Chapter 459: Cat!

“That man should be a soldier from Britain at that time.”

After Xie Ming returned to the room, CC who was lying on the bed playing with the cheese-kun mask asked lightly.

“Ah, that’s right.” Speaking of Suzaku, Xie Ming was very helpless: “I really don’t know what happened in the past seven years. He can turn such a radical and cheerful child into what he is now.”

“So, what are you going to do?”

“I have no plans.” Xie Ming leaned on the wall and looked out the window: “Lelouch said I would try my best to bring him over, and I will try my best to do so. But if I really meet again on the battlefield, I won’t Be merciful.”

“It’s up to Suzaku to live or die.”

“Relentless man.”

There was some irony in CC’s tone: “Isn’t he your former friend?”

“But I will also recognize what is most important.” Xie Ming remained unmoved: “I can help him with this friendship, but if his presence threatens Lelouch and Nanali, then I Will kill him.”

“Where is Yui?”

“If I live, Yui will live.” Xie Ming said in a pun.

“Cut, it’s boring.”

The teasing was unsuccessful, and CC took off his clothes three or two times and got into the bed: “Remember to turn off the lights, thank you.”

“I really treat this as my own home.”

Shaking his head helplessly, Xie Ming walked to the door and turned off the headlights, then took off his coat and lay on the floor.

“Now, Xie Ming.”


“Good night.”

“……Good night.”


Ashford’s name of evil spirits is more powerful than imagined. This is Suzaku’s only thought in recent days.

He is ready to be bullied and mischievous by other people. For example, what desks are painted, sports clothes are painted, and iron nails are placed in the desks. However, none of this happened.

Here, he is just a being isolated, discussed, and feared. But compared to his years of military life, he is much better.

“I’m really getting help from others all the time.”

Suzaku smiled bitterly, and reinvested in his schoolwork.

However, there is one less person in the class.


The door of the student union meeting room opened automatically. Xie Ming looked at Nina who kept tapping on the keyboard and said, “Why not go to the classroom?”

“Vice President…” Nina was a little bit hesitant, but finally she said: “I’m a little scared, new classmate.”


Pulling away the chair, Xie Ming asked softly.

“Because…because he is from District 11…or…the suspect who killed His Royal Highness Clovis…”

With deep fear in her eyes, Nina hugged her arms, as if this would give herself a little more sense of security.

“…I haven’t gotten out of that thing yet.”

Xie Ming rubbed his eyebrows and thought helplessly.

Nina Einstein, as soon as she saw this surname, Xie Ming knew that the girl must be someone who does great things in the future. So I always put my own attention on the girl.

As mentioned a little earlier, Xie Ming once set up other people’s venues for a student. That student is Nina.

She was cowardly and fearful in nature, and once again the student union accidentally walked away with everyone when she went out in a group, and strayed into the alleys of the city. And there, she was insulted by the Japanese.

The two Japanese probably only wanted to vent their anger, but Nina, who was very afraid of the Japanese because of class discrimination, almost collapsed at the time. And seeing the female student in front of her reacting with such fear, the two Japanese naturally came up with evil thoughts.

Fortunately, at that time, Xie Ming flew directly to the top of the building and opened the purple magic pupil to search for Nina’s whereabouts, so that the girl escaped. By the way, the two Japanese and their small group were all beaten into the hospital.

But this incident also caused Nina to have a very deep psychological barrier.

“Even if I was in the classroom, would you be afraid of Nina?”

“…If the vice chairman is here…it will feel a little relieved…but I’m still afraid.”

“Then what if you sit next to me?”

“Vice President’s… next to it? No way, no way! Absolutely not!” After thinking for a while, Nina flatly refused. If you really sit next to Xie Ming, the classmates’ reaction will be ignored for the time being, Mi Lei will definitely molest her to death.

Really, how could the vice president be so careless!


Unexpectedly, his proposal would be so strongly rejected, Xie Ming’s face froze.

“Ah!” Nina reacted, sweating on her anxious face suddenly: “Vice President… I didn’t mean to hate you, but… just…”

“Okay, okay, I know I know.”

Gently patted Nina’s head, Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “I know that what happened at the time had a great impact on you, and I don’t say much. I just want to say a few words to you.”

“Don’t reject others because of their status. Take courage and take a small step forward. Maybe there is a different world? You science students, aren’t you curious about these unknowns?”

“Unknown…” Feeling the warmth above her head, Nina’s face was a little ruddy. This is why Mi Lei likes the vice president…

“I will try to see…”

“Well, come on.”

Xie Ming smiled, ready to get up, looked out the window habitually, and then was stunned for an instant.

A black cat with a mask of ZERO ran on the campus road. And the one who followed behind, panting heavily, was Lelouch?


Xie Ming’s face was strange at this time, it was a feeling of wanting to laugh but not being able to laugh.

Will the peaceful life of himself, Lelouch, Nanaly and Yui be planted on Arthur? This kind of weirdness makes Xie Ming feel extremely complicated.

“What’s the matter? Vice President?” Nina looked out the window in confusion.

“It’s okay. It’s just a sudden emotion.”

Xie Ming said deeply: “Life is really wonderful and wonderful.”



“Damn it!…… Damn it!! How can I ruin everything because of such an idiot thing!!!?”

Gasping for breath, Lelouch, who still clenched his teeth, really wanted to slaughter the cat in front of him.

She was packing ZERO’s costume and mask, but Nanali suddenly called herself out to talk about Suzaku. Unexpectedly, the cat Arthur ran out wearing a mask!

“Although I will be ridiculed for a while afterwards, it’s not the time to care about this kind of thing!”

I just took out my cell phone to call Xie Ming’s number, but Xie Ming’s phone number had already been called.

“Hey! Brother Xie Ming!! Do me a favor!!”

“Arthur ran out with something wonderful, right?” Xie Ming’s voice came from the phone with a smile.

“Ah, yes!”

Lelouch said defiantly, “What an ugly state!”

“Don’t worry, I’m already thinking of a way to track it down.”

Standing on the highest point of the building, Xie Ming, whose pupils were emerald green, said lightly: “You will follow Arthur and be responsible for erasing the memory of the student who saw the mask.”

“Ah, I get it.”

As soon as they were about to hang up the phone, the brothers heard a school-wide broadcast.

“This is the president of the student council, Mire Ashford. The theme this time is cats!”

“Now go and catch the cat of the Student Union who ran away in the school, Arthur! All department activities are stopped! Assisting our club can enjoy the preferential treatment of funds!”

“Moreover, there are super luxurious gifts! You can get a KISS from any student union member!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!!”

“…Excuse me?” The corners of Xie Ming’s mouth twitched a few times. This woman was really afraid that things would be small.

“Damn it! President, you are so nosy!!!”

Lelouch was already sweating in a hurry, and he really didn’t open which pot to lift which pot.

“After catching the cat, give everything to me in the student union room! That’s right, don’t give it to anyone, give it to me! Me!!! Cough cough cough…”


Looking at the college that was completely restless, Xie Ming silently covered his face: “Come on, Lelouch, in various senses.”

“Ah! Hang up first!!”

“Oh, really…”

Leaping off the roof gently, Xie Ming said helplessly: “A little bit, let’s show your strength.”

Of course, this kind of interesting thing fits his own appetite, and no one would say Xie Ming.

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