Chapter 440 Area 11

On August 10, 2010, the Holy British Empire officially declared war on Japan. That day, it was also the time for the three of Xie Ming to leave Shumu’s house.

Early in the morning, Xie Ming washed and dressed as usual, then took the demon sword and walked to the place where he exercised in the morning.

The green-haired girl was still in the same position, as if waiting for Xie Ming.

But unlike usual, after Xie Ming finished training this time, he did not leave directly after greeted a little as usual. Instead, she went straight to the girl.

Seeing the opposite direction walking by herself, the girl was taken aback for a moment, and then as if thinking of something, the corner of her mouth was drawn.

“What’s the matter, boy? I finally can’t help it, do you want to communicate with the pretty big sister?”

The cold voice is as crisp as a mountain spring dripping on the stone. But what he said made Xie Ming staggered in an instant.

“…That’s right.”

The corner of Xie Ming’s mouth twitched, trying to maintain his inner peace.

“So, what do you want to chat with Big Sister?”

The girl asked with interest.

“Today, Britain declared war on Japan.” Xie Ming said lightly: “Soon, this land will be turned into a battlefield. So starting tomorrow, I won’t come here for morning exercises.”

“What I want to tell you is, if there is a way, try to escape from this land as soon as possible.”

“Huh~” The girl looked very surprised, lifted her sideburns behind her ears, and asked with a smile: “Then, why do you want to tell me this? We are not very familiar with it, right.”

“indeed so.”

Xie Ming said calmly: “Perhaps it was my whim, or maybe I didn’t want to see a beautiful girl just got involved in the chaos of war.”

“In short, don’t die.”

Shaking his hand, Xie Ming turned his head and left: “As long as you are alive, good things will happen.”

“As long as you live, there will always be good things…?”

Seeing Xie Ming’s back, the girl murmured, and then showed a self-deprecating smile.

“Perhaps. But if you live too long, even if it’s a good thing, you can’t feel it. But since he said that, then I don’t have any hopes anymore. Let’s look forward to it.”

“I hope you can bring me some good things.”

“Xie Ming.”

Why, the girl would know Xie Ming’s name. Why, when the girl said these words, her tone was so vicissitudes of life. Who is the girl’s true identity?

If Xie Ming heard these words, he would surely have conjectures and questions one after another.

Unfortunately, in a short period of time, the two will not be able to meet again.


The war ended sooner than expected.

Whether it is the number of soldiers or the level of technological development, the British Empire is several times stronger than Japan. How can Japan stick to such a huge gap?

At the time of the local decisive battle, Britain threw the Knightmare mech into the battle. Just as Mariana had expected, this kind of humanoid mecha was far more powerful than everyone had predicted in the war.

Therefore, Japan’s homeland defense war was completely defeated. The whole of Japan fell completely and became a subordinate territory of the British Empire.

Freedom, power, and name are all taken away. Since then, it has a new name—District 11.

It means that it was the 11th colony conquered by Britain.

During the war, Xie Ming and the three were also assassinated countless times, and were involved in wars several times. Xie Ming, who had anticipated this a long time ago, found a hiding place for Lelouch and Nana very early.

And those assassins naturally became the dead souls under Xie Ming’s knife. Even with the help of Xie Ming, many small local wars were quelled.

Of course, Xie Ming did not leave Britain alive. As for Japan, a group of remnants were defeated and he was too lazy to use a knife. If someone took the initiative to shoot at him, it would be a different matter.

Until Japan was completely defeated, the Ashford family, who had already prepared for migration, arrived, and Xie Mingsan ended up with a life of displacement.

Fortunately, Xie Ming had brought the two of them to the level of a normal person before, otherwise the minor symptoms such as fever and cold would be enough to cause Xie Ming’s headache.

During the war, the value of medicine was self-evident.

With the care of the Ashford family, the three finally lived a normal life.


Time is fleeting, unknowingly, 7 years have passed since the end of the war. Lelouch is 17 years old, and Nanaly is 14 years old.

Xie Ming has finally reached a period when he can fully display his strength. He is 18 years old.

The main mission was released when he was 18 years old.

Main task 1: Defeat 6 or more round-table knight-level drivers (0/6)

Main task two: help Japan to restore the country

Main task three: Exploring the secrets of the world

Of the three tasks, except for the first one, which Xie Ming thought was easy, the remaining two were of hell-level difficulty.

Although Xie Ming knows some political tactics, if he is asked to help a country recover, his eyes are really black. As for exploring the secrets of the world, Xie Ming didn’t have any clues.

However, the situation is not terrible. Although neither mission has any clues, Xie Ming knows who the protagonist of this world is.

According to the normal plot development, Lelouch will inevitably experience many problems and constantly understand the truth of the world. Then, it’s not enough to assist Lelouch.

Xie Ming couldn’t help sighing when he thought of Lulu Xiu. This kid has become more and more difficult to manage recently. Always sneaking out of class, gambling, and gambling with nobles

I don’t want to think about what to do if people become angry from embarrassment.

“That’s why I asked Brother Xie Ming to bring me here.”

As if he had guessed Xie Ming’s thoughts, Lu Lu Xiu, who was sitting in the co-pilot and reading a book, said with a smile.

“This is not a reason for you to skip class.”

Xie Ming glanced at Lu Luxiu, and the Master’s steering wheel refueled more than a few cars.

“That said, but Brother Xie Ming, don’t you always doze off in class?”

“Learn the knowledge you have already mastered. Isn’t it weird not to get sleepy?”

Xie Ming, dressed in the same style as Lelouch, said lightly in black and luxurious school uniforms.

Now that they are 18 years old, they are naturally in high school. This high school belongs to the Ashford family, and the noble school established by the Archduke Ashford specifically for the three of Xie Ming in Japan-Ashford College.

Only the British aristocracy can attend college. Therefore, most of the students in this college are native British nobles.

And because Archduke Ashford is often not in District 11, the actual person in charge of this college is the student union of the college. Whether it is Xie Ming, Lulu Xiu or Nanali, they are all members of the student union.


Xie Ming drove his car and asked, “You always help the bar owner to fight for him, what is the reward for him?”

“Don’t underestimate the bar owner.” Lelouch looked at the scenery outside the window: “Sometimes, you can get more things from meeting them than we thought.”

“Well, it is true.”

The car was parked smoothly to the parking space reserved for them by the boss, Xie Ming unlocked the car door, and Lu Luxiu got out of the car.

“It’s almost half an hour before class time, so let’s solve it quickly.”

“Then it depends. It’s useless among the nobles.”

A dark smile appeared on Lelouch’s face.

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