Chapter 476 CC and Mao

Under the stars, Xie Ming opened the Forbidden Demon Eye, holding the ancient book in his hand, sometimes frowned, and sometimes took out a long knife and tried to brandish it. On the side, the silver-haired hair was already fainted.

“Oh, here it is.”

Hearing footsteps, Xie Ming threw the book into the portable space and stood up.

“Where is Mao?”

CC, who put on Xie Ming’s coat and hid the green long hair in his hat, asked calmly as much as possible.

“Let’s take a break first.”

Throwing the prepared mineral water to CC, Xie Ming motioned to Mao lying on the ground: “He was shot through my knee. The treatment time has passed. Even if he does not die today, he will be disabled in the future.”


After taking a sip of water and placing the bottle on the ground, CC looked at Mao complicatedly.

“Hey, get up.” Xie Ming said lightly, kicking Mao on the ground with his toes.


Kicked by Xie Ming from the faint, Mao slowly opened his eyes. Later, he saw the woman he dreamed of.

“Ah, CC! I really want to see you, I really miss you so much!”

“Mao… is still as childish as before.” CC said lightly.

“I wish you could call me a knight who bravely faced difficulties~” Mao grinned and smiled: “Only you are so quiet. Only you, I can’t read and think. Therefore, we are both born. A pair of them.”

“…I have told you before, and you and I have…”

“That’s a lie!” Mao said indifferently: “I understand, CC you like me the most. You see, here is the evidence.”

The left hand took off the headset that he had been wearing, and Xie Ming and CC heard the contents.

That is the voice of CC.

“Mao, thank you.”

“Mao, don’t need to be afraid.”

“I will always be with you, Mao.”

With an extremely gentle voice, it is hard to imagine that this is what CC has always said calmly and indifferently.

“do not do that…..”

CC looked at Mao sadly, this was her sin. Now is the time for retribution.

“All I want is you, CC.”

Mao who was completely immersed in his own world, even his physical injuries were forgotten: “All I want is you, CC. Abandon what Xie Minglu, come with me!”

“I’m just taking advantage of you, Mao.” CC said softly, “but you didn’t meet my requirements, so I gave you and abandoned it.”

“you are lying.”

Mao smiled and said, “I know, CC you like me the most. So rest assured, I won’t take these words to my heart. Wait, I will kill Xie Ming, and then we will go to Australia to live together. Right, I have my own house there!”

“Enough is enough.”

Xie Ming, who had been listening silently, raised the blue rose and aimed at Mao’s head: “He has completely lost control because of Geass’s power. To continue to live like this is just a torture for him. ”

“No, Xie Ming!”

CC held down Xie Ming’s gun: “As long as you speak well, you will definitely make sense!”

“Don’t understand? CC.” Xie Ming looked into CC’s eyes: “Your pity now will only bury even greater disasters for the future. It’s like you didn’t handle this matter well before you left.”


“…Do you still like him? Or, because you once liked it, you can’t do it now?”


“Forget it. I don’t expect you to answer.”

Shaking his head, Xie Ming raised his gun again: “But, CC, you should understand my character. So Mao will die today.”

“I’ll do it.”

CC closed his eyes and said faintly.

“…Forget it.” Xie Ming glanced at CC: “I understand your mood, so I will do it.”

“Want to take responsibility for myself, so as to reduce my inner self-blame?”

Seeing through Xie Ming’s thoughts in an instant, CC took out the pistol from his arms: “I’m not weak enough yet, let a kid worry about me.”

“…” Taking a deep look at CC, Xie Ming retracted the blue rose and stepped aside.

“Now, CC! I know you won’t do this, you like me, right!”

“…Yes, Mao, I did like you once.”

Aiming the muzzle at Mao’s head, CC said calmly: “So, you go and wait for me first. In C’s world.”



“When I signed the contract with Mao, he was only six years old, and he was an orphan.”

On the returning train, CC suddenly said to himself.

“Reading and writing, his parents’ love, good and evil, he doesn’t know all.”

“Because of Geass’s power, he is very alienated. Therefore, Mao regarded me as a friend and lover. Because there is only my thoughts, he can’t read it out.”

“For Mao, I am the only normal person, the whole world.”


At this time, Xie Ming is organizing the language, what should he say? CC needs no mercy, no comfort.

“You really are a clumsy man.”

Seeing Xie Ming’s tangled expression, CC laughed: “Really, it’s the first time I have seen someone like you in my life for such a long time.”

“It’s okay, don’t worry about me. You are right. For people like me and Mao, death is the only salvation.”

“So, our contract with you is to kill you?”

Xie Ming frowned and asked.

“You are out of play.” CC looked at Xie Ming and chuckled: “I can’t feel the contract with you, nor can I conclude with you again. The power of Geass, after what you said upgraded, has completely become Your strength.”

“So, I can only see if Lelouch can meet my conditions.”

“Conditions? In other words, after Geass grows to a certain level, you can deprive you of immortality?”

“Sa, who knows.”

CC stretched and lay down on the seat: “When I go back, I want to eat tomato-flavored pizza.”

“…I know.” Xie Ming smiled helplessly: “Go to sleep, wait until you want to tell me later, let’s talk about it.”



After the trivial matters were settled, the Black Knights entered a period of rapid development.

To defeat Conelia and defeat Britain, relying on Kyoto and the Black Knights alone is not enough. Therefore, Xie Ming and CC went on a long trip to the Chinese Federation to seek cooperation.

Of course, the power of the Black Knights must also develop. As the trump card body, the red lotus type two is the most important thing.

The proficiency training of the driver will not be mentioned for the time being, and the creator of the Red Lotus II style is needed to adjust the Red Lotus II style according to the combat data and turn it into Kallen’s most proficient weapon.

Of course, Xie Ming’s powerful driving skills must also have a suitable body to play. So Kyoto has contacted Lakshata and her team, the creator of the Red Lotus II style far away in the Indian war zone.

The addition of Diharut also made the originally loose organizational structure of the Black Knights more perfect. I have to say that this is a very useful talent. An organization must have a strict subordinate system.

At this time of rapid development, through Kyoto’s introduction, four people came to the Black Knights.

Time is set up to commemorate Clovis, Art Week.

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