe my morning exercises can save a young girl’s life?”

With this thought, Xie Ming didn’t care about the behavior of the green-haired girl. The girl didn’t intend to come forward to get acquainted, it seemed that just standing by and watching was enough for her.

Over time, there will be a wonderful but warm picture every morning.

The ten-year-old boy took a long knife that was out of proportion to his body and exercised on the grass. The green-haired girl wearing a straw hat, leaning on the tree trunk, silently stared at the boy.

The two did not have any doubts about this relationship. Rather, they seemed to have become accustomed to each other’s existence. If one day, one party is gone, I believe that whether it is a boy or a girl, although it does not say it on the mouth, it does not show it on the face, but there will be a trace of regret in the heart.


Soon, it’s August of the new year. It has been a year since the three of Xie Ming came to Japan.

It was still so hot, and cicadas cried constantly in the forest. Lelouch and Suzaku, don’t know where they went to play. Xie Ming took Nanaly for a walk slowly while pushing the wheelchair before the hottest day of the day.

“Nanali, is it hot?”

Xie Ming asked softly: “If it’s hot, go back. Don’t get heatstroke.”

“Yeah.” With a gentle smile on her face, Nanali replied: “Brother Ming, let’s go back. It feels like Brother and Suzaku are coming back soon.”

“Yes. It’s almost noon.”

Lifting his head, Xie Ming squinted at the venomous sun: “Then let’s go back.”


Pushing the wheelchair, Xie Ming and Nanali returned the same way. Passing by the wheat fields, sunflower bushes. Seeing sunflowers, Xie Ming couldn’t help but think of Lucia in the world of Rewrite.

So far, no way has been found to help Lucia treat her physique. Although in my mind, there are several ways to cure her. But those things can only be bought in Tier 3.

However, Xie Ming was not in a hurry. After such a long period of precipitation, his alchemy had already entered the realm of Grandmaster. Although there is still some distance from the master of the next realm, it is still a long time.

Once he entered the realm of the master, the poison on Lucia’s body was no longer a problem for him. So, there is no need to worry too much. It’s no use worrying, isn’t it?

But the main mission of this world has not been released yet. I can only learn from the name of the mission world that Lelouch is the protagonist of this world.

However, as someone who watched Lelouch grow up, Xie Ming couldn’t imagine what strange abilities this child would have.

Perhaps, the time has not yet arrived.


Suddenly, there was the sound of machinery running from the horizon. Subsequently, hundreds of military transport planes passed over the heads of Xie Ming and Nanali.

“Brother Ming, this voice is…”

Nana Li, who was a little disturbed, put her hand on Xie Ming’s hand, who was holding the pusher.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Xie Ming said softly: “It’s just that what should have happened happened.”

“What should happen…”

Nanali fell silent.

“It seems that we are going to live a bumpy life again.”

Looking at the Suzaku and Lelouch from the distant mountains, Xie Ming shrugged helplessly.

After all, the war is coming.

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