Chapter 473: Decoy Tactics



In the empty abandoned factory, Xie Ming and Karen were silent.

“That… don’t you have a problem?”

“I have a question to ask ZERO, not you.” Karen said indifferently.

“Uh…but ZERO gave you to me.”

Xie Ming said embarrassingly, and had already decided in his heart to fix this stinky boy after going back.


“Are you confused?”

Reminiscing about the look and performance of Karen at the funeral of Shyarly’s father, Xie Ming understood the girl’s affairs and asked softly.

“I think we are just.”

Karen rolled her face, her tone of voice a little confused: “I think what we did is justice, so it is only until now that we have fought and killed people. But…”

As if recalling Shyarly, Karen’s eyes were full of sway: “What we do can really change the world?”


Xie Ming said calmly: “Rather, we must change the world.”


“Because there will be sacrifices? Karen, we are in war. There are sacrifices, it is a matter of course. Whether it is soldiers or civilians who are involved.”


“Because of this, we have to move on.” Xie Ming said lightly: “Take the lives of these people and move on. Only in this way, we will not let down the dead companions and innocent people.”

“In the future, we will still kill people, and we will kill more people. Even one day, I or ZERO will fall on this road. However, what the Black Knights do will not change.”

“We only need to seize the victory. Because only victory can make us change the world.”

“It feels like what you said is very similar to someone I know…” Karen murmured.


Xie Ming gave a bitter smile and gently stroked Karen’s head: “If you want to turn around, neither ZERO nor the members of the Black Knights will have any objection. Because, this is not your age. Things to endure.”

Hearing these words, Karen’s eyes wavered. She raised her head to look at Joker’s fierce mask, but at this time it brought her incomparable warmth.

He sighed slightly and closed his eyes. When he opened it again, there was no waver in Karen’s eyes.

“I will move forward, with you, with ZERO.”

“…… Then, come on.”

Taped Karen on the shoulder, Xie Ming smiled and said, “Let’s change the world together.”



“The tutoring is over?”

Sitting on the prodigal, Xie Ming received Lu Luxiu’s humorous voice.

“Smelly boy, now I have learned how to cheat my brother.”

Xie Ming cursed with a smile, and then a little melancholy: “I originally wanted to take this opportunity to let Karen leave the Black Knights, but instead it made her firm up.”


After a moment of silence, Lelouch said lightly.


The two stopped speaking, controlling the body and boarding the assault ship, waiting for the opportunity to arrive.

Soon after, there was the explosion of fish in the distance, and the sound of machine guns being used on people.

“ZERO, the other party has already started! ZERO! Can you hear me?!”

“Not yet.” Lelouch said lightly: “Conelia’s actions are faster than he imagined. In the past, they will only be annihilated together.”

After speaking, he hung up the communication.

Soon after, the Japanese Liberation Front’s surrender declaration appeared on the public channel. But at the same time, their transport ships also began to move forward.

“Damn it!” The fan standing on the height reported again: “The other party’s Knightmare has landed on the ship!”


Lelouch held the detonator and counted down silently in his heart.

There should be only one escape route for the opponent, and he kept the liquid Sakura stone so carefully, he had already inferred the route forward.

So Xie Ming had already installed the underwater bombs where they must pass.

“ZERO, if you don’t hurry up!”

“I know.”

Lightly pressing the button, Lulu Xiu issued an order: “Everyone, strike!”


The earth-shattering explosion destroyed the ship and the surrounding Knightmare. The explosive bomb detonated a ship full of liquid Sakura stone, and the power of this explosion was comparable to that of an intercontinental missile.

“It’s worthy of the Japanese liberation front.”

Lelouch exclaimed, “I actually chose the act of self-determination involving the British army!”

“Self-determination!?” Fan felt something wrong: “But, we haven’t received this kind of information!”

“We cannot waste the determination of the Japanese liberation front!”

Ignoring Fan’s doubts, Lelouch mobilized: “We will start now and break into the main formation where Conelia is located! Don’t think about anything else! Make the result your top priority!”

“If you don’t want to waste the sacrifices of the Japanese liberation front, capture Conelia!! Get the victory and show our strength!!!”

The assault ship passed the tossing waves and sprinted all the way against the blast wind. First, several missiles were fired and destroyed the Knightmare on the shore, and they landed directly on the shore through the smoke.

The cabin opened, six Knightmare slowly stood up, and Lelouch gave the order.

“Before the pilot enters the cockpit, knock the enemy Knightmare into the sea! Red lotus II followed Joker and me!!!”



The two Langtu and Honglian II took the lead to jump out of the cabin and rush in all the way. The three rogues in the back picked up machine guns and shot them.

Soon, Xie Ming and Karen followed Lelouch and directly broke into the enemy’s warehouse where the aircraft was stored. At this time, Cornelia had just entered the cockpit and activated the system.


Without hesitation, Lelouch accelerated directly, knocked Cornelia out of the warehouse, and then pressed the trigger to start shooting.

Conelia’s counterattack was also very quick, and he immediately shot a hook and caused Lelouch’s prodigal to break his left arm. At the same time, Xie Ming and Karen also shot the claws at the same time, knocking out the machine gun in the hands of Coneglia, and restraining it at the same time.

“Cornelia.” Lelouch walked in and raised the machine gun: “I’m going to break the cockpit and pull you out of it!”

“Don’t think about it!”

At this moment, from the port cargo box, a white body jumped out, and a prodigal kicked at Lelouch.

“You are waiting, Suzaku.”

A cold light flashed in Xie Ming’s eyes, and the waver moved forward, piercing out the Japanese sword in his hand, and aimed straight at the cockpit.


Lancelot’s energy shield opened directly, blocking Xie Ming’s stab from the front, and relying on the superiority of the body to kick out a fierce kick, kicking Lulu Xiu aside.

“Is that you again!! Suzaku!!!”

“Because of your existence! ZERO!!!”

“It’s good to dare to divert attention in the battle with me.”

The Japanese sword slashed through an arc, bypassing the protection of the energy shield, and slashed directly at the joint of Lancelot’s right arm.


The red dragon emperor’s cage hand had already appeared at some point, and a voice came from the green gem. Langtu’s Japanese sword was plated with a layer of red light and shadow.


Lancelot’s right arm fell to the ground, and the empty door opened.

“Go to hell, Suzaku.”

An upward cut, cutting to the raised cockpit behind Lancelot, there was no hesitation in Xie Ming’s eyes.


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