Chapter 472

“…It turns out, Lulu, you are ZERO, and Xie Ming is Joker.”

In the living room, Shyarly looked at the brothers in front of him with complicated expressions.

He knew that the two were mysterious and were doing something without telling everyone. But I didn’t expect it to be such a big thing.

“Then, at the Hekou Hotel…”


Xie Ming nodded: “When I saw that you were taken hostage, I went straight by. The propaganda of the Black Knights was just by the way.”

“By the way…” Shyarly was a little bit dumbfounded, and the hatred in her heart was erased because of these two words.

Such a person, you said that he deliberately killed his father, Shyarly really doesn’t believe it.

“Where are Nanali and Yui?”

Shyarly asked softly, “Do Nanali and Yui know you are doing this kind of thing?”

“Yui Yi knows, Nanali doesn’t know yet.”

With a wry smile, Xie Ming was a little entangled: “Although we really want to tell her, Nanaly’s character will definitely stop us. The child is too gentle and doesn’t want anyone to be hurt.”

“Moreover, the fewer people who know about this kind of thing, the better. We told you because we didn’t want to hide it from you anymore and lie to you. But in fact, we did this to drag you into the water…”

“But, why do you do such a thing?” Shyarly was a little puzzled: “What good will this do to you?”

“That… it’s a long story.”

Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “Lu Lu Xiu, you can tell her.”

“Ah.” Lelouch nodded and began to talk softly about the passage of these years.

The identity of him and Princess Nanali, the identity of Xie Ming, the death of Mariana, the ruthlessness of Charles, the wanderings of these years…


There are so many things that happened on this day. Shyarly, the ordinary girl’s worldview, was deeply impacted.

“Shyarly, Shyarly.”

Lelouch shook Shyarly’s shoulder gently, and said worriedly, “What’s the matter?”

“Ah, sorry, Lulu.”

Shyarly said complicatedly: “Now, I am a little confused…”

“I’m sorry, Shyarly.” Lelouch said apologetically, “I don’t want to hide it from you, because I feel that if I hide it from you, things that I regret will happen. I…don’t want to lose you.”


Looking at the two people who looked at each other affectionately, Xie Ming felt that he was being fed a ration of dog food.


Although I am embarrassed to interrupt the two Xiu Enai, the things that need to be resolved still have to be resolved. So Xie Ming interrupted the flash bombs of the two.

“Lelouch and I are the same as we said before. We will bear all the sins we should bear. So, no matter what revenge you make, we won’t have any complaints.”

Xie Ming said very seriously: “I will do my best to compensate for this crime.”

“Xie Ming…”

Shyarly shook her head: “My head is messed up right now, so…can you give me some time? Give me some…time to think.”

“I understand.” Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “No matter what decision you make, I will treat you as my friend.”

“Um…” Shyarly stood up: “Then, I’ll go first. Lulu, Xie Ming.”

“I’ll give it to you.” Lelouch stood up also.

Xie Ming quietly watched the two people leave the room.

“is this okay?”

I don’t know when, CC has come to Xie Ming’s side, and said without regard to her: “That girl, maybe she will tell you about it.”

“…If that were the case, I would accept such a result.”

“What a clumsy man.”

With a helpless sigh, CC gently hugged Xie Ming from behind: “It’s easy to live a bit meaner.”

“That’s not me anymore.”


As they talked, they couldn’t help laughing.


In the evening, ZERO and Joker came to the abandoned warehouse in the harbor area. The new rogues and rogues, as well as the restored red lotus, are all here.

“Wait, ZERO.”

Hearing Lelouch’s plan, Shan objected: “Indeed, the Kyoto side put forward a request for us to help, and there is no big problem with our help. For the Japanese liberation front, instead of fleeing overseas, I should be more willing to join hands with us! But…”

“Information provider, it seems to be called, Diharut, right?”

Without taking care of the fan, Lelouch looked at Diharut, the Briton Diharut, who was pointed at by the gun, the provider of two important information.

“Yes… I am honored to meet you, ZERO, Joker.”

Obviously he was pointed at by a gun, but this man didn’t show any movement. Some are just the desire in the eyes.

The desire for breaking news.

This is a man who can do anything to satisfy his desires. Xie Ming and Lu Lu Xiu made their conclusions on him.

“Cornelia sent the Knightmare in the water to capture the leader of the liberation front, Katase Rear Admiral, is this true?”


Diharut said calmly: “The TV bureau has already begun preparations to report on this special program.”

“Kataze and Fujido will not make peace…” Xie Ming said with interest: “In other words, the Japanese liberation front is now a group of remnants.”


Lelouch looked at the members again: “The liberation front without deterministic combat effectiveness, only the liquid Sakura stone used as an escape fund as a backing.”

“So…” Fan argued hard: “Isn’t it better to help Katase Rear Admiral escape than to fight Coneglia?”

“Fan!” Lelouch increased his tone: “Who are we?”

“Yes… the Black Knights.”

“Then, there is only one path we can choose.” Lelouch said calmly: “Destroy Cornelia’s troops in order to save the members of the liberation front.”

Of course, these are pretty words.

Neither Lelouch nor Xie Ming had any expectations for the Japanese liberation front. The Black Knights are not a charity, but Lelouch’s power to avenge Britain.

To help a group of unrelated useless people escape, it is better to use them as bait, assault Coneglia’s troops, and capture her.

This is the real plan.

Standing up abruptly, Lelouch mobilized: “The victory lost in Narita, we want to take back today!”

“…What’s the chance of winning?” Fan asked at last.

“Stupid question.”

“Oh, I understand.”

Fan smiled, and he believed that the two wearing masks would not disappoint the members.

“Now let’s prepare for combat. Everyone is on standby according to the arrangement just now. Joker, have things been done?”


“Then everyone…”

“Wait, ZERO!” Karen suddenly ran out: “I have something I want to ask you.”

“…Joker, Karen will leave it to you.”


Xie Ming suddenly looked dazed.

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