Chapter 457

Suzaku understood that a person like herself was not worthy of Her Royal Highness Princess Yuffi. But there was only one day, and the princess who descended from the sky had already attracted him deeply.

Gentle, cute, charming, and occasionally revealing a little black belly, all of this is like the sun that illuminates his dark life, which is desirable.

However, he is not a fool. Yu Fei just regarded him as a friend. What she really likes is the goal she has been chasing since she was a child, Xie Ming.

Strong, firm, mature, calm, but very gentle. This kind of tenderness can only be felt by people who really understand Xie Ming.

That’s right, only people like Xie Ming are worthy of Your Royal Highness Youfei.

“What’s wrong, Suzaku?”

After solving the matter, Xie Ming asked with some doubts looking at the responsible Suzaku.

“No, it’s nothing.” Suzaku shook her head and smiled forcefully.

“Really, then I will treat it like this.”

Xie Ming glanced at Suzaku, and then no longer cared: “Then Yuffi, come here today. Almost should be…”


Before the words were finished, a violent explosion sounded from the abandoned outdoor stadium in the distance. Then the military transport truck that had been following not far also drove in front of the three of them, and a man and a woman opened the door and shouted.

“Suzaku-kun, it’s dangerous here! Get in the car!”

“Miss Cecil? What happened?” Suzaku trot over and asked suspiciously.

“Pure-blood infighting.” Lloyd said playfully: “Let’s run quickly~”

“please wait a while!”

Suzaku shouted to Lloyd: “Isn’t this the perfect opportunity to get the Lancelot battle information!?”

“Oh oh…”

Lloyd froze for a moment, and then made an interesting voice: “I’m very motivated~ Then come on.”

“Xie Ming, Your Highness Yuffi is pleased.”

Turning his head, Suzaku said to Xie Ming seriously.

“…..I see.”

After taking a meaningful look at Suzaku, Xie Ming waved his hand.


In the abandoned stadium, four Sunderland armed with long guns are besieging one Sunderland. The drivers were also talking through the loudspeaker.

“Damn it! Actually rivaling four people…devilish guys!!!”

“Don’t get excited, Jeremia. We will treat you as a war dead, and we won’t let you affect your family’s reputation!”

Jeremia was completely deprived of authority because he was controlled by Lelouch using Geass. In order to show their loyalty, the members of the pureblood decided to lynch Jeremia.

This is also the reason why Jeremia will be besieged by four Sunderland.


The driving wheel of his right foot was pierced by a Sunderland, and Sunderland of Jeremiah knelt on one knee.

“Really….really want to take me…Churwell!!!”

“Shut up, Orange!”

The man called Chuwell angrily scolded: “What do we exist for!? Isn’t it for the royal family?!”

“For the glory of Britain!!!”

Four Sunderland raised their spears at the same time, moving at high speed from all sides at the same time and stabbing at Jeremya.

“Please stop your behavior!”

At this time, a hook shot was shot out, and Sunderland’s actions were demonstratively prevented.

“What does the commissioner want to do!?” Chuwell threatened: “No matter who it is, you will be killed if you want to intervene!”


Suzaku controlled Lancelot and drew two long swords from the sword box behind it. The sword body of the long sword closed and turned bright red.

This is Britain’s latest technology, the laser vibrating sword (MVS).

“Damn it, you can’t hold back now. Take it!”

Four Sunderland, 8 hooks and claws all shot at Lancelot. However, compared with the seventh Generation Knightmare and the Fifth Generation, the difference in mobility is desperate.

It flashed in the air with dexterous movements, and the ones that couldn’t flash were cut in half with MVS. Suzaku swiftly guarded Jeremy’s machine and fought with the three Sunderland.

It seems that it only takes 1 minute to solve it.

“In this case, at least give Orange to Orange!!!”

Chuwell controlled the body to raise the spear, and stab at Jeremy’s machine at an accelerated speed. But at this time, another Sunderland also joined the battle and knocked off Chuwell.


“This voice… Veretta? It’s a great help!”

At this time, Jeremia already had three units, and one of them was still able to defeat Lancelot with one enemy. A trace of cruelty flashed in Chuwell’s eyes, and he said coldly.

“Everyone disperse, I want to use Chaos explosive bomb (use a shot grenade against Knightmare).”


“This can’t work.”

At this time, Xie Ming, who put on the cheese-kun mask again, had already stood on Chuwell’s shoulder for some time, and the bag with the sword on his shoulder had been opened. A long and sharp knife was slowly withdrawn.


Everyone just felt a flash of cold light in front of them, and Xie Ming had fallen to the ground in the next moment and slowly retracted his sword. And Chuwell’s arms had been cut off and fell to the ground.

“Thank you, Mr. Kamen Rider.”

You Fei slowly walked out of the entrance of the stadium, thanked Xie Ming and looked at all the machines seriously.

“The command here is taken over by my third queen of Britain, Euphemia Li Britannia! Everyone, all retreat!!”

“Really…really…really so sorry!!!”

The four Sunderland immediately put down their spears and knelt on one knee.

“Okay, the matter here is resolved, and I should go back.”

Slowly put the long knife back into the sword bag, Xie Ming prepared to leave the stadium without concern.

“Ming…Mr. Kamen Rider, can we see each other again?” Yu Fei folded his hands together and shook his chest, and asked timidly.


Xie Ming’s departure stepped for a while, and then he continued to walk forward.

“If you want to see, don’t you see it anytime?”


Upon hearing the reply, Yuffi smiled brightly like the sun.

“That lord, what is it…” Sehir, who was watching the play, looked at Xie Ming, frowning tightly.

“Who knows…”

Lloyd touched his chin: “I have a close relationship with Your Highness Yuffi, and I am very good at using knives. I can even cut off the armor of Knightmare…why do I feel so familiar?”

“Mr. Lloyd too?”

Cecil said in surprise: “I did the same. I feel like I knew a teenager like this a long time ago.”

“Hmm… It seems that when I go back, I need to check the past information.”


“Really, that white mecha is Suzaku.”

Turning the king’s chess piece in his hand, Lelouch said with a gloomy face.

“Yes.” Xie Ming took a sip of tea: “And that white mecha is the Seventh Generation Knightmare, and it is also equipped with the latest laser vibrating sword. If he had this equipment in the last battle, I guess I would not be so. I won easily.”

“…The new governor has already been determined to be Cornelia, right?”

“Youfei is here, how could that sister control not come?”

Xie Ming said with a smile: “Perhaps one is the vice governor and the other is the governor. And Clovis’s death must have completely angered Conelia. What should I do, do you have the confidence to defeat her?”

“British Valkyrie, Cornelia.”

“It’s not, for sure.”

Lelouch showed a smile after deducting the chess piece fiercely.

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