Chapter 467

Indeed, Conelia is now at the end of the road. There is Xie Ming, the super ace pilot, and Karen, the ace pilot, driving the Seventh Generation Knightmare Red Lotus Two.

No matter how you look at it, there is no way out.

However, if he surrenders, Cornelia will not be called Cornelia.

Moreover, destiny will always pour a pot of cold water when people are most proud.


Hearing a burst of anger, countless rock cracking, a white body holding an energy rifle, directly pierced the rock wall and rushed to the position of Conelia.

“Governor, are you okay? Rescue is here.”

“It’s actually a special dispatch?” Conelia asked in surprise: “Are you instructed by Yuffi?”


Lelouch roared and gave an order: “Red lotus II destroys the white body! Joker will catch Conelia!”



Manipulating the body to pull out the Japanese sword, Xie Ming took the lead to pull the trigger.

“Don’t try to succeed!”

Suzaku unfolded the energy shield in his left hand and blocked the bullet. At this time, Gulian had already attacked it.


“Boom boom boom!”

The white mecha Lancelot raised the beam rifle and fired three shots, but they were all avoided by Karen. The silver ghost claw lifted up, preparing to squeeze Lancelot’s head. At the same time, Xie Ming’s Japanese sword also turned into a cold light and pierced Lancelot’s cockpit.



Gulian’s ghost claws were held up by Suzaku, while Xie Ming’s Japanese sword was held tightly by Conelia’s spear.

“The Governor!”

“Shumu Warrant Officer, you go to deal with the red mecha, Joker will be defeated by me.”


“Don’t underestimate people!!” Karen pressed the button, and Ghost Claw released strong radiation waves again. Suzaku, who sensed that it was wrong, released the gliding equipment on his feet in time, and the equipment was directly crushed in the next second.

Without hesitation, Suzaku got close to her body, pushed Guren with her shoulder and fired a beam of light again, and at the same time, the MVS hanging on her back was also taken into her left hand.

However, also the Seventh Generation Knightmare, the Red Lotus Two’s mobility is not inferior to Lancelot, and a Z-shaped dodge dodges this attack.

“How is it possible!? The same high speed as Lancelot!?”

The MVS started, and the sword body turned blood red. At the same time, the right hand continuously pulled the trigger, but it was all flashed by Karen.

If Lancelot can conduct all-round battles through various weapons and equipment, then the Red Lotus Type II is a weapon that relies on radiation fluctuations to deal with all situations.

The so-called Yilijiang Shihui is like this.

The hook shot by Lancelot was squeezed and exploded. The MVS long sword was also crushed. The beam rifle attack at close range was also blocked.

But unfortunately, Karen didn’t pay attention to the terrain. Although the beam of the beam rifle is blocked by radiation fluctuations, the powerful momentum it brings will not be offset. After the fight between the two sides just now, there was a broken wall behind Karen.


With a scream, the red lotus type II fell directly. The two rogues landed and hurriedly asked, “Is it all right?”

“Ah, it’s okay. But the right hand is not working anymore and needs to be repaired.”

“Damn it! Just a little bit!!!”

Lulu Xiu, who was watching the battle, hammered the cockpit and immediately ordered: “Everyone, follow the retreat route!”

“Just a little more time.”

Looking at the Coneglia machine whose arms in front of him had been cut off by himself, Xie Ming shook the Japanese sword and picked up Coneglia’s spear, reluctantly said: “ZERO, please withdraw first, I will delay it.”

“Ah! I leave it to you, Joker!”


At this time, Lancelot had already leaned on the hook and flew into the sky, quickly approaching.

“First give you a big gift.”

Grasping the spear, Xie Ming controlled the body to aim at Lancelot and threw it out.


The beam rifle fired in two consecutive shots, which exploded the long spear directly in the air. Lancelot kicked Xie Ming with a tomahawk.

“It’s still the difference between the body and the equipment…”

Glancing at the Japanese sword that was already full of cracks, Xie Ming flashed helplessly, and at the same time knocked Lancelot’s head with the hilt.


The energy shield unfolded, blocking the percussion. Seeing that the attack was unsuccessful, Xie Ming quickly withdrew and retreated, avoiding another slash from the MVS. The body revolved, and the Japanese sword stabbed, preparing to nail the enemy’s foot to the ground.

“Damn it, it’s tricky.”

Suzaku retreated quickly, relying on the body’s performance, and the beam rifle in his hand fired again.

“Can this still make you run?”

In the face of enemies whose equipment and body performance are better than his own, Xie Ming has few choices.

He avoided the first beam and took the second beam with his left arm. The Japanese sword swept the lower section and finally cut Lancelot’s calf.

However, the god of luck today does not seem to be on Xie Ming’s side. In other words, he underestimated the armor of the enemy’s body and overestimated the Japanese sword in his hand.

With the crisp cracking sound, the blade that had just cut into half of the enemy’s calf turned into fragments. At this time, the enemy’s lightspeed rifle had been aimed at his chest.


With a murmur, Xie Ming pressed the button on the operating lever, and the two hooks on the front of the Langtu’s chest pierced the lightspeed rifle.


The unfired energy exploded directly in the barrel, blasting the two fuselages directly into flight. Xie Ming’s prodigal head is gone, and the opponent’s Lancelot’s right hand and forearm are also gone.

“I slipped away, I’m afraid I’ll be exposed when I fight on.”

With a wry smile, Xie Ming controlled the prodigal and moved towards the predetermined location.

“Don’t want to run away!”

Even with the loss of his right arm and beam rifle, Lancelot’s mobility is far beyond the reach of the Rangers. In addition, the hook and MVS of his left hand are still intact, and he still has the power to fight again.


Listening to the sirens from the cockpit, Xie Ming’s eyes flashed with impatience. Are you really scared? If you don’t want to reveal your identity, get out of the cockpit now and get you out and beat you up.

Hey? Wait… I seem to be able to do such a thing as Joker. The nearly kilometer building climbed along the outer wall by itself, so why bother to shy away like this.

Controlling the Ronin to turn around, Xie Ming greeted Lancelot. The opponent’s claw blasted his right arm, no matter what. MVS slashed to his chest, no matter what.


Chilong Emperor’s cage hand was already on his hands, Xie Ming jumped out of the cockpit and started running along the opponent’s right arm, and his right fist hit Lancelot on the head.

“Spartan fighting technique, collapse attack!”

In an instant, a 1-meter-long head was directly hit and exploded in the air. The next moment, Xie Ming had already jumped onto the cockpit, his five fingers joined together and turned into a sharp sword, and he stabbed in fiercely.

“Boy, shameless, don’t blame me for lifting the table.”


With the sound of steel curling, the ceiling of Lancelot’s cockpit was slowly lifted by Xie Ming, revealing the driver in the white driving suit.

Suzaku with an incredible face.

“Really now, General.”

He took out the blue rose and pointed it at Suzaku’s head, Xie Ming said lightly.

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