Chapter 480

Coming out of the submarine, the cadres returned to the base vehicle, and Diharut immediately raised the issue he wanted to discuss.

“ZERO, Joker, what I want to talk about is the issue of Suzaku.”


Hearing this name, whether it was Lelouch or Tengtang and others, they were silent.

Of course, everyone’s silence will not stop Diharut.

“Suzaku became a knight of the British royal family and was promoted to major. In the eyes of many Japanese in the 11th district, he is the most successful of the honorary British.”

“But because of this, he will also become the representative of the submissive faction among the people in District 11 and become their banner.”

Speaking of this, there was a cold flash in Diharut’s eyes: “So, I suggest that he be assassinated.”

“Assassination? To Shumu?”

“So that’s it~”

Lakshata shook his pipe: “The resistance group has the star ZERO, but the submissive group does not.”

“Human beings cannot act by relying on doctrines and opinions.” Diharut said calmly: “Now that symbolic figures have appeared in Britain, assassination I think is the most practical choice.”

“be opposed to.”

Fujido, who has been silent for a long time, opened his eyes: “Such a despicable method will not be recognized by the people.”

“Yes!” Fan also agreed: “The Black Knights will not kill people without weapons!”

“The so-called assassination is aimed at his personal time without weapons, right?!”

“I just proposed the most practical and least dangerous plan. The final conclusion is ZERO and Joker.”

Faced with opposition from everyone, Di Harut didn’t care. He turned his attention to Xie Ming and Lu Lu Xiu, waiting for their decision.


Xie Ming repeated this word, glanced at the silent Lulu Xiu, and said calmly: “Let us consider this matter for the time being.”


Regarding the assassination of Suzaku, Xie Ming didn’t discuss it with Lulu Xiu much, leaving a sentence of ‘decision on my own’ and left it alone. But to be honest, he thinks that all of Suzaku will be assassinated, which is really a fuss.

The assassination of important officials on the enemy side during a war is nothing more than normal. But Xie Ming really didn’t think that Suzaku had the value of assassination.

On the second day, the student union banquet hall held a celebration to congratulate Suzaku on becoming a knight. At this time, Karen was holding a palm-sized pink small purse, slowly approaching Suzaku in the crowd.

On the edge of the purse, there is a cold light of blade.

“…That silly girl was encouraged by someone, right.”

Xie Ming saw this scene, was speechless for a moment, squeezed the crowd and approached her, and grabbed her arm.


She was very nervous and startled by this, and turned her head hurriedly to see Xie Ming looking at her.

“Everyone in the student union is busy, you’re still being lazy.” Xie Ming said angrily, and took her to the food truck: “Since your health improves, come and help.”

“Vice President, let go. I have important things now.”

Karen broke free, unable to break free, and said anxiously.

“What important thing do you have?” Xie Ming turned Byakugan: “The most important thing now is to help. I didn’t see that everyone was a little busy.”


Seeing herself getting further and further away from Suzaku, Karen looked helplessly at Xie Ming, who was holding her: “I know, I’ll just help.”

“That’s good.”

Xie Ming handed Karen a few bottles of drinks, and he took two pizzas: “Let’s go, you have to put them on every table.”

“It’s a pity~!”

Suddenly, a frivolous voice came from the front door. Nina and a man with silver hair and glasses in a white coat walked in. The man looked at Suzaku with a frivolous smile.

“Work is going to increase again, Suzaku.”

“Ah, Lord Lloyd. Is it military affairs?” Suzaku asked suspiciously after approaching.

“That’s right~”

Lloyd smiled: “There are important guests coming by boat, and we are going to meet them. Of course, Lancelot and His Royal Highness Euphemia will also go together.”


The students cheered with admiration and excitement, mainly female students. After all, the princess’s knight is the most beautiful childhood fantasy for many girls.

When Lelouch heard the news, his expression moved. Isn’t this a good opportunity to capture Suzaku?


There is an island called Shikinejima near the sea in District 11. Britain has a military base on it. This time Suzaku and others are going to board a warship to welcome the so-called important guests on Shikine Island.

At the same time, the news was also circulated from the Internet. It seems that Nina’s research has aroused Lloyd’s interest, and Lloyd said it during the chat.

Naturally, the Black Knights have already taken the submarine and are one step ahead.

“Yuphemia will welcome the nobles from her country on Shikine Island, and the Suzaku who is a knight will also go with her. Because it is not a stronghold, the enemy’s combat power is not enough to fear.”

“This is an opportunity.”

Lelouch, in the form of ZERO, looked at Fujitang and the others, and issued an order: “The purpose of this battle is to capture the Suzaku and Lancelot. We are on the battlefield, dignifiedly turning him into a prisoner!”

Hearing Lelouch’s words, Fujitang nodded in satisfaction, Karen breathed a sigh of relief, and the cadres of the Black Knights also smiled.

“What should I do when I become a prisoner?”

“Next, leave it to me.” Lelouch said lightly.

He wants to try again and convince Suzaku to be his partner.

“Joker, is this okay?” Diharut looked at Xie Ming.

“He is the commander, I am not.”

Xie Ming said with a faint smile: “Di Harut, I have to wonder if you are deliberately instigating the relationship between me and ZERO.”

“No, my subordinates dare not.”

“Haha, forget it. After the meeting, you come over to me and ZERO. I have a question and I want to talk to you.”



“Diharut, what did you instill in Karen?” Xie Ming asked faintly, knocking on Erlang’s leg.

“On the commission of the assassination of the pivotal Suzaku.” Diharut showed a ruthless smile: “I just urged on the side.”

“Who told you to act without authorization?”

Lelouch said coldly: “I don’t remember that I gave the assassination instructions.”


Diharut’s expression turned serious: “As a result, this will not be a despicable assassination. Just use the power of the media to convince the public that this is a hammer of justice.”

“It is the real purpose of the media to cover up the truth. To change the world, it is not enough to speak beautiful words. Isn’t it the case?”

“…..Interesting.” Xie Ming asked with interest: “Di Harut, what is your purpose for joining the Black Knights? Although you were demoted in the media, you, as a British, did not You must be obsessed with the Black Knights to change the world.”

Mentioning this, Diharut’s expression brought a hint of enthusiasm: “I was shocked by you in the Suzaku snatching incident! The new era is standing there in human form. I want to shoot. You, record you.”

“One article and one weapon, two men work together to build an organization, defeat the country, and finally -kun to the world! I want to record this history in the nearest place!”

There was a hint of intoxication on Di Harut’s face: “There is nothing more exciting than this.”

“…If you intervene in the incident, then history will become fabricated.”

“There is no intelligence without subjective thinking in this world. ZERO, the so-called news, is just made by human will.”


Lelouch warned: “Remember, your responsibility is not military.”

“I see.”

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