Chapter 449: Upgraded

Geass, the prototype is geis. The original source is a terrible religious taboo spell in Irish legend. Translated into modern language, it means ‘vow and prohibition’.

The form of Geass can be regarded as the plural form of geis. In other words, what Geass really means is ‘plural vows and prohibitions’.

But just literally, it is impossible to understand this power at all. Moreover, Geass must also have a strong connection with the secrets of the world.

Therefore, whether it is for Lelouch or Xie Ming’s own main mission, he must also personally experience this power.

Having said that, Xie Ming’s original plan disappeared immediately after seeing the mess in his originally tidy room.

“Oh, you are back.”

CC, who was only wearing underwear, took the pizza and squatted down on the evil side to greet Xie Ming symbolically.

“…I can ask, how can you make my room like this in just half a day?”

Xie Ming’s temples exploded with a few blue veins, and forced to endure the desire to beat people in his heart, he asked faintly.

Messy clothes thrown on the floor, pizza boxes piled up on the table, and empty drink bottles lying on the floor. From this look, I thought it was the doghouse of some abandoned house.

“Ah, don’t care.” CC waved his hand: “It became like this naturally.”

“…Calm down, calm down. Don’t worry about these little things, calm down.”

After calming down his inner emotions, Xie Ming looked at CC and said lightly: “I will only clean this time. If the room will become like this next time I come back, I will notify the college and prohibit all pizza delivery from entering.”

“…Are you the devil?”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, CC paused for a new pizza hand, and she asked dumbfounded.

“If only the incarnation of the devil can cure you as a witch, then I would be happy.”

Xie Ming answered with a smile.

“A stingy man won’t attract a woman.” After putting the pizza in the box, CC stretched out.

“That really makes you worry about it.”

Taking out the cleaning tools from the closet, Xie Ming started cleaning.


“Then, why did you come to me here?” CC, who was forcibly put on his pajamas by Xie Ming, picked up a slice of pizza again.

“I hope you sign a contract with me so that I can also own Geass.”

CC paused, then put the pizza in his mouth and chewed slowly. Xie Ming sat next to him, quietly waiting for her reply.

“Why?” After eating the pizza, CC asked faintly: “You should know that, this power is not a good thing.”

“Strength, good or bad.”

Xie Ming said calmly: “And I have a hunch that Lelouch will do a lot of things that he regrets because of Geass. Being a brother, you must stop him at that time.”

“But if I don’t have Geass, how can I understand how my brother feels?”

“…Even if this power will eventually destroy you?”

“If I can’t even control my own power, then I will perish sooner or later. What’s the difference between earlier and later?”

From the man’s words in front of him, CC could hear strong self-confidence. This is the self-confidence that has been exercised over the years and perseverance. Watching him silently, regardless of the wind and rain, he insisted on daily exercise CC can feel it.

CC had never doubted that the man in front of him had not obtained Geass’s qualifications. After all, from the first meeting, she could feel that the boy in front of him was very important to him.

In his long years, no one can bring himself such a feeling. Until his appearance.

But because of this, CC didn’t want to sign a contract with him. This kind of complicated feeling has really been felt every time for a long time.

“I see.”

CC stood up from the sofa and walked to Xie Ming.

“Then I will sign a contract with you.”

Holding Xie Ming’s face with his white hands, CC gently touched his forehead to Xie Ming’s.

“The power of Geass comes from the deepest desire in your heart. It represents the state in which you want to connect with others.”

CC’s words echoed in Xie Ming’s mind. At the same time, there are countless pictures.

The cult, the killing, the battlefield, the world, the whispers of people, and the sanctuary at dusk.

“I give you strength, and you will fulfill my wish. Do you agree with such a contract?”


Starting with Xie Ming’s answer, countless gears fit together. At the same time, the energy in Xie Ming’s body began to continuously transform into spiritual power. The purple magic pupil opened automatically, and began to change even more dazzling and mysterious.


The surrogate skill was detected, and the purple magic pupil was affected by Geass and started to be upgraded. The main god space provides three choices for the substitutes.

1. The purple magic pupil is the main one, and Geass is the second one.

2. The purple magic pupil is supplemented, and Geass is the main.

3. Not controlled by the main god space, let it be upgraded independently.

Warning: The third option will be dangerous, and the upgraded direction will not be controlled.

Please choose within 10 seconds.

Does this still use selection? Xie Ming has never lacked the courage to make a desperate move. Danger is accompanied by opportunity. Even if the upgrade fails, the big deal is to reshape a pair of eyes and start practicing the purple magic pupil again.

Moreover, he also has enough confidence to control this upgrade.

“Choose the third.”

In an instant, the upgraded suppressed in the main god space was released again, and the spiritual power brought by the cultivation of the purple magic pupil and the strange spiritual power brought by Geass began to collide.

This collision made Xie Ming feel that his head was about to explode.


Closing his eyes tightly, two lines of blood began to drip from the corners of his eyes, which surprised CC.

“Hey, Xie Ming! What’s wrong!!!?”

CC asked anxiously that she had signed a contract with so many people, but she had never encountered such a situation.

“I…. It’s okay… You first… let go.”

Enduring the severe pain, Xie Ming said with difficulty. At the same time, he opened the title skills.

Supplemented by the wave of killing intent and the Wrath of Spartan as the main factor, the world once again began to operate with Xie Ming as the center.

Mad God state!

“Since it is my power, then just obediently accept my control!!!”

Roaring in his heart, recalling the feeling of defeating the Sprite Clan, Xie Ming’s mind once again resurfaced that wonderful picture book.

Kabbalah Tree of Life Catalogue.

When it appeared, the inseparable Purple Demon Eye and Geass that had been hit in their minds instantly calmed down like a little sheep.

A trace of emerald green energy wandered out of the catalog and entered between the two. And the two opposing mental powers, under the action of this energy, instantly merged together.

Thirty seconds passed, and the breath of Xie Ming’s body slowly converged in his body. At the same time, he slowly opened his eyes.

The pupil is like a rainbow, and you can see any color you want in it. It’s a bit like the magic eye of death in the two rituals, but it’s slightly different.

The background color of the Eye of Death is azure blue, while Xie Ming’s pupil background color is emerald green.

The only thing that is certain is that Xie Ming’s ability at this time is the same level as the Eye of Straight Death, the highest level of Rainbow Eye.


In my mind, the reminder sound of the main god sounded again.

It is detected that the upgrade of the surrogate skill is completed. This is a pupil ability that is not recorded in the master space. Please name the surrogate.

“Yes, just call it, the Demon Eye of Forbidden.”

Looking at the flow of countless energy particles in the field of vision, Xie Ming said lightly.

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