Chapter 442: Meeting Again

What jumped out of this big truck was Knightmare’s Fourth Generation body, named RPI-11Glasgow (Glasgow).

This is also Britain’s first mass-produced actual combat type Knightmare, which has made great contributions to the defense of Japan. It is not that the terrorists on the British side can actually get this kind of killer.

Then, the identity of the terrorist in this truck can be imagined.

“A member of the Japanese Liberation Front? Or a small-scale anti-Britain? No matter which side, there must be the support of the six Kyoto companies.”

From the rear car mirror, seeing the red Knightmare exploding two armed helicopters with claws, Xie Ming guessed by touching his chin.

At this time, a British Fifth Generation Knightmare, the violet Sutherland jumped from the transport plane to the highway, and confronted the red Knightmare.

“I don’t know where you got it, but the old-style Glasgow can never beat our new-style Sutherland!”

The two Knightmare’s claws fired at each other, and after colliding in the air, they each retracted. Then, the British Knightmare took the howitzer and fired at the red.


Although the red Knightmare made a tactical dodge action in time, he still had no time and his left arm was shot directly by a howitzer.

“What’s more, you still can’t understand the benevolence of His Majesty, the fellow in District 11.”

“What a shit.”

Xie Ming shook his head helplessly as he listened to what the enemy Knightmare’s pilot said with a loudspeaker.


Following the building and the pillars of the high-speed bridge, another Sutherland stopped in front of the truck and Xie Ming, and fired several shots in demonstration.

“Hey, bump into it.”

Seeing the big truck making a sharp turn and turning into a corner again, Xie Ming sighed: “Such an obvious inducement can’t be seen. Where is the courage to confront Britain head-on…”

But there was no way, Lu Lu Xiu was still in the two cars, Xie Ming could only continue to drive to follow.

After getting off the highway from the curve just now, the underground railway before the war is ahead. And the only place where the underground railway is connected is…

“Is it a civilian area where the Japanese live?…That’s the case. The British military can let go and make trouble there. It doesn’t matter how many people die, it doesn’t matter to them.”


“Is the driver of the truck injured? Obviously I have been following behind, but the speed of the car has slowed down slowly. Lelouch can’t get through, ah, really…”

The bumps in the road made Xie Ming’s mood a little bad: “What is going on in this world? Is it okay to have so many technological troubles added to the people’s livelihood? All of them have a damn use in the military.”

Boom! !

After a loud noise, the tires of the truck in front began to rub on the spot, and the front of the truck sank directly into the pothole.

“Oh, it finally stopped.”

Xie Ming also stepped on the brakes and stopped the car aside. He hung the demon knife placed in the co-pilot around his waist, got out of the car and walked forward.

The carriage of the truck gradually opened, and Xie Ming saw Lulu Xiu who was about to climb up beside a huge circular device.


A man dressed in the costume of the lowest-level British soldier attacked Lelouch at a rapid speed.



The soldier’s whirling kick in the air was easily blocked by Xie Ming. He grabbed the opponent’s ankle and threw it heavily on the wall of the cargo hold.

“Brother Xie Ming!” Lu Luxiu jumped down and let out a sigh of relief.

“Oh, young man.” Xie Ming said with a smile, “I asked you to save people, but you took me to the civilian area. It’s really a hassle.”

“Can you blame me?”

Lelouch was also very helpless: “I am ready to use terrorist radios in exchange for military protection.”

As he said, he shook his hand for the unlimited power that I didn’t know where it came from.

“Lu Lu Xiu, Brother Xie Ming?”

Hearing this familiar and somewhat unfamiliar voice, the two of them couldn’t help but turned their heads in a daze.

“It’s me, I’m Suzaku.”

The man in the British soldier costume took off his helmet and revealed his face. A more mature face than seven years ago, but there are countless sadness and pain in his pupils.

Seeing Xie Ming and Lulu Xiu, Suzaku clearly showed a happy smile: “Really, you two have not changed at all.”

“You have become a soldier of Britain, Suzaku.”

Seeing an acquaintance, Xie Ming said with a complex expression. At that time, he also asked Suzaku if he wanted to go with the three of them. However, he refused, saying that he could not leave his father behind.

Thinking that with the king of Shumu Xuanwu, Suzaku would not be too miserable, so Xie Ming also felt relieved. However, at this time, through his dark green eyes, Xie Ming knew that he had definitely not had an easy life these years.

Can become a soldier of Britain as a Japanese. Then Suzaku must have become an honorary British.

The so-called honorary Britons are the aborigines of the colony who swear allegiance to Britain, and after examination, they can have the same status as the British.

However, they do not have British ancestry, they will always be despised and oppressed by all Britons. At the same time, they will also be rejected by their compatriots and called traitors.

This system was set up by Emperor Charles to completely enslave the aborigines in the colonies. It not only demonstrated his benevolence and tolerance, but also achieved the goal of total slavery, it can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

“You are, why are you in the terrorist’s car? And with chemical weapons?” Zhuque interrupted Xie Ming’s thoughts and raised her own doubts.

“Chemical weapons? This?”

Xie Ming tapped on the outer shell of the circular device, his expression somewhat intriguing.


“What?” Suzaku and Lelouch were surprised at the same time.

It seems that Xie Ming’s actions have become the last straw. The air plugs on the casing of the circular device are all opened, divided into four petals and opened slowly.

“Damn it!”

Suzaku pounced on Lelouch subconsciously, and at the same time covered Lelouch’s face with the gas mask on the helmet.

“This is……”

Squinting and looking at the figure in the device, Xie Ming strode up and hugged the girl.

Long green hair, beautiful and delicate face, wearing white restraints, and golden soaking liquid spilled all over the floor.

Reaching out to untie the girl’s restraints, Xie Ming asked faintly: “Suzaku, is this poison gas?”

“However, the instructions below are indeed…”

The Suzaku who was helping on the side also frowned, somewhat puzzled.

“You monkey.”

In the distance, a man’s voice came. All the eyes of the three were attracted to the past.

Wearing a British commander’s costume, there are two groups of soldiers who are aiming at Xie Ming’s trio.

“Honorary Britons have no right to do such a thing!”

“But, I heard that there should be poison gas inside!”

Suzaku hurriedly ran to the man and argued for reasons.

“Hey, Suzaku!”

“That fool.”

Xie Ming cursed, and it turns out that low IQ is the result of a lifetime. If the world knew that the so-called poison gas device contained a girl, it would have an unimaginable impact on Suzaku’s boss.

Therefore, this commander will definitely kill everyone present. Himself, Lelouch, and Suzaku.

Lelouch clearly understood this, and a few drops of cold sweat broke out on his face.

Sure enough, the commander handed a pistol to Suzaku: “In view of your merits, I give you a chance, Shumu Seaman First Class. Use this gun to shoot all terrorists.”

“But the two of them are unrelated people, students!”

“This is an order!” the commander said angrily: “Aren’t you loyal to Britain!?”

“But…I can’t do it.”

Zhuque turned her head, looked at Xie Ming and Lulu Xiu, and smiled softly: “I can’t kill them at all.”

“Then you go to die.”


As the commander’s words fell, a gunshot resounded through the passage.

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