Chapter 478: Different Beliefs

The Four Sacred Swords are cleared very fast, which also shows what kind of existence would be on the battlefield if a highly skilled pilot had a suitable body.

Just like Suzaku driving Lancelot, it can instantly reverse the situation every time.

With a few shots, an armored transporter smashed through the wall, and a drift stopped. The cargo compartment slowly opened, and a black moon was sitting in it, waiting for his driver to arrive.


After several explosions, two Langtuo followed Honglian and came to the cargo compartment of the transporter. The cockpit of one Langtuo slowly opened and Fujitang got out of it.

Seeing Tengtang, Sitaiyuexia neatly parked on the left and right sides of the transport vehicle, the cockpit opened, and the Four Sacred Swords had joy on their faces.

“Lieutenant Colonel!”

“Welcome back, Mr. Fujido.”

“Everyone.” Fujitang looked at his subordinates: “I’m causing you trouble.”

“It’s just a matter of effort.” Xianbo said with a smile.

Jumping into the cockpit under the moon in two or three steps, Fujitang ordered: “Assist ZERO and wipe out the remaining forces here.”


At this moment, a claw took a parabola and shot at Xie Ming’s prodigal disciple. Karen, who was discovered in time, controlled the body to take off and opened the hook with Short Sword.

The hook shot on the tower and was taken back. Right across from everyone, the white Knightmare Lancelot was attacking them at high speed.

“Suzaku, it’s you again.”

Lelouch frowned, and the repeated attempts to sabotage his battle plan had already accumulated a lot of anger in his heart.

“ZERO, do you have any information on this machine?” Fujitang said.

“No, but there are ways to attack. Here I hope you can follow my command.”

“…Well, I’ll leave it to you here.”

Fujido was silent for a moment and made a decision.

“Except for the Joker machine to protect me, the whole machine, keep a distance from the white Knightmare!”

Lancelot’s fuselage performance and Suzaku’s driving skills made this fuselage a dominant presence on the battlefield. However, according to Lelouch’s personality, how could it be possible to watch Xie Ming control the Langtu and Vermilion bird over and over again and again?

It was as if Xie Ming put Nanaly, Lelouch and Yui first in his mind. Lelouch also put Xie Ming’s safety first. So in order to deal with Suzaku, Lelouch has carefully calculated his driving style.

“That guy’s attack has a certain pattern. The first attack must be from the front, so never confront it!”

Suzaku seized the opportunity and slashed towards the red lotus frontally with the MVS in his hand, but was controlled by Karen to dodge the body by a jump.

“After the attack is avoided, in order to prevent the next attack, it will move immediately! Read the mobile data!”

Seeing that there was no one everywhere, Suzaku also controlled the body to jump to get closer.

“S57 moving route!”

At this time, a moonlight appeared from the side of the building and rushed towards the landing site of Lancelot.

“Hey~, I really came here.”

Lancelot raised his gun, but it was already close to the distance by the moon, the laser katana slashed, and its beam rifle was blown off. At the same time, he raised the rapid-fire cannon on his left wrist.

“Yes, in this case, its next action is to jump backward, and the coordinate is X23!”

At the coordinates, Fujitang’s special machine, the black moon under the knife with both hands, stabbed Lancelot’s cockpit.


Relying on the astonishing speed of reaction, Suzaku avoided the first two stabs, but was pierced through the upper part of the cockpit by the third stab.

“Did you see through it!?” Fujitang was startled, but did not give up the attack. The stabbing turned into a horizontal slash, cutting down the top of Lancelot’s cockpit with another MVS.

The cockpit was cut open, revealing the figure of the Suzaku wearing a white driving suit inside.

“…Suzaku.” Lelouch said coldly.

“It’s actually Suzaku!!?” Fujitang was a little unbelievable.


Karen was stunned for a moment, a little at a loss, and subconsciously asked: “ZERO, give me instructions! ZERO!”

“…Wait first, it seems that Fujitang and Suzaku have something to say.” Lelouch ordered.

After checking that there was no major problem with the body’s drive, Suzaku raised the MVS again and cut to the moon. But Lancelot’s arm was suddenly held by Fujitang with Yuexia’s left hand, and the two sides suddenly fell into a stalemate. At this time, Fujitang opened the cockpit.

“Stop, Suzaku!”

“Mr. Fujido!!!” Suzaku was surprised at first, and then gritted his teeth and asked: “You don’t hesitate to twist the truth, do you want to live!?”

“Are you disappointed?”

Fujido showed a warlike smile: “Then you will execute me as scheduled.”

“Hey…” Suzaku stunned for a moment when he didn’t expect such an answer at all.

“What’s the matter!? Didn’t you come here for this?!” Fujitang mocked: “You have fallen into a hopeless kid who is satisfied with the status quo. What a growth!”

“It is meaningless to deny the current state of society!”

Suzaku said firmly: “It is the right way to be recognized and then get the power to change everything!”

“Are you serious!?”


“Heh…” Fujitang smiled: “Then you follow your path.”



Black Moon shook his left hand and pushed Lancelot away. Fujido said indifferently: “Whether you win or lose, you won’t get anything if you don’t go all out. This principle is the same regardless of whether it is a country or an individual. Applicable.”


The cockpit slowly closed, and Fujido was fighting with Suzaku again. At the same time, the Four Sacred Swords also surrounded it.



Lelouch said calmly: “Use Route 3 and all retreat. The enemy’s reinforcements have already arrived.”

In the distant sky, densely packed Knightmare transport planes are flying towards here quickly.


Looking at the sky, Fujido said admiringly: “A war that cannot be won is different from a war that is lost. It seems that you are very clear in your heart, ZERO.”


The black moon released a thick white jammer smoke from the rear and left the battlefield.


Suzaku was startled, and immediately rushed up with the mecha, trying to stop Fujitang. However, in the interference film smoke, Fujido’s rapid-fire cannon fired repeatedly, directly destroying Lancelot’s right-foot drive wheel.

“Expand the interference smoke!”

In the other four moons, the red lotus style was added, and interference smoke was released at the same time. Xie Ming and Lu Luxiu were caught in the middle, and they left the battlefield unhurriedly through the gap in the wall.

The Fujitang rescue operation has since ended successfully.

“Today, why not let me join the battlefield? Lelouch.”

On the way back, Xie Ming asked faintly: “Could it be that you still have the idea of ​​letting Suzaku join us?”

“……. Be it.”

Lelouch’s voice was a little low: “Always, I can’t make up my mind.”

“Your mentality will kill yourself sooner or later. Don’t forget, Nanali and Shyarly are still waiting for you to go back. Your life has never been yours alone.”

“I… I know, I know.”

The momentary anger dissipated, and at this time, there was only confusion in Lelouch’s heart.

The original friend went to two opposite roads, this is a kind of cruelty. Xie Ming had faced such cruelty long ago, and now it was Lelouch’s turn.

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