Chapter 481-Suzaku’s Sins

Not long after Yuphemia, Suzaku and others landed at Shikinejima port, the Black Knights attacked Shikinejima military base.

Under the five moons, a red lotus two style, plus eight rogues and two prodigalists. These sixteen airframes are more than enough to deal with military installations on an island.

Of course, their purpose was not to destroy the base, but to let Suzaku drive Lancelot to support it.

According to Euphemia’s character, once it is known that the island’s base has been attacked, someone will inevitably come to support it. So they only need to eliminate the vital power of the base as much as possible.


On the radar, an enemy aircraft approached quickly, at this speed no aircraft could achieve this speed except Lancelot.


The hooks of both hands shot out, and Suzaku directly destroyed a rogue when he appeared on the stage. Immediately afterwards, he opened the energy shield, blocking the howitzer fired by Lelouch.

“Confirm the combatant.”

Fujido controlled the moon and retreated quickly with the ejector on the scabbard: “The planes spread out in the third formation. Don’t shoot at the target. Repeat, don’t shoot at the target.”

Sure enough, Suzaku wanted to catch ZERO now with all his heart, and without any interference from any enemy, the prodigal who followed Lelouch jumped into the sand pit dug by the Black Knights in advance.

“ZERO, come this way!” From behind, he pulled out the MVS and pointed at the Suzaku of the prodigal.

“Take you!” Lelouch smiled with a successful plan.

“Catch it~”

Lakshata, who was waiting on the sandy ground, smiled and tapped the start button lightly with his pipe.


The devices around the bunker were activated, and countless interfering radio waves filled the bunker, and the systems of Lancelot and the Langtu stopped instantaneously.

As we all know, the energy of Knightmare is supplied by Sakura stone. The device surrounding the bunker is the Sakura Die jamming device developed by Lakshata.

Through this device, Knightmare’s energy system can be disturbed, causing the body to be unable to move.

“I have something to tell you, Suzaku.” Lelouch opened the cockpit and said lightly, “Can you get out? It should be able to move except the first drive system.”

“If you come out, we will treat the prisoners in accordance with international law. If you don’t come out, you will be shot from all around.”

The other units of the Black Knights surrounded the bunker, raising their weapons and aiming at Lancelot. Xie Ming also opened the cockpit and sat on Langtu’s head, the blue rose already in his hand.

Whenever something went wrong, Xie Ming would shoot Suzaku directly. Even if his reaction speed can dodge the bullet of the machine gun, the blue rose can blow his head in an instant.


As if getting permission, Suzaku got out of the machine, stepped on the rope, and came to the ground.

“Suzaku, I just said it straightforwardly.” Lelouch took the pistol at Suzaku: “I want you to be my partner.”

“Is that a threat?”

Suzaku frowned and said calmly: “Even if it is a threat, I refuse. I have said before that the results obtained in the wrong way are meaningless.”

“Then I ask you, is peace now meaningless?”

“…” Suzaku was taken aback.

“Seven years ago, if Japan chose to fight completely, what do you think would happen?”

Suzaku’s face became very ugly, and seeing him like this, Lelouch already had a certain degree of assurance in his heart.

“At that time, the Chinese Federation and the EU will intervene, and Japan will become a battlefield for the tripartite forces and a purgatory on earth. In other words, the current peace is brought about by the sudden unconditional surrender at that time.”

“…Yes.” Suzaku looked very shaken: “I am fighting to prevent the peace that my father brings from being shaken.”

“In the end, is that so?”

Lelouch became more confident in his heart. Through Fujidō and Tongyuan Taizo, he learned that Shumu Xuanwu’s death was not suicide, but homicide.

“The surrender at that time was not chosen by Prime Minister Shumu Xuanwu, but by someone who killed him without authorization.”


“Let the government’s command system chaotic, and in the end you can only choose to surrender. You should understand? This choice is to impose personal will on everyone! It was imposed by a criminal who broke the rules without authorization!! ”

In fact, the answer is not difficult to guess. If you put aside all common sense and just rely on logical thinking, you can get an answer.

When Shumu Xuanwu died, there was only Suzaku at home. The fatal wound on the body was a knife wound, and it was killed unsuspectingly.

So who can make a hero like Shumu Xuanwu defenseless?

There is only one answer, his son, Suzaku Shuque.

It’s just that this answer is too horrible, so everyone didn’t believe it, or didn’t want to believe it. Even Fujido intends to rot this secret in my heart forever.

But in the end, Lelouch’s Geass was forced to ask him.

“Why….. You will know…”

Suzaku’s feet softened, and the biggest secret in his heart was exposed in this way, and his psychological defense had been completely defeated.

“Actually, there is a method of atonement.”

Lelouch at this time is like a devil who tempts people to fall: “Fully support the choice that the Japanese failed to make at the time. It was stolen seven years ago, and the road to fight Britain with all its strength.”

“Fight!?” Suzaku woke up and glared at Lelouch: “Is this again?”

“This is also a way.”

Lelouch said with a chuckle, “Do you want to impose your own philosophy on others? Do you want to say that this is peaceful?”

“…” Suzaku fell into silence.

However, fate will always make jokes. Just as he was about to persuade, a voice came from Suzaku’s ear.

“Have you heard? Major Shumu, please answer.”

Suzaku glanced at ZERO: “Can you?”

“Please.” Lu Luxiu shrugged.

“This is Lieutenant Colonel Hayer, commander of the British Root Island. Now, we will carry out a surface-to-surface missile attack on terrorists. Major Shumu is going to entangle ZERO there.”


Lelouch said angrily: “Order the ministry to die!?”

After hearing the order, Suzaku said nothing, and grabbed ZERO’s gun to counter it, but at this time, Xie Ming fired.


Two bullets broke Suzaku’s right arm instantly.


“Oh, I hope you don’t ignore me…” Xie Ming seems to be joking, but everyone can hear the coldness in his words: “Really, I am a decoration here?”


Looking at Suzaku half-kneeling on the ground with his arms, Lelouch looked at Xie Ming: “Joker, who asked you to do it!?”

“ZERO, remember, your life is not yours alone.”

Xie Ming said coldly, and the blue rose in his hand was raised again.

“Stop!” Lelouch shouted: “Retreat immediately, the surface-to-surface missile is coming!”


Ignoring Lelouch, Xie Ming ordered: “Aim at the missile and launch all bombs. Don’t miss one!”


Countless ammunition turned into a barrage, and after intercepting five or six missiles, it caused a continuous explosion, and a huge firework formed. However, in the ensuing crisis, the Black Knights had nothing to do.

The sun was slowly blocked, everyone raised their heads, a huge warship floating in the air, countless pieces of hexagonal energy shields blocked all the bullets.

“Schnitzer, Avalon…” Xie Ming smiled bitterly, “Now, it’s troublesome.”

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