Chapter 464 Rogue, Wanderer, Red Lotus Two

As the vice-governor, Euphemia has no real power, and Cornelia is basically doing everything.

This is not to say that Yuphie is unwilling to involve in government affairs, but that Conelia does not let her be involved. District 11 is actually the area given by Emperor Charles to Euphemia to manage, and Cornelia just came to help.

“Wait until I clean up this place and let the country raise it to a safe area before handing it over to you.”

This is the original words of Cornelia.

Coupled with the declaration of the Black Knights, Yuffi’s heart is full of contradictions. That’s why she often found Xie Ming during this period to discuss some of her inner troubles with him.

To be honest, Xie Ming was embarrassed. You know, although the original declaration was written by Lelouch, it was him who actually gave the speech. Talk to him about the Black Knights, how should he answer.

lie? I don’t want to use lies to deceive others. It’s not enough to tell the truth, so every time it makes him very entangled.

“Now, Brother Ming, are you listening?”

“Ah, sorry, I was thinking about something.”

Looking at Yu Fei who was a little angry, Xie Ming smiled bitterly and apologized: “So what do you want to talk to me?”


Yu Fei complained, and then sternly said: “Brother Ming, what do you think of the Black Knights?”

“What do you think? Isn’t it a partner of justice?” Xie Ming joked.

“Please be serious.” Yu Fei said dissatisfied: “I’m asking this question very seriously.”

“Alright alright.”

Xie Ming sighed, his current identity is a student, not a Joker of the Black Knights. So, setting aside Lelouch, Joker and other factors, what do you think of the Black Knights in your own way?

“An ambitious organization that expands its scale in the name of justice.”


Yu Fei froze for a moment. She had never considered this view. What she has been worrying about is actually whether the Black Knights are good or evil.

Their leader ZERO and Joker killed the imperial brother Clovis, which is evil. But Clovis ordered the massacre of the residents of District 11, which is also evil. So is the Black Knights good?

“From the results, the Black Knights have done all good things. However, with this opportunity, it is also true that the scale of their organization is expanding.”

Xie Ming said calmly: “Anything needs to be given a nice name to cover up the essence of the matter. Just like the honorary British system proposed by Britain is actually dividing the residents of District 11, even if the Black Knights do it now. These are all things that do things for the heavens, and the essence of the matter is to take the opportunity to expand the scale of the organization.”

“It turns out… that’s the case.” Yu Fei said thoughtfully: “So in your opinion, Brother Ming, is the Black Knights correct or wrong?”

“It depends on the individual.”

“It depends on the person?”

“That’s right.” Xie Ming drank his saliva, trying to keep his words free of subjective opinions: “For the residents of District 11 and the majority of victims, what the Black Knights did is undoubtedly correct. They have indeed carried out their goals and become partners of the weak.”

“But as far as British law is concerned, the Black Knights are a criminal who ignores the law. If you want to outlaw criminals, why not become a policeman?”

“However, some people who dream of becoming a policeman in addition to evil and promoting good, when they truly become police officers, they find that the police cannot really ban criminals. Under the comfort of various unspoken rules, prisoners can still get away with justice.”

“Really, it’s contradictory…” Yu Fei murmured.

“The world is inherently contradictory.”

Xie Ming smiled: “The existence of rules is necessary because it can manage most people. But in the hands of some people, rules are their toys, or even tools for their crimes. Faced with these people At that time, talents like the Black Knights who despise the rules and break the rules are best suited to deal with them.”

“But…” Yu Fei was a little hard to let go: “If the current police cannot eliminate these criminals, wouldn’t it be okay to join the police and change it?”

“This is Suzaku’s answer, right?” Xie Ming asked with a smile.


Yu Fei said softly: “Mr. Suzaku said that what the Black Knights have done is nothing more than goodness and self-satisfaction.”

“Indeed, the most correct choice may be just as Suzaku said, through his own efforts to eliminate criminals while observing the rules. But ah, Yuffi…”

Xie Ming sighed: “This is too naive in my opinion.”


“Yes, naive.” Xie Ming smiled: “I agree with the words of the Black Knights. Only those who are qualified to shoot are those who are prepared to be killed.”

“A murderer is always killed. Whether you follow the rules or not, the murder will not change. So why do you think it is right to kill while observing the law, and vice versa? Woolen cloth?”

“…” Yuffi fell into silence.

Touching Yuffi’s head lightly, Xie Ming said with relief: “In fact, you don’t need to think about this kind of thing. You only need to do what you think is right, Yuffi.”


I have to say that with the two words ‘justice’ as the label, things will develop unexpectedly smoothly.

The number of volunteers joining the group has continued to increase, and Kyoto has also provided dozens of Knightmares to the Black Knights.

Japan has imitated Glasgow independently, with two sharp horns on the head, a chest machine gun, and a wrist protection armor plate, which is equivalent to an upgraded version of Glasgow. Rogue.

The ZERO and Joker special commanders have special paintings that distinguish them. The ZERO has two more yellow horns on the head, while the Joker is equipped with a high-density Japanese sword.

However, the rogue and the rogue still belong to the Fourth Generation Knightmare, and their performance is barely comparable to that of the Fifth Generation Sunderland. The most surprising thing is a bright red machine.

Because the design concept is different from that of Britain, the frame and appearance of the machine body are completely different. The most obvious feature is its huge silver right hand like a ghost claw.

The performance is 1.7 times that of Sunderland. It belongs to the Seventh Generation Knightmare with Lancelot. The driver’s seat is similar to a motorcycle. The retractable silver ghost claw has a special weapon “radiation wave”, which can be irradiated with high frequency and short period of time. Destroying enemy weapons “from the inside” is very powerful.

The name of the body is: Red Lotus Two Type.

Although the red lotus style II was intended for Xie Ming to use according to Lelouch’s original plan. However, the Red Lotus Style II was far from Xie Ming’s fighting style, whether it was the body or the fighting style.

Of course, the main reason for Xie Ming’s refusal is the cockpit like a motorcycle. It can be seen that the producer wants women to drive full of nasty fun.

So in the end, the red lotus type II was handed over to Karen to drive.

It seemed that everything had come together, and just after receiving these Knightmare, an extremely important news was passed on by a Briton who wanted to join the Black Knights.

On Sunday, Cornelia will lead his troops to attack Narita Lianshan. And there is the base camp of the Japanese liberation front.

“Then go hiking on weekends.”

After receiving this news, Lelouch and Xie Ming agreed and issued this order.

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