Chapter 456

“Kamen rider passing by, cheese mask, ha ha ha…”

Playing with the cheese-kun mask in his hand, thinking of Xie Ming’s weirdness just now, Yu Fei’s wind chime-like laughter did not stop all the way.

And every time at this time, Xie Ming would stare at Suzaku, making Suzaku smile.

As for Arthur, the cat had already been met by Xie Ming on the road, and asked them to send it back. For this reason, Xie Ming also went to the pet store and bought a cat box.

Of course, the bruise on his left foot was also bandaged by Yuffi volunteered.

As for why Xie Ming wanted to avoid Yufei, the reason Xie Ming didn’t say, Yufei didn’t ask, only Suzaku was confused.

Xie Ming also had some guesses about why Yu Fei, who was originally studying in a high school in Britain, came to District 11. And Yuffi’s coming, it means that Conelia must have come too.

“Hey, Lelouch. The road ahead is difficult and long~”

“Brother Ming, what are you thinking about?”

Looking at You Fei, who was in front of him, Xie Ming shrugged, “Guess?”

“Really, I haven’t seen each other for so long, Brother Ming, you still bully me. Ah, what is that over there, Brother Ming, Mr. Suzaku?”

I was still complaining one second before, and the next second he ran to a crepe shop with great interest. Xie Ming was quite relieved to see Yufei like this.

To be able to maintain a lively and kind-hearted character in the big dyeing vat of the royal family, presumably Cornelia really protects her very well.

Of course, the black belly that has been there since childhood has not changed much. At this point, Xie Ming still hopes Yu Fei can change it.

“Brother Ming, Mr. Suzaku, I have one last place I want to see.”

Having accompanied Yu Fei to complete the various places in the concession, Yu Fei suddenly stopped and said with some seriousness.

“…Let’s talk, where to go.”

Although he used interrogative sentences, Xie Ming’s tone was helpless. Obviously, combined with the reasons for Yuffi’s coming here, he has already guessed where Yuffi wants to go.

“His Royal Highness…Please give your orders as much as you like.” After knowing Yuffi’s identity, Suzaku seemed a little cautious.

“I want to go to Shinjuku.”

Yuffi looked at the two seriously: “Please take me to see Shinjuku.”


Collapsed buildings, broken streets, and countless simple graves.

Even on a waste wall, a photo of the deceased is simply printed on paper and pasted on it, even if it is a public grave.

This is the result of the hasty actions of Karen and other terrorists under the order of Clovis. The downtown area of ​​Shinjuku is completely finished.

The three of them stood in front of these tombs with complex expressions. Xie Ming closed his eyes lightly. Although these people had nothing to do with him, he would not be stingy in this condolences.

Again, there is no right or wrong in war, but as a person, one must have due respect for the dead.

“Ah… I really don’t want to use my precious camera to take pictures of the broken scenes in District 11~”

“Hey, here, there are traces of bombs against people! Take a picture of me from there.”

The three of them were mourning silently here, and two students from Ashford College started to dance their heads on the slope not far away.

“Tsk, what a shame to the academy.”

Scratching his head, Xie Ming was about to teach the two guys forward. A stubble young man with a red hairband came over aggressively and slapped the fat student’s camera with a slap.

“Get out of here! The pigs of Britain!”

“What…what are you doing!!!” Looking at the fierce young man, the fat student was obviously frightened, but he still said, “A district 11 person!”

“It’s not District 11, it’s Japanese!! Don’t call us that way!!”

“What are you talking about!?” Another thin student was very dissatisfied: “You obviously lost to us! Obviously a group of dogs from a defeated country!!”

“You British bastards…”

The young man with the hair band had clenched his fists, as if he was about to do it the next moment.

“Hey, how about this?”

“Ah, vice president!”

“Vice President, teach them!!!”

Seeing Xie Ming walking slowly, the two students seemed to see a savior.

“Shut up, two idiots.” Xie Ming glanced at them coldly, and immediately reminded the two of them of the reputation of the vice president, and their whole body trembled.

You must know that the two most famous people in the Ashford Student Union are Mi Lei, who has the name of the goddess of mischief, and the evil spirit Xie Ming.

For Mi Lei, the students were helpless and loved, but for Xie Ming, it was complete awe and fear.

Several students used to rely on their family background to bully others outside the college. After Xie Ming knew about this, he directly gave them two choices.

First, I kowtow to the victim and apologize. Second, he was fired after he cleaned up.

These students really didn’t believe that Xie Ming dared to do something, and ignored Xie Ming’s warning. As a result, Xie Ming and their bodyguards were beaten into the hospital.

Although it was later remembered by the principal of the school, it was only that. Facing Archduke Ashford, the families of those students didn’t even dare to think of revenge.

“As a student in our college, as a nobleman, you must know that the title of nobleman is not for you to bully, but for you to bear the responsibility! If someone commits similar things again, I will still give him two choices. .”

“Apologize, or get out.”

Obviously he was punished to read the review book in front of all the students in the school, but Xie Ming used it as an opportunity to discipline the students. Of course, if a student is bullied, Xie Ming will naturally not ignore it.

There are still two options, apology or hospitalization.

Mi Lei and Xie Ming, the two sang red cheeks and black cheeks, and this was how Ashford College managed even the British mainland.

“You two, apologize to them.” Xie Ming coldly ordered.

“But the vice president, they are in District 11….”

“Should I say it a second time?”

“Yes, I’m so sorry!!”

Seeing Xie Ming’s eyes, the two of them were agitated and bowed to the young man with a straight 90-degree apology.


It seemed that it was the first time to receive an apology from a Briton, and the young man with the hair band stammered suddenly.

“Then this gentleman, we will discuss each matter. The students in our college have already apologized to the deceased for their rudeness, so should you also behave a little for your behavior?”

“Ha, what!?”

Seeing the young men’s threats, Xie Ming raised his brows: “Although the students in our college are rude first, it is also true that you did it. I am responsible for the repair of that camera. You only need to pay attention to your actions. The two students in our school can apologize.”

“You kid!!”

The hair band youth glared at Xie Ming: “You pigs from Britain are not worthy of letting me apologize!!!”

“Japanese, it seems that what you have lost is not only the dignity of the country and the nation, but also the etiquette you have always been forgotten.”

Xie Ming moved his arm: “I’ll give you another chance, apologize, or be hospitalized.”


“I don’t know what it is.”

Seeing the fist waved by the youth, Xie Ming flashed sideways and then reached out and grabbed his head, pressing hard on the ground.


The ground instantly centered on the young man’s head, and a few more cracks appeared.

“Hey! Yucheng!!!”

“You bastard!!!”

“It’s just fainting.” Looking at the young man’s two partners, Xie Ming let go of his hands and said faintly: “Take him away. That’s all for today’s affairs. What do you think?”


The other two struggled for a while, one raised an arm and left with a young man named Yucheng.

“Hehe, Brother Ming really hasn’t changed.”

Seeing Xie Ming, who was resolutely resolving disputes, Yu Fei showed a beautiful smile. There was admiration and… admiration in his tone.

Suzaku on the side heard these words, as if a piece of her heart suddenly became empty.

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