Chapter 475

“Geass capable people, the ability is to read the mind…”

Looking at Xie Ming not far away, the blue rose was already in his hand, aiming at Mao’s head at all times.

“This ability must have certain limitations. But when I am here, he didn’t find it, indicating that there is a limit to the distance when he reads his thoughts.”

“So, do it now?”

“Wait, he still can’t make waves with me here.”

Several thoughts flashed in his mind, Xie Ming decided to watch the changes. Maybe, this is a good opportunity to solve Shyarly’s deadlock.


On the waiting platform of the train, Lelouch was caught in a dilemma at this time. Shyarly held a gun in front of him, and Mao looked at him with a grin in the back.

“Shyarly! This gun is!?”

“That man over there gave it to me…” Shyarly looked dim and whispered.

“Why don’t you use it? Geass.” Mao whispered on the sidelines: “Ah, I don’t want to use Geass to control Shyarly? He obviously killed his father.”

“Damn it, what is his purpose!?”

Lelouch looked very ugly: “Is the thought that can be seen through appearance or deep thinking? How long does it last? If you want to kill me, why not just do it?!”

“Oh, think about it, use your strategy head.”

Mao said with a grin.

“To shut up!”

“Hehe, a fishy cat is suitable for this way of death.” Mao’s laughter was full of murderous intent: “There is another person called Xie Ming, right. I will let him die, even more than you. Ugly!”

“You? Want to kill Brother Xie Ming?”

Hearing this, Lelouch showed a disdainful smile on his face: “If your Geass is another ability, maybe there is still a chance. But if you want to read it by thinking, you want to kill him, and you still talk in your dreams. Bar.”

“Lulu, I think a lot.”

Shyarly cried: “Make up for your sins together, I will die with you.”


“She is also guilty.” Mao turned the gun in his hand: “Obviously your father was killed by you, but she wanted to forgive you and want to be with you just like this. Actually at the price of her father, with the man she likes Together. Ah, what a mean woman.”

“…It’s over, Lulu.” Shyarly gave a sad smile: “Let’s die together, let Xie Ming do the rest.”

“Yes, that’s right, death must be used to make up for the sins.”

“You bastard!”

Lelouch turned his head and glared at Mao, a thought flashed through his mind.

“Able to read thoughts, then it would be very simple to manipulate people and induce them. But…”

“People are not toys that can be manipulated by others. The power of emotions will make people incredibly powerful.”

This is what Xie Ming said when Xie Ming was chatting with Lu Luxiu.

“Shyarly.” Lelouch looked at his beloved woman again: “If we die together, it is really your choice. I will accept it without hesitation.”


“But, Shyarly.”

Lelouch smiled bitterly: “I don’t want to die yet. I haven’t been able to make up for your sins. I still have my goals. I haven’t been able to…I haven’t been able to go shopping or date with you. , Watching the musical, I haven’t walked towards marriage with you yet.”

“…” Shyarly’s gun hands began to tremble.

“He said that you spent your father’s death with me. But this is wrong! Because until now, I have not felt how salvation your smile is to me. What is in my heart Value you!”

“do not talk!”

Moving forward slowly, Lelouch smiled softly: “I am a despicable man. Even if I kill your father, I still want to be with you.”

“Don’t come over! Don’t come over!!!”


The bullet grazed Lelouch’s arm. But Lelouch’s actions did not stop because of this.

“Shyarly, I like you.”

Pushing Shyarly’s gun down gently, Lelouch hugged her in front of her and said softly, “Could it be possible, please give in, such a despicable me…”


The pistol fell to the ground, and Shyarly shed two lines of tears: “Lulu, you are so mean.”

“Ah, sorry.”

“But I just like you so much…”

“Well, me too, I like you too.”



“Wow, what’s up~!” Mao looked at the two embracing and scratched his head irritably, “Forget it, I’ll take you two down by myself.”

As he said, he raised his pistol.


Two bullets instantly crossed a distance of nearly one kilometer and shot through Mao Ju’s right hand.

“Ah ah ah!!!!!!”


Next, there were two more gunshots, and Mao’s left and right leg joints were penetrated one after another.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!”

The painful cry cut through the sky.

“What? What’s wrong?!”

Shyarly wanted to see the situation, but was held by Lelouch.

“It’s okay, it’s Brother Xie Ming who is here.” Lu Luxiu said softly, touching the girl’s hair.

“…That’s not letting go!”

“No, let me hold you for a while.”

“But, very shy.”

“I do not care.”

“Really, Lulu used to like to act like a baby so much.” Shyarly smiled happily as she gently pressed her face to Lelouch’s chest, feeling his beating heart.

Father, I’m sorry. However, I still want to be with Lulu…

In front of him, Shyarly seemed to see his father smile and shook his head, and whispered: Be happy, Shyarly. Then waved his hands and gradually moved away.


A few minutes later, Xie Ming glanced at Shyarly and Lulu Xiu, then at the bleeding and moaning fur on the ground, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Although this guy had a bad intention, it was too hard.

“Lelouch, who is this guy?”

“It should be the contractor of CC, the woman, who didn’t clean up, and ended up asking for trouble.”


Looking at the paler Mao, Xie Ming said helplessly: “Then I will leave this guy to CC to solve it. You go back first, and I will call her to come over.”

“Well, let’s go, Shyarly.”

“Okay, Lulu.”


Staring at him, watching the couple holding hands and leaving, Xie Ming took out his cell phone and dialed the number of CC.

“What’s wrong?”

“Do you know the member of the Federation of China named Mao?”

“……where is he?”

“Come to Narita Mountain Ferris Wheel, I will bandage this guy, and the time will die.”

“on my way.”


Listening to the hang-up tone of the phone, Xie Ming put the phone into Kabuto, squatted down and pulled Mao’s coat away, ripped it into strips of cloth and bandaged him.

“Oh, are you still awake?”

“Thanks… Ming…” Mao said bitterly.

“You said you, why do you come to trouble us if you have enough food?”

Xie Ming found a place to sit casually, and took out the ancient book: “Look for CC to find CC, and we won’t let you see her. It looks like this, really…”

“Thanks… Ming…”

However, Xie Ming has devoted his mind to the books, and no matter how resentful Mao’s voice is, he can’t be disturbed anymore.

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