Chapter 443


After the gunfire, it was not Suzaku who fell, but the commander who was aiming at Suzaku with a pistol.

“Brother Xie Ming?!”

Lelouch looked at Xie Ming, who was holding a large double-barreled revolver in surprise, and it was he who took the lead to pull the trigger for the gunshot.

Before everyone could react, Xie Ming pulled the trigger again and again.


The sound of gunfire like an explosion directly exploded the heads of two soldiers again.

“Suzaku, get down!”

With a low shout, Xie Ming pretended to take out six bullets from his pocket, quickly put it into the pistol, and re-targeted the remaining soldiers.


This time, however, it was not a gunshot, but a real explosion. The front of the truck seemed to be detonated by the driver inside, and a large amount of rubble fell between the soldiers and Xie Ming.


The purple magic pupil opened in an instant, and Xie Ming pulled the trigger again, and the six bullets were ‘locked’ by the pistol skill, exploding the heads of the remaining soldiers.


Xie Ming yelled, but did not get a response.

“Did you pass out by the bombing?”

Seeing the Vermillion Bird crawling on the ground and passing unconsciously, Xie Ming temporarily relieved his heart. After thinking about it, I decided to keep him here.

Suzaku is now a soldier, even if it is an honorary British, it has a record in the army. The combat uniform he wears will inevitably have a position. Stay here, he will be fine. But if it is taken away, uh…

It’s me and Lelouch who are in trouble…

“Let’s go.”

Lifting the green-haired girl again, Xie Ming said to Lelouch: “Suzaku has nothing to do. Now we must first escape from the slum.”

“Ah… OK.”

Although Lelouch had a lot of questions in his stomach, he still followed Xie Ming.

“This map of the underground railway, Lelouch should be the master, right?”

“Well, there is only one exit near here, and there is a distance.”

The two of them, to be precise, should be Xie Ming holding the girl, and trotting down the empty underground railway with Lu Lu Xiu. Xie Ming’s car had completely said goodbye because of the local collapse caused by the explosion just now.

“Speaking of it, Brother Xie Ming.” Lelouch asked suspiciously, “Where did you get the gun? And it’s still this kind of retro revolver.”

“You’re handsome.”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows: “It took me great effort to get this gun.”

“Is this a question of whether you are handsome or not?” Lelouch said helplessly, “What if someone finds us through the bullet marks.”

“Don’t worry. The bullet marks of this gun are not recorded anywhere. Have you ever seen a revolver with two barrels?”

“Yes, I’m the one who worries for nothing.”

At some point, the girl in Xie Ming’s arms had already woke up. She used those amber pupils to look at Xie Ming quietly.

“Wake up.”

Xie Ming looked at the girl in his arms and smiled: “Although I don’t know what you have experienced, you and I met again. You said, is this a good thing?”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, the girl’s pupils shook, but she did not speak.

“Brother Xie Ming, do you… know her?”

“Well, that’s it. She is…”

boom! ! ! !

A strong explosion interrupted what Xie Ming wanted to say. After that, there were countless gunfires, bombings, Knightmare’s movement, and…

Countless screams.

In an instant, Xie Ming’s expression became extremely indifferent.

“Initiated a massacre!! Is Clovis crazy!!?” Lelouch’s face also became extremely ugly.

“It seems that your identity is more important than I thought.”

Looking at the girl, Xie Ming said lightly.

“Tsk…” Lelouch began to bite his fingers: “Now, there is no way to negotiate with the British soldiers. We who have been in contact with secrets can only be silenced or…”

“Kill out.”

Following Lelouch’s words, Xie Ming said: “The exit is now, let’s turn off the phone or Shizune.”


After receiving Xie Ming’s mobile phone, Lelouch turned off both mobile phones and put them into Kabuto. Following Xie Ming, slowly watching from the exit.

Afterwards, the two fell silent.

The corpses everywhere were all Japanese living in slums. Even the baby who was still in the swaddle hadn’t let go.

“Britain, Clovis.”

The low voices of the brothers echoed in the abandoned factory at the exit at the same time.


There was another explosion, and a Sutherland appeared in the factory with a machine gun.

Open the head, make a ‘ding’ sound, and the built-in radar starts to scan the surroundings.

“Why are British students here?!”

In the mecha, a cold woman’s voice came.

Putting down the girl gently, Xie Ming moved forward slowly: “I still want to ask you, woman. Who gave the slaughter order?”

“I am asking questions now.”

Bang bang bang bang.

The woman controlled Sunderland and fired several bullets, punching holes in the wall behind Xie Ming’s trio.

“Britain, has it fallen so far…”

Xie Ming closed his eyes, and when they opened them again, they were completely purple.

“Just ask, what are the eight virtues of knights?”

Without waiting for the woman to answer, Xie Ming said to himself: “Humility, honesty, compassion, bravery, justice, sacrifice, honor, soul. Now, those of you who manipulate Knightmare claim to be knights, but fail to achieve the eight virtues. At any point.”

“You guys are just violent-kun’s subordinates, servants!”

“Don’t think you are a student, you can insult the glory of our knight!”

Hearing Xie Ming’s ridicule, the woman’s voice showed obvious anger, and she aimed her huge gun at Xie Ming.

“You are, where are you aiming?”


I don’t know when, Xie Ming was already standing behind the Knightmare, above the cuboid cockpit. The demon blade slowly returned to its sheath, and the ceiling of the cockpit had been directly cut open.

“Woman, this Knightmare, I accepted it.”

Lifting the woman in the cockpit with one hand, Xie Ming pinched her neck and said lightly.

“Who are you?”

The silver-haired brown-skinned woman asked in pain.

“It’s a mere messenger, I don’t deserve to know my name.”

Xie Ming raised the demon knife, ready to swing it down.

“Wait, Brother Xie Ming.”

“Lu Lu Xiu, what’s the matter?” Xie Ming asked suspiciously.

“This woman, leave it to me.”

Lulu Xiu covered his left eye and said faintly.

“what’s wrong with you?”

Xie Ming frowned when he felt the weird fluctuations in Lulu Xiu’s body.

“Because, I signed a contract with him, and he agreed. So, I gave him strength.”

The green-haired girl slowly walked under Knightmare and looked at Xie Ming.

“Named: The Power of Geass.”

Pinching the woman, Xie Ming jumped off the Knightmare and put the knife on the girl’s neck with an unusually indifferent expression.

“What contract, what Geass, give it to me, make it clear.”


Ignoring Xie Ming’s bitter murderous aura, the girl showed a black-bellied smile: “But are you sure, are you going to spend so much time here?”

After a moment of silence, Xie Ming withdrew the long knife.

“I started to wonder if meeting you is really a good thing for me.”

Throwing the silver-haired woman to the ground casually, Xie Ming laughed at himself.

“Who knows?”

The girl approached Xie Ming and said softly, “After all, the witch you met is an immortal witch.”

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