Chapter 450 The Demon Eye of Forbidden

Around us, energy is flowing all the time. All abilities are just an application of energy.

Magic power, spiritual power, fighting spirit, vitality, spiritual power… all these can be attributed to the two characters of energy. The Forbidden Eyes obtained by Xie Ming after upgrading through the Kabbalah Tree of Life Catalogue are the two words targeted for energy.

The Demon Eye of Straight Death saw the death of all things and brought it to the present. It is equivalent to the ability of a causal law and is recognized by all types of moon houses as the strongest Demon Eye.

And Xie Ming’s Demon Eye of Forbidden Extinction at this time, as the same existence as the Demon Eye of Straight Death, is naturally a BUG-level ability.

If you really want to compare it with one kind of ability, in the magic banned book catalog, the ‘fantasy killer’ of Shangjo Dangma is closer to the ability of Xie Ming’s Demon Eye.

Forbidden, it is forbidden. Extinction is annihilation. In other words, once any abnormal flow of energy enters the field of vision of Xie Ming’s Forbidden Eye, it will be forbidden and annihilated.

It sounds a bit bluff, but by comparing it with the Eye of Straight Death, you can simply know the effect of the Eye of Forbidden.

People who have the magic eye of death can kill a piece of space by seeing the death of the space. But Xie Ming’s Demon Eye of Forbidden had no such effect.

But if someone controls the space, they attack the enemy. Then this space is the energy that flows abnormally. Xie Ming can ban it and annihilate it.

In layman’s terms, it is the realm of forbidden magic. Within Xie Ming’s field of vision, all magic and superpowers could not be used.

The eye of death can kill everything in the world. The Demon Eye of Forbidden can repair everything in the world and return it to its original state.

If someone who has the Demon Eye of Death Fights Xie Ming, then it depends on the awareness of the Demon Eye of both parties. If the other party can understand the death of Forbidden Demon Eye, then he can kill Xie Ming’s Demon Eye ability.

If he can’t understand, then he will not be able to see any dead lines and dead spots in Xie Ming’s field of vision.

The Eye of Straight Death and the Eye of Forbidden are a bit like a spear that can pierce any defense and a shield that can prevent any attack. Even if it is an argument, there is no result at all.

All in all, it is one word, strong! Two words, very strong! Three words, BUG!

Of course, the side effects of such BUG-level capabilities are also very strong. First of all, the mental power that needs to be expended is also quite huge. With Xie Ming’s current mental power, he could only open the Demon Eye of Forbidden for 10 seconds. No matter how much, he will be exhausted and unconscious.

The second is not to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. In other words, if Xie Ming threw a fireball and entered the scope of the Forbidden Demon Eye, the fireball he launched would also be annihilated.

The last is physical energy manipulation, which does not belong to the annihilation scope of the magic eye. In other words, as for the sword qi, nothing within the sword light is under the control of the Demon of Forbidden Eyes.

The good thing is that even if the Purple Demon Eye is upgraded to the Forbidden Demon Eye, the original effect and cultivation method of the Purple Demon Eye will still be effective. Xie Ming doesn’t need to worry about how to continue to improve his mental strength.

The pupils turned into impurity-free black again. Looking at the worried CC, Xie Ming briefly explained (flickered) the reason for her abnormality.

Of course, Xie Ming’s Flicker Dafa couldn’t flicker this witch who claimed to be immortal and immortal, and only Byakugan could get it. However, when Xie Ming said that he didn’t know, CC naturally wouldn’t ask.

Just as a price for not asking questions, CC asked Xie Ming to make two different flavors of pizza for her to eat. Naturally, Xie Ming would not refuse such a trivial matter.


“Brother Ming, you skipped class again.”

“Dad, you are really…”

In the living room, Yui and Nanali scolded Xie Ming when they saw Xie Ming come in.

“Haha, don’t care about the details.” Xie Ming slapped haha ​​and smiled at the maid next to her: “Trouble you, Sakishiko, leave it to me next.”

“Yes, Mr. Xie Ming.”

The maid with short black hair smiled, bowed and left the living room.

The maid’s name is Sakishiko Shinozaki, a caregiver specially sent by the Ashford family to take care of Nanali. She is also the ninja of “Shinozaki-ryu” that has been handed down in Japan to this day.

When Sakishiko first entered the house, Xie Ming gave her a special test. Naturally, it goes without saying, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to take care of Nanali and Yui here.

Yui had been hiding for nearly 10 years before finally appearing in front of Nanali and Lelouch. The little girl Xie Ming found in a civilian area was an excuse.

I have to say that such a long time is really wronged by Yui. After all, she is Xie Ming’s carry-on elf, neither her appearance nor her body will grow. If she appeared in Lelouch or the British Palace when Xie Ming was only 10 years old, she would inevitably receive a lot of suspicion and questioning.

Fortunately, Yui seemed to have something to do. Every day, I turned into a wizard state and went directly into the computer, seemingly planning something.

This was also the first time Xie Ming saw Yui so motivated, so he let her do it. Anyway, no matter what happens, I have to bear it myself.

Naturally, Nanali is the happiest to join Yui. Although Xie Ming and Lu Luxiu usually spare as much time as possible to accompany her, and they are also accompanied by Sakishiko, Nanaly has almost no friends of the same age.

So Yui, who was only 10 years old, made Nanali her older sister. She was always being taken care of, and she also had a younger sister who could take care of. Naturally, Nanali would be very happy and very fulfilled.

“Oh? Did Sakishiko teach you origami today?”

Looking at the colored paper on the table, as well as the folded rabbits, paper cranes and paper boats, Xie Ming said unexpectedly.

“Yeah!” Nanali said while holding the paper crane, “Sister Saki Seiko’s hands are really clever, she can fold paper into all kinds of things.”

“By the way, dad, you should also be able to stack some things, right?”

Knowing that Xie Ming is from China Yui asked.

“Uh… it will stack or it will stack, but…”

How long ago that happened! ?

Xie Ming did not say this sentence. When I was in elementary school, I used to stack some paper chariots and play with my classmates. What else, southeast, northwest, paper wrestling…

But these things don’t seem to be suitable for girls to play, right?

“Really?” Nanali’s voice was full of expectation: “I want to touch the origami folded by Brother Ming.”

“Dad, I want to see it too!”

“…Okay, but don’t be disappointed when you stack it up.”

Unable to refuse the requests of the two girls, Xie Ming walked to the table with a wry smile and began to teach him what he knew.

Surprisingly, Yui prefers the southeast, northwest and paper hats, while Nanali likes paper cranes and paper cannons.

Of course, since it overlaps the southeast and northwest, it is natural to play tricky games.

For example, taking a sip of vinegar, scratching it for 10 seconds, etc., compared to Xie Ming’s time, it was very gentle and tricky.

You know at that time, what a group of skin kids bet on were hooligans who lifted girls’ skirts and entered the women’s bathroom. Unfortunately, Xie Ming was given the option of entering the women’s bathroom, and was very sad to ran into the class teacher who came out.

There is no need to talk about the following ending. Black history must be sealed.

The three had a pleasant afternoon.

The CC in the room crawled on the sofa, looking unhappy.

“Xie Ming, why is it so slow?”

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