Chapter 465

Kyoto is not a charity organization, which is very important. The purpose of their funding of multiple organizations is to hope that there will be an organization that can drive Britain out of this land.

In addition, there is a little princess in Kyoto who seems to be particularly obsessed with ZERO and Joker, so this time they entrusted the red lotus style to the black knights.

Of course, since there is a big investment, there must be a big return. This time, Cornelia’s siege of the Japanese liberation front is a gift that Lelouch will give to Kyoto.

Let them know that the Black Knights are qualified to wrestle with Britain and are valuable for them to invest more funds and military equipment.

The battle of Narita Mountain Range will be a battle to determine the value of the Black Knights.


Narita Mountain, the Japanese Liberation Front post.

It is rare for Xie Ming and Lu Luxiu to play chess here. Next to them are two Japanese liberation front sentries controlled by Geass.

Lelouch gave them two orders to ignore all abnormalities.

Now, the Black Knights are driving down pile drivers at specific locations according to orders. Because according to the research of geologists, there is underground water at the bottom of Narita Mountain. This will be the key to victory in this battle.

“It’s finally the day.”

Although he was calm on the outside, Lelouch was still a little eager to try. After all, his defeat in the First Battle of Saitama has always kept him on his mind.

“Unexpectedly, you are quite grudges.”

Xie Ming joked.

“That is, Brother Xie Ming, you said,-Kunzi revenge, ten years is not too late.” After eating a chess piece of Xie Ming at random, Lu Lu Xiu turned his attention to the window.


“What’s the matter?” Xie Ming’s gaze also shifted away, and then his face was full of helplessness.

“Okay, I give up. Let’s go out and have a look, how come this lady witch ran over.”

Taking the opportunity to push the chess piece, Xie Ming stood up.

“… Brother Xie Ming, obviously you are about to lose, what makes you surrender?”

“Don’t care about the details for this kind of thing.”

“Details determine success or failure. You taught me the truth.”

“Really? Well, Lelouch, I still have to teach you a truth today.” Xie Ming said with a faint smile: “When your fists are bigger than others, you can be unreasonable.”


Looking at the deflated Lulu Xiu, Xie Ming laughed happily, rubbed his head and walked out of the room.

Not far away, CC looked at the endless mountains and the falling snow, not knowing what he was thinking.

“Miss Witch, why are you running here? There is no pizza here.”

“Because I want to protect you.” CC smiled lightly: “If you two contractors are dead, I will be very distressed.”

“Thank you so much.”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows and stood beside CC.

“Now, Xie Ming. Why are you called Xie Ming?” CC asked abruptly.

“I still have many names. Edmund, Uranus Temple Houtaro, Joker.”

“Then why, would you choose the name Xie Ming?”

“Sa, who knows.” Xie Ming shrugged: “Probably because of this name, it represents the truest me. After all, why are you called CC?”

“The truest self…very your style.”

CC smiled and asked, “Xie Ming, do you know why the snow is white?”

“Use questions to answer questions.”

After pondering for two seconds, Xie Ming recalled his knowledge and said: “Because snow reflects 95% of light, the colors of these lights are mixed together to form white…Wait, where are you going?”

“I will be stupid with a fool.” CC flipped Byakugan and walked aside. But unbelievably, the sadness in my heart has disappeared after this interruption.

“…Forget it, you just have to be happy.”

Xie Ming stretched his bones, felt the cold touch of snowflakes, and began to adjust his state.


At the top of the mountain, Lelouch and Xie Ming, who had put on their masks again, gathered with the members of the Black Knights.

“Really…Do you want to do it?” Fan asked uncomfortably.

“The opponent is Cornelia, one of the few powerful troops in Britain.” Lelouch, who was transformed into ZERO, said lightly.

“So, isn’t it a better choice to cooperate with the Japanese Liberation Front…?”

“Still still talking about this?”

ZERO asked, “Fan, don’t you believe me?”

“What are you talking about! I asked you to be our leader!”

“Then there is only one answer.”

“…..I see.”

After waiting for dozens of minutes, the British army began a full-scale offensive.

Overwhelming transport planes, over a hundred Knightmare, surrounded the Narita Mountains and attacked the top of the mountain.

Seeing this amazing military power, all the members on the top of the mountain panicked. Wearing a red headband, the member Yucheng who had been taught by Xie Ming was the first to press it.

“What a joke, ZERO!! Aren’t you surrounded by these guys!! Even the way back…”

“It has been blocked.”

ZERO said lightly: “If you want to survive, you can only start a war here.”

“War? With Britain?”

“Clash with them head-on!? Obviously already surrounded?”

“And the opponent is still Cornelia’s army! It is a completely different power from before!!”

Yes, this is a normal reaction. Xie Ming and Lulu Xiu had anticipated the reactions of the members of the Black Knights.

Even if countless criminal organizations were wiped out, the members still did not have the courage to fight against Britain. Therefore, persecute them.

Forcing them to confront Britain head-on! This is the reason Lelouch specifically prevents the members from knowing.

“You guys, are you scared?”

Xie Ming’s tone was full of sarcasm: “Under this situation, unless a miracle occurs, otherwise we have only one way to die.”

“Joker, are you aware of it too!?”

“Of course.” Xie Ming was sitting on the Knightmare, knocking Erlang’s leg: “How can I miss such an exciting thing?”

“It’s the first time you rescued the Suzaku, which is called a fluke by you.”

Lelouch said calmly: “Then, in this case, I will bring you a second miracle.”

“I said! A miracle can’t happen that simple!” Yucheng said angrily: “Sure enough, letting you be the leader is the wrong choice!! I should…”

“Then shoot me.”


“I said, shoot at me.” Lelouch deliberately irritated: “If you think that without me, you can escape from this desperate situation by your own strength, then it’s like shooting me.”


Everyone was shocked. Suddenly, no one said anything except the sound of the pile driver.

“You have to figure it out.”

Xie Ming jumped off the Knightmare and said faintly: “You have only two choices when you join the Black Knights.”

“Live with us.”

“Or die with us.”

Looking at the two masked men standing together, the members of the Black Knights, fell into silence.

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