Chapter 474 Another Geass User

The blood-red MVS stubbornly held the Japanese sword with red light and shadow. Relying on the body’s performance, Lancelot was slowly standing up, wanting to fight back.


This time, the strengthening of the cage hand of the Chilong Emperor, Xie Ming added to the body’s skeleton.

After being strengthened, the Ronin’s body made a squeaking sound, but its performance had been doubled. Following Lancelot’s strength, he made a round and cut straight to Lancelot’s waist.

At this time, it has no other hand to stop it.

“Even if you don’t have hands!”

Suzaku roared, his right foot bent and raised for protection, and the MVS of his left hand pierced straight out.

If Xie Ming didn’t give up the action, Lancelot’s right leg would indeed be cut off, but Xie Ming’s cockpit would also be pierced. If it is a normal driver, he will inevitably give up the attack.

However, is Xie Ming a normal driver?

The answer is no, so the choice he made must be, fight!

“Boy, play hard, you have found the wrong person!”

With a sneer, Xie Ming tightly fine-tuned the body, making the Langtu into a half squat when he slew it.



Lancelot, whose right leg was severed, fell to the ground, and a pothole appeared in Xie Ming’s cockpit, in which Xie Ming’s figure could be seen.

MVS, just passed through his head, only a millisecond.

This is Xie Mingyi’s boldness, but the value of adventure is there, because Lancelot no longer has the ability to fight. Conelia was also firmly suppressed by Karen at this time.


When Xie Ming just wanted to do something, a small explosion occurred in the cockpit where he was, and countless sparks began to splash. The control screen showed that the skeleton of the prodigal could no longer support it.

“no way.”

Jumping out of the hole, Xie Ming pressed the button on the helmet.

“Karen, can you take Cornelia in a short time?”

“Sorry, Joker.” Karen gritted his teeth. Since the last time he suffered a loss, Conelia has been carefully guarding Guren’s radiation fluctuations during this battle. In addition, she is also an ace driver, so she has been able to persist until now.

“It’s okay, retreat.”


“In this way, the Black Knights will be completely destroyed. So, retreat.”


Although very unwilling, Karen still obeyed the order, and after driving Conelia away, he quickly retreated.


Conelia was taken aback, turned his head to look at Lancelot, and found that the prodigal had fallen apart and Joker was nowhere to be seen.

“Joker, who the hell is…”

That unusually familiar knife technique caused Conelia to fall into contemplation again.


“Shyarly missing?”

Putting down the teacup, Xie Ming asked seriously.


Lu Lu Xiu, who put on his coat, said as he walked: “I haven’t contacted her for several days. I’m going to her dormitory now.”

“and many more.”

Xie Ming stood up: “I’ll let someone investigate Shyarly’s whereabouts from the Internet first, and the results will soon be available. I will also prepare.”

“Yui, did you find it?”

“Well, Dad. Sister Shyarly got on the train to Narita not long ago.”


After a moment of silence, Xie Ming sighed and walked out of the room.

No matter what, you have to find Shyarly first.

A few hours later, the two arrived at Narita. Came to the Narita Victims Monument.

“Not here, or left after talking about it?” Xie Ming frowned and thought.

“Brother Xie Ming, let’s split up.”

Lelouch suggested with an ugly expression.

“Well, I’ll take a look at the heights.”

Seeing Lelouch who was leaving anxiously, Xie Ming looked around and found no one and jumped onto the tallest building nearby, his eyes turning emerald green.

Although the magic eye of the forbidden still retains the function of the purple magic pupil, it still does not have the perspective function. Therefore, Xie Ming must stand on a high place when looking for someone, so that his vision is not easily blocked.

But there are high mountains everywhere near Narita, and reconstruction work is still going on around here, so in order to avoid people’s eyes, Xie Ming’s search work is several times more difficult than usual.

In a flash, it was already evening. The afterglow of the setting sun filled the city.

“This is the last area.”

Looking at the climbing train not far away, Xie Ming rubbed his brows. If Shyarly is not found here, then only a carpet search.


Suddenly discovering that the climbing train actually started running, Xie Ming opened the magic eye again.

“Lelouch and…who?”

A silver-haired man with earphones and sunglasses is on the train with Lelouch.


Locking the target on the silver-haired man, the rainbow light in his pupils began to flow, Xie Ming saw the pupil under the man’s sunglasses.

“Geass? And still eyes? Is it the third or fourth stage? What is the ability? Does it have anything to do with CC? The reason Shyarly disappeared is because of him.”

Several questions suddenly popped out of Xie Ming’s mind, but there was only one thing that needed to be done at this time.

“Catch up.”


“…Impossible! Me!? I actually lost here?!”

Looking at the chess in front of him, Lelouch’s face was extremely ugly.

The guy who appeared inexplicably in front of him, holding Shyarly’s mobile phone, proposed to play chess with himself if he wanted to see Shyarly, and warned himself not to notify anyone.

For Shyarly’s safety, Lelouch did so. However, in this game of chess, Lelouch was extremely frustrated. The opponent is like an unknown prophet, every time he can play the chess piece in his most uncomfortable place.

It feels like…

“It’s like seeing through your own thoughts, isn’t it?”

The silver-haired man clapped softly and asked playfully.


“It’s you~ I think of so many in an instant, and there is a completely correct answer among them.”

Gently removed the sunglasses, revealing the blood-red bird eyes.

“Introduce yourself, my name is Mao. I am the contractor of CC, Mr. Lulu who loves to steal the fish~”

“Geass capable person!!!”

In an instant, Lelouch’s left eye rotated, and a pattern of a flying bird appeared.

“Ouch, no good, no good.”

The man who claimed to be Mao put on sunglasses in an instant and said with a smile: “If your Geass can’t see the other person’s eyes directly, it can’t be activated. I also know these things.”

“Sure enough, is your Geass reading other people’s thoughts!?”

“Yes.” Mao shrugged: “Is it much better than yours?”

“None of these things matter!”

Lelouch stood up and glared at him, “Shyarly, where is it!?”

“Yes, where is it~?” Mao Feng said lightly, “Or, look at the window behind me?”


At this moment, Shyarly was holding a pistol that he didn’t know where it came from, facing Lelouch.


“Then, let’s start the punishment game~”

Clapping gently, Mao said lightly.

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