Chapter 458: Excessive Tenderness

Within a few days, something unexpected happened.

“Hello everyone, my name is Suzaku Shuque.”

Wearing the uniform of the Ashford Academy, Suzaku stood upright on the podium, introducing herself.


“Yuffie…you really cause trouble.”

Sitting on the seats, the expressions of Xie Ming and Lulu Xiu became very exciting in an instant.

However, the admission of Suzaku shocked all the students in the college, and even a little panic. So no one cares about their expressions.

After class, Xie Ming lightly nodded on the table, motioned to Lelouch, and then left the noisy classroom. Lelouch nodded slightly, and when he walked out of the classroom, he deliberately picked up the collar of his school uniform.

On the rooftop, Xie Ming sat casually on the guardrail, while Lu Luxiu stood beside him. Before long, Suzaku opened the door and came to the rooftop.

“It’s really gone for 7 years.”

Lelouch looked at Suzaku with a nostalgic smile.

“Go to the roof top to speak and gather members. Really, although I saw Xie Ming a few days ago, now I really see you and I feel relieved.”

Suzaku walked in slowly, leaning on the guardrail and looking into the distance.

“The worrying character really hasn’t changed.” Xie Ming shrugged and said helplessly.

“But the last time I saw Xie Ming, because His Royal Highness Yufei was next to me, I never asked, is the girl in the sealed cabin okay?”

“We were separated in that explosion, and we tried to find it, but we couldn’t find it.”

Without blinking, Lelouch made up the excuse.

“Really…. I also investigated here. It seems that no one except the members of the Guards knows.” Suzaku didn’t have the slightest doubt, and believed Lelouch’s words.

“That’s it…”

Except for the Guards, nobody knows it? There was no reaction on Lulu’s face, but countless questions popped up in his heart. What is sacred CC this woman?

“By the way, Xie Ming, Lu Lu Xiu, are you still the same names in the school?”

“more or less.”

Xie Ming smiled: “In the previous archives, I, Lelouch and Nanali were all prepared for death. So now Lelouch and Nanali’s surnames belong to Ashford’s family. The little nobleman Lampelucci, and my identity is the son-in-law of the Ashford family. Of course, they are all fake identities.”

“Beginner son-in-law?” Suzaku was a little surprised: “I heard that the student council president of this college is the granddaughter of Archduke Ashford.”

“Yes.” Xie Ming said helplessly: “Mi Lei is my fiancee in name.”

“Brother Xie Ming made a compromise with Duke Ashford for me and Nanali.”

Lelouch squeezed the railing: “Although Archduke Ashford has always been my mother’s faction, no one knows when he will abandon me and Nanali. So for the sake of safety, Brother Xie Ming agreed to Ashford. The proposal of the De family.”

“It’s all in name.” Xie Ming didn’t care: “In fact, it means that I can help when Ashford’s family is in danger. It is an alternative investment.”

“Although I don’t understand it a little bit, just know that you are all right.”

“Oh… I am stupid to talk so much to you.”

“Sure enough, fools are fools all their lives.”

For the Suzaku who heard so much and only thought about this, Xie Ming and the two were also convinced.


The arrival of Suzaku was a surprise to Xie Ming and Lelouch, and a panic to the students of Ashford College, but to Nanali, it was a surprise.

Since learning about Suzaku’s arrest, Nanali has been asking Yui to read the news about Suzaku to her. The very kind-hearted girl has always cared about her childhood friends.

Now, knowing the safety of Suzaku, and even knowing that he had also entered Ashford College, the stone in Nanali’s heart finally fell.

In the conversation with each other, I learned that everyone has changed a little. The only things that haven’t changed are Xie Ming and Nanali.

Compared with the previous radical individualism, Suzaku is now more stable and deep. And Lelouch also has more Haki and boldness.

The two may be complementary by nature. Xie Ming felt that if Suzaku and Lelouch cooperated, then everything could be achieved.

It is a pity that the two people’s thoughts and concepts are completely opposite. One focuses on the rules, and the other is to break the rules. Therefore, the two are destined to embark on completely different paths.

Really, it’s a pity.

Having determined this, Xie Ming will try his best to kill him when he meets Suzaku next time without revealing his identity.

Happy time is always very fast. After Zhuque, Nanali and Yui bid farewell, Xie Ming and Lulu Xiu drove him to the door.

“Come back if you have a chance.”

“Yeah. But…” Suzaku thought for a moment, but still firmly said: “Lelouch, Xie Ming, we are in the academy, so let’s pretend we don’t know each other.”

“Why?!” Lu Luxiu was taken aback.

“How do you explain that you are friends with the honorary Britons?” Suzaku asked back: “If you don’t make it right, you will be noticed by someone who is interested in your past identities.”

“Nanali too…I don’t want to cause you more trouble…”

“You guy! It was the same last time, always worrying about others!!!”

“Last time?”

“No…nothing.” Lelouch removed his eyes.


Xie Ming said lightly: “A true friend does not care about the identity of the other party and the troubles that the other party brings. If there is a problem, the friend will help you. If there is a problem, everyone will find a way to solve it together. This is the real thing. friend.”

“Xie Ming…what you said is right, but…” Suzaku smiled bitterly and turned around: “Everything is different from seven years ago.”


Xie Ming didn’t believe that Suzaku couldn’t hear what he meant. What happened to Suzaku in the past seven years?

But at any rate, he was also a past friend. It was one thing on the battlefield, and another thing in the academy. The honorary British in school must be the one bullied by everyone. So if you can help, Xie Ming will still help.

“With my presence in the school, I don’t dare to bully people on the bright side. But it is inevitable that someone will make some small actions secretly.” Xie Ming patted Suzaku on the shoulder.

“If there is anyone who is not afraid of death, come and tell me. Ashford’s evil spirit, this name is still very useful.”

“Well, I know. Then, see you tomorrow.”

Suzaku squeezed her fist, not letting her decision waver.


“See you tomorrow.”

After a few steps, Suzaku stopped and didn’t look back: “Today, maybe my happiest day in seven years. Really, thank you.”

Xie Ming and Lulu Xiu stood at the door watching the figure of Suzaku leaving, and sighed slightly.

“What a, clumsy man.”

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