Chapter 466

When the Black Knights were involved in internal disputes, on the hillside, the Japanese Liberation Front and the Cornelian Army had already begun fighting.

“What’s wrong?”

Lelouch asked again: “Challenge me and knock me down.”

“…Cut it, do what you want.” Yucheng put away the gun and rolled his head.

“You are the leader, and we will do what you say.”

Under the mask, Lelouch showed a smile of “Planning”: “Very much, thank you.”


The reason why Cornelia used the siege operation was because she only learned that the Japanese Liberation Front was located at Narita Mountain, but did not know the detailed information of their base camp.

And now that more than 100 Sunderland have encircled the mountains, the resistance elements will inevitably deploy all their combat power, and a single-point breakthrough will only have a ray of life. However, at that time, Conelia will use reserve forces to completely annihilate them.

Very perfect and simple strategy. But because of this, it is easier for Lelouch as a master tactician to understand her tactics and even infer the position of Coneglia.

After waiting for dozens of minutes, when Langtu’s radar caught the enemy plane, Lelouch gave the order.

“From now on, the Black Knights will carry out surprise attacks on the enemy from the top of the mountain! All members, prepare for battle!!”

“Follow my instructions and break through from the third area! The purpose of the battle is to capture the second queen of Britain, Cornelia!”

“The one responsible for opening the breakthrough, Red Lotus Two Style!”

“Karen, use the No. 3 piledriver, one hit decides the result.”


Karen activated the red lotus style II and pressed the huge silver ghost claw on the pile driver.

“Confirm the effort, the radiation fluctuations are activated, and the external state is maintained.”

Taking a deep breath, Karen pressed the button: “Transfer out!”


The ultra-high temperature heat energy is transmitted into the underground water along the pile driver.

The ghost claws emitted steam and ejected a round of ammunition. Success or failure depends on this blow.

It didn’t take long for the ground to gradually emit steam, and then a huge roar came from the ground.

“Success!” Karen said in surprise.


The ground not far away collapsed in an instant, and countless mud and groundwater broke out to form a mountain torrent, which rushed down the mountain in a monstrous force.

Conelia’s team has been completely isolated by the flash flood. In this man-made natural disaster, the enemy directly lost 20% of its total combat power.

“Everyone, follow me and attack!”

Xie Ming pushed the engine, two Ronalds and eight rogues followed straight to Coneglia.

The ten Knightmare did not stop for a moment. Before the enemy’s reinforcements could react, the dense bullets shattered the opponent’s Sunderland.


Suddenly, there was a resentful voice from a Sunderland, and the machine gun in his hand directly destroyed the two rogues. Before the driver had time to react, the emergency escape device took their cockpit into the sky.

“Is ZERO here? If so, please fight Jeremy Goth World!”

“Oh, Mr. Orange.”

Xie Ming drew out the Japanese sword and walked forward slowly: “How have you been since the last parting?”

“O…OOOOrange?!!! I want to kill you!!!”

Jeremia, who was completely irritated by the word Orange, rushed up without hesitation.

“Tsk tsk, the persecution is not light.”

For the enemy, Xie Ming had no compassion. He controlled the body, and the Japanese sword drove straight along the enemy’s flaws, directly cutting off Sunderland’s head. Then he changed direction and cut off his right arm.

“It’s not over yet!!!”

The chopper of Sunderland’s left arm unfolded, and he leaned forward into Xie Ming’s cockpit.

“Oh, the technology is not bad.”

With a chuckle, Xie Ming pulled back the propulsion lever, and then pushed forward.

The Ronald escaped the slash in a maneuver, and the muzzle of his left hand had reached Sunderland’s chest.


“Boom boom boom!!!”

Bullets gushed out, shattering the enemy’s chest. But under the automatic disengagement device, Jeremia escaped again. However, it can be vaguely seen that the cockpit is slightly damaged.

“So…” Xie Ming pointed at the remaining Sunderland with a knife: “Are you going to go?”

“Without further ado!!!”

The remaining Sunderland raised the machine guns in his hand and began to retreat and fired at Xie Ming and the others. This kind of fire suppression battle forced Xie Ming to lead the others to hide behind the bunker.

He can split bullets with a knife, but his body can’t. Therefore, Xie Ming, Lulu Xiu and others were temporarily delayed here, temporarily unable to attack Conelia’s troops.

“Hmm…wait?” Xie Ming suddenly discovered that behind the Conelia troops, four new airframes were approaching quickly.

“ZERO, it seems that there are also quite high tactical masters in the Japanese liberation front.”

“Ah, really good.”

Lelouch nodded: “But in this way, Conelia’s guards have been dragged. And the fire suppression of the purebloods here will not last long, Joker!”

“I see.”

With his eyes narrowed, Xie Ming fired again and exploded a Sunderland: “There are about 20 seconds left, and they will have a gap of about 3 seconds. All members, cover me with firepower at that time!”


“Where is Karen? You have already waited in the designated area as planned!”

“Yes, there is still half a minute to reach the designated area.”

“Then…Come on.” Xie Ming showed an excited smile on his face: “This kind of alternative battle really satisfies my dream since I was a child.”

The strongest point of the Cornelia army is Cornelia and its guards. But their weakest point is also Cornelia.

Once Conelia has an accident, the morale of the entire army and the Guards will be shaken. Everything about them is for the existence of Cornelia. On the contrary, if it is for the safety of Conelia, they will put aside the victory and defeat and their lives.

“His Royal Highness Cornelia!!!”

No, a shout that resounded through the mountains reached the ears of everyone nearby.

“Red lotus II style, encounter with Cornelia and start fighting.”


Karen roared and controlled Guren to grab the ghost claws towards Conelia, but Conelia easily picked it up with a spear and shot.

Gulian dodged sideways and continued to attack after dodge the bullet, but at this time the Conelia machine had already shot the claws on the rock wall and hung the machine body.

At this time, ZERO, Xie Ming and others arrived.

Without any hesitation, ZERO controlled the Ronin to pull the trigger, and bullets poured out and forced Conelia off the rock wall.

“Can you hear it, Cornelia.”

At this time, I am afraid that only Xie Ming can hear the triumph in Lelouch’s tone: “Already, general.”

“Is it ZERO?!”

“Ah, yes. We should celebrate our goodbye.”

Lelouch mocked: “However, before that, I hope you can surrender to us. I have something I want to ask you.”

“By the way, your reinforcements are too late. This battle is my victory, Conelia.”

“This guy.”

Xie Ming couldn’t help covering his face: “Would you like to be so careful?”

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