Chapter 441

“Where are Ming Ming and Lu Lu Xiu?”

In Ashford College, a girl with blond hair and blue eyes, with a proud figure, asked suspiciously.

“Where else to go…”

Another cute girl with long orange hair complained: “I went to fight again. Really, the two did not have the consciousness of a student council member at all!”

“Lu Lu Mingming is so smart that he has to use it in places like gambling! If you study hard, your grades or something, right! And Xie Ming is also used to Lu Lu. If it’s an older brother, just take care of him. .”

Another girl with dark green braids and thick glasses smiled helplessly.

“Oh, how can I blame my Jia Mingming?”

Pointing her lips with her finger, the blonde girl chuckles and said, “It’s obviously your Lulu who runs around and my Jia Mingming can’t help but follow.”

“President…” The orange-haired girl couldn’t help but pursed her mouth: “You just protect Xie Ming like this.”

“No idea.”

The girl spread her hands and said bitterly, “It’s a pity that I can’t feel the wood.”

“The same is true for Lulu. I don’t know if the two brothers are really stupid or pretending…”

The two girls looked at each other and sighed at the same time. The green-haired girl on the side could only smile wryly.


Xie Ming and Lu Lu Xiu walked out of the bar, leaving behind the black king chess piece who looked at him and looked at the unbelievable nobleman.

“Really, with so much money, it’s great to do charity.”

Xie Ming shrugged and said helplessly after seeing the newly arrived amount.

“After all, they are parasitic insects under privileges. People are stupid and have a lot of money.” Lu Lu Xiu also shrugged, and walked to the underground garage side by side with Xie Ming.

“It’s time for the speech of His Royal Highness Clovis, the third prince of Britain.”

As soon as he left the automatic door, on the big screen in the distance, the Governor of District 11, Lelouch’s emperor, and Clovis appeared.

Seeing a familiar person, the two couldn’t help stopping.

“Dear subjects of the empire, and most of the residents of District 11 who cooperated with us. Do you understand? Now, my heart is torn in half.”

The man on the screen, his right hand firmly grasped his chest, showing a very painful look.

“Anger and sadness each occupy half. However, I, who was given the Governor of the 11th District, will never succumb to terrorist attacks! If you want to ask why…”

“This is a battle for justice! This is justice to protect the happiness of all! Come on, and pay a silent tribute to the eight compatriots who died for justice.”

“Oh, pretending to be a part of learning from his father…”

Xie Ming and Lu Lu Xiu walked to the parking spot together, ignoring the other residents who stood on the street in silence together.

“Speaking of it, the terrorist attack this morning seems to have killed 8 Britons.”

Lelouch shrugged and said casually: “That kind of silent mourning for acting will only be followed by ignorant British residents.”

The two got in the car, Xie Ming turned the car key and drove onto the highway. Xie Ming drove the car with one hand and his mobile phone with the other, and transferred the funds he had just received to the family’s public account.

“Almost, in another two years, all the funds will be raised. By that time, Lelouch, you will just graduate from high school, and you can start implementing your plan.”

“Well, that’s it.” Lelouch opened the book he was carrying with him, and said lightly: “It must be revenge.”

“…Oh, my original intention was to make you forget your hatred. But even if I persuade you hundreds of times, you won’t give up.”

“Come on, Brother Xie Ming. With your personality, revenge is also a matter of time, isn’t it? Although Nanali’s legs have been healed, her eyes…”

“Medicine can cure the body, but not the heart…” Xie Ming sighed.


“What the hell?”

Hearing the whistle of the car, Xie Ming glanced at the rear mirror and found a large truck closely following him.

“In a hurry to reincarnate?” Having said that, Xie Ming stepped on the accelerator to increase his speed. But the big truck behind it turned directly into a curve.

“That curve seems to be entering an abandoned building, right?”

The corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and Xie Ming stopped the car on the side of the road. The two got out of the car and checked by the bridge, and found that the large truck had crashed into the entrance of the abandoned building.

“and many more….”

“that is?”

Xie Ming and Lu Lu Xiu saw a wonderful sight at the same time. It seems that a girl composed of countless particles is standing on top of the truck.

“you saw it?”

“Brother Xie Ming?”

The two looked at each other and thought.

“Hey! It looks like an accident!!”

“Really, take a photo, take a photo!”

“Does anyone inform the ambulance?”

Glorifying misfortune, watching the excitement, the root of human inferiority, completely revealed at this moment. Both Xie Ming and Lu Lu Xiu couldn’t help frowning.

“Lelouch, you go down to see the situation. I drove down and took the wounded to the hospital.”


Seeing Lu Lu Xiu trot off, Xie Ming also sat in the driver’s seat again, reversed the car, and drove off the corner.

By coincidence, he saw the truck restarted, and when he reversed suddenly, he threw Lulu Xiu, who had climbed onto the cargo box through the railing, into the truck.


Xie Ming stared at this scene in a daze. After a few seconds, he hurriedly stepped on the accelerator and followed the galloping truck.

“Stop! The truck and car ahead, stop immediately!!”

Unknowingly, two gunship helicopters appeared on the highway, and the policemen on them were roaring through horns.

“If you obey the order now, you can spare your life! Stop immediately!!”

With that, the gun muzzle of the gunship has been lowered, and bullets have been ejected.

“…Shoot while talking about parking, yes, it’s very British.”

Xie Ming spit out, and then began to pose like a snake like the truck in front, avoiding the helicopter’s bullets.

The two vehicles entered the tunnel while accelerating, and temporarily escaped the attack of the armed helicopter.

“Oh…I’m not here to play Grand Theft Auto.”

Taking advantage of this safe time, Xie Ming took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

“Hey, Mingming? Where did you go? Class time is about to come.”

“Mi Lei, I’m sorry, please ask Lelouch for me and Lelouch. We both can’t get away for the time being.”

“Huh? What happened?”

“The details will be explained when I go back.” Looking at the light ahead, Xie Ming said helplessly: “Then I hang up first, thanks.”

Throwing the phone back into the portable space, Xie Ming took out the Demon Blade Village and placed it on the co-pilot.

“Okay, let me see, what else can happen.”

Then, the truck that drove out of the tunnel, a Knightmare painted in red popped out of the carriage.

“…Very good, I already feel like a storm.”

A flick escaped the attack of the red Knightmare, Xie Ming said, covering his face.

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