Chapter 479: Joker’s Position

After returning home, Xie Ming found out. At the same time as the rescue operation that day, Euphemia, who participated in the opening ceremony of the art gallery, also announced a very shocking news.

“Really… Yuffi, you chose Suzaku as a knight.”

“Brother Ming, are you… angry?”

Sitting opposite Xie Ming, Yu Fei in disguise asked cautiously.

“Huh? No.” Xie Ming smiled: “Yufie, you grow up, so naturally you have your own choice. Why don’t you persuade Conelia to let her choose the Cavaliers quickly. Both are 26 years old. Human, still so capricious.”

“…Brother Ming, do you have some misunderstandings about the princess’s selection of knights?”

“??? Doesn’t the princess choose the male knight to choose the future mate?”

“Brother Ming, you are a fool!!”

For some reason, Yuffi stood up all at once, cursed loudly, and left without looking back.

“…What?” Xie Ming was dumbfounded, watching Yu Fei get into the car and leave, a little confused.


“Puff~hahahahaha, hahahahaha, I know you are a clumsy man, but I didn’t expect you to be so stupid~ no more…”

Depressed, Xie Ming went back and talked to CC about this, but CC laughed and couldn’t even eat pizza.

“…My understanding is wrong?” Xie Ming asked weakly.

“Yes, yes.”

CC rubbed his tearful eyes and held the cheese-kun pillow: “Think for yourself, I have no obligation to clarify the fool.”

“1 pizza.” Xie Ming said blankly.

“No, three copies.” CC also got serious and said seriously.

“Don’t go too far, 2 copies.”

“make a deal.”

After the transaction was completed, CC fell on the bed again: “First of all, you have to know that the British royal family chose knights just to build their own military power.”

“The fact that the knight and the royal family became a husband and wife is still a precedent set by Emperor Charles. You should know what this precedent is.”

“The Mariana Knight will kill the traitor, and the Emperor Charles will marry Mariana as his concubine.” Xie Ming said lightly.

“Yes, so the marriage between the British royal family and the knight depends on the emotional basis of the two parties, but it is to use the marriage to hold the knight’s force in the hands.”

Picking up a pizza again and slowly putting it in his mouth, CC looked at Xie Ming amusedly: “Therefore, the marriage of the royal family and the knight is just not opposed to it now, rather than becoming the default rule of the royal family.”

“It’s like you become a knight of Nanalie. Do you want to wait for Nanalie to marry her when she grows up?”


Xie Ming was speechless at once, why he didn’t expect this.

“Speaking of which…. How do you know so much?”

“Guess~?” CC ate the pizza and blinked.

“Guess a ghost.”

“it hurts.”

Flicking CC’s forehead, Xie Ming stood up.

“Where to?”

“Make you pizza.”

“Oh~ I want pineapple bacon and seafood.”

“Yes Yes Yes.”

At the same time, Yu Fei, angrily, also returned to his deputy governor’s office, and connected to Cornelia, who was fighting against the traitors in the North Blue Road area, through a video communication.

After the official exchange, Yu Fei said first.

“You didn’t ask anything…”

“The appointment of knights is the privilege of the royal family, and even the governor does not have the qualifications to interrupt.” Cornelia said calmly. But being so calm with Euphemia shows that Conelia is angry.

“Although Suzaku is an honorary British, his abilities meet the requirements of a knight. Even if you are my sister…”

“It’s the governor.” Cornelia corrected indifferently.

“…Governor, you have seen it too.”

“It is Britain’s national policy to treat numbered residents differently. Even me, I dare not defy this.”

“I… I just hate this.”

You Fei said softly: “Brother Mingming Ming told us that there is no distinction between high and low in life. Discrimination and differential treatment will only bring about unstoppable disputes.”

“Xie Ming… It’s been a long time since I heard this name.”

Conelia was in a daze, and his words were full of bitterness: “He may be disappointed when he sees me now.”

“Sister, there is no such thing.” Yu Fei had the urge to reveal that Xie Ming was not dead, but resisted: “Brother Ming, he will definitely understand you. So, change it with me, sister.”

“…Youphi, do you understand? What you just said is to become an emperor.”


The next day, on the day Suzaku became a knight of Euphemia, Xie Ming and Lelouch were also making the personnel arrangements for the Black Knights.

The location was specially transferred by Lakshata, the submarine.

Chief Military Officer: Fujido Kyoshiro.

Responsible for intelligence, responsible for propaganda, intelligence collection, etc. The general person in charge: Diharut Lit.

This person is perhaps the most controversial among all members. Because he is a British citizen, and he belongs to the British media.

The only woman among the Four Sacred Swords, Naisa Chiba raised an objection.

“ZERO, I don’t want to be obsessed with ethnic issues, but what is your reason for using Britons specifically?”


Xie Ming stood by Lulu Xiu with a smile and said, “Does it take any reason to put a talented person in a suitable position for him?”

“Yes, if someone can replace me, I will voluntarily step down and let him lead the Black Knights.”

Lelouch said indifferently, “Are there any questions?”

“No, no more.”

“Then next, deputy commander: Fan Yao.”

“Hey? Me?” Fan was a little surprised: “So what about Joker’s position?”

“Well, don’t worry.” Xie Ming waved his hand: “I have another job arrangement.”

“Okay…” Fan nodded with a complicated expression.

“Responsible for technology development: Lakshata.”

Holding the long pipe in his mouth, Lakshata smiled lazily: “Of course it is.”

“Captain of Team Zero, Karen Hongyue.”

“Team Zero?” Karen was puzzled.

“The so-called No. 0 team is equivalent to my personal guard team, directly under my command.”

“The Guards…ZERO…” Karen looked a little happy.

“Captain of Team One: Saobi Nai (Four Sacred Swords), Captain of Team Two: Xianbo Linghe (Four Sacred Swords), Team Three: …..”

Next, almost all the important members were arranged in suitable positions, and the old members who had been following the original fan that Lelouch had come to organize also had their own corresponding positions.

“Finally…Joker, the captain of the special operations team.”

“Special Operations Team?”

“Yes, and he is the only one in this team.” Lelouch said lightly.

“This…it’s kind of…”

Xie Ming looked at the members whose expressions were a little wrong below and smiled: “This so-called special operations team is equivalent to a free combatant. On the battlefield, I can act according to my own judgment, and I don’t need to listen to anyone. The command.”

“Joker doesn’t want to follow other people’s orders, and his driving skills are also the top super-ace pilots, so this team was formed especially for him.”

Lelouch explained: “It is equivalent to an existence outside the specifications of the Black Knights.”


Everyone seems to be a little hard to let go. But smart people have already understood.

No power is given to Joker, which actually means that Joker does not need any power at all. Because he has something to do, he can talk to ZERO directly.

It seems that there is no position of power, but it is actually a detached existence in the Black Knights. This shows that ZERO completely believes in Joker.

After understanding this, after explaining each other a bit, the cadres no longer struggle. At this moment, Diharut raised his hand.

“ZERO, I have one thing, and I want to wait for a meeting to discuss an issue.”

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