Chapter 468 CC’s Name

Is the protagonist in a mission world hard to kill? Very hard to kill. Because these protagonists are the darlings of the world and the children of luck, their luck will save them every time.

And the male second? It’s also quite hard to kill. As the opponent of the protagonist, the male number two will inevitably have the luck not to lose to the protagonist. It’s a pity that Shumu Suzaku is the second male number in this world, so he is destined not to be beheaded by Xie Ming here.

Because the mainstream of this world is Knightmare. Therefore, if you want to kill such characters with strong luck, you must use Knightmare to kill them.

This is something that Xie Ming only understood after the battle of Narita Mountain Range.

“I can’t die here!!”

Suzaku, who was aimed at by Xie Ming with a gun, suddenly burst out with strong mental power. Lancelot began to spin quickly, and the strong centrifugal force made Xie Ming unstable and was directly thrown aside.

“Today is really unlucky!”

With a low curse, Xie Ming leaned on the ground with one hand, looking at the hacked MVS, and was about to turn on the ghost mode. When he decided to kill the Suzaku with all his strength, an unexpected person appeared.


“That girl… Shinjuku… in the airtight cabin?”

“Stop it, you are not allowed to shoot him.”

Facing the huge Knightmare, CC did not fear at all, and slowly moved forward.

“She is… from the Black Knights?”

The CC slowly approached and put his hand on Lancelot’s foot armor, and the bangs went without wind. There was a red bird’s mark.

“Hey, CC! Come back! I’m ready to kill him!”

“Be strong, if you die, I will be very troubled.”

CC said lightly: “Although it is an indirect contact, there is still value in trying.”

“Speak clearly.”

Xie Ming walked over slowly: “What did you do to Suzaku?”

“It’s nothing, just showing him something that will make him shake the impression. I don’t know what I see. Compared to this, you can leave now.”

“And you?”

“I can’t move now, you go first.”

“Do you think my character might make you here alone?” Xie Ming turned Byakugan: “Go together.”

As he said, he stretched out his hand and took CC’s arm.

Suddenly, a strong mental force rushed directly into his brain, causing the Demon Eye of Forbidden to open directly.

“No!” CC yelled anxiously, unusually calm, “Not now…!!!”

“what is this?”

As if it was when signing a contract with CC and acquiring Geass, the screams of countless people appeared in his head. But this time, some concrete images can be seen.

With a church with the same logo as Geass, countless civilians took up hoes and stones and yelled at the church.

In the church, a woman in a nun’s dress was praying, but according to the shape of her mouth, she seemed to be saying a person’s name.

Then, the picture flashed quickly, and came to a green forest and white palace. A green-haired girl was sitting naked in the pond.

On the lower part of the girl’s left chest, there was a Geass pattern that seemed to have been cut deeply by a knife.

“Stop…Stop…Don’t spy…my memory…”

CC grabbed his heart, two lines of clear tears shed slowly: “My heart… was opened…”

“Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!”

However, the first to collapse was Lancelotli’s Suzaku. He let out a heart-piercing roar, and then manipulated Lancelot to start slashing around indiscriminately.


The magic eye that was still open saw that several Knightmare were approaching here quickly. Xie Ming, who had originally wanted to solve Suzaku first, had no choice but to pick up CC and leave the area.




Along the way, both Xie Ming and CC remained silent. Xie Ming didn’t know what to say, and CC…well, the ghost knew what she was thinking.

“Obviously, I don’t need to save me. They all said that I am immortal.”

Finally, CC spoke first.

“Well, take it as my boring pride.”

“Really stupid man.” CC mocked.


Xie Ming tried to speak, and called out the name he had read with his lips, the nun in the church was chanting.


Suddenly, CC stopped, turned around and looked at him blankly.

“Haha, it really is your real name.” Xie Ming smiled awkwardly: “It’s a pretty name, why not use it?”

“It has nothing to do with you.”

Throwing the back of Xie Ming’s head, CC walked forward again: “Anyway, I…have forgotten everything…forgot everything…names are for me… .Name…what…”

The trembling voice, the past that has been deliberately forgotten, was unintentionally opened by Xie Ming. The sadness and pain brought to the girl at that time tortured the girl again at this time, and she couldn’t help crying, who was so indifferent to face everything.


Xie Ming didn’t know what to do at this time. However, he was clear that if what the girl said was the truth, then she had already endured this grief alone, and had gone through a period of time without knowing how many years.

Some things will return to peace with the passage of time. But for some things, if you don’t heal them, the longer the time passes, the more painful you will become. CC is undoubtedly the latter.

Because until now, this grief is still hurting her continuously.

So, there is no need to say what to do. At this moment, any words are not as direct as actual actions.


The tearful girl exclaimed, and then she felt herself coming into a warm embrace. Struggled a few times, but it was destined to be useless.

“what are you doing…..”

“I just want to say thank you.”

Xie Ming gently stroked CC’s hair and said softly: “If you don’t have you, Lelouch can’t move forward. Thank you for just coming to rescue me, thank you.”

“…It’s the first time…I was thanked…”

CC stopped struggling, obediently buried his head in Xie Ming’s arms: “Then, you can return the gift to me.”

“A new flavor of pizza?”

“That’s also very good, but what I want now is something else.” CC said with a little coquettish feeling: “Call it again, my name. It’s like, just like that.”

“Just do it again, serious, gentle, and heart-warming…”

“…Well, listen up.”

Gentle, thoughtful, and serious, Xie Ming said the name gently.

“How?” Inexplicably, Xie Ming felt a little embarrassed, and he asked tentatively.


CC puffed up and laughed, and suddenly got out of the arms of the young man: “No, not at all.”

“…What a wayward woman.”

Xie Ming smiled helplessly.

“of course.”

CC turned his head, and the sunset became the girl’s background. The amber pupil is as beautiful as a gem, but what is more beautiful is her smile.

“Because I am a witch, Mr. Devil~”

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