Chapter 483

Not only was it okay for Joker, but he also captured an enemy’s body and returned. For some reason, the members of the Black Knights did not fluctuate emotionally.

In fact, they have become numb to the strength of the Joker monster level. Normal people, would they choose to let Knightmare throw themselves on a floating airship that is thousands of meters in the air?

Lulu Xiu, seeing that Xie Ming returned safely, although there was no fluctuation on his face, he was actually relieved in his heart. When Karen saw Xie Ming return without incident, he gave Xie Ming a big hug.

Of course, after the hug, Qiao blushed, realizing what she had done, she turned her head and ran away. This straightforward girl is rarely so shy and cute.

The only thing that feels more complicated should be Lakshata. But she was not complicated because of Xie Ming’s safety, but a souvenir brought back by Xie Ming.

Because she originally planned to apply for resources from Kyoto, through Xie Ming’s combat information on the Ronald, she designed a fighting-specialized Moonlight as a special machine for Xie Ming. But the appearance of Gao Wen made her ideas useless before they were put into practice.

And from Gawain’s design, Lakshata saw the methods of acquaintances. Whether it’s a suspension system or a druid system, this leads her technology. This made her feel unusually uncomfortable.

Since she is upset, she must also make the other person upset. It just so happened that the hadron cannons on Gawain’s shoulders were still incomplete and could not be beamed and fired. And this problem, Lakshata can just solve it.

“I was the first to complete what Earl Pudding (Lloyd) did not complete. I believe he will definitely be very angry.”

Lakshata, who said that, had a malicious smile on his face.

The body captured by Xie Ming was naturally driven by Xie Ming. However, since Gawain is a two-seater, the other passenger is naturally Lelouch. Otherwise, it’s not the same thing to always let the commander-in-chief of the Black Knights sit in a stray fish body like the Rogue.

Now that Xie Ming has returned to the team, some things can also be discussed. First and foremost, the most important thing is that in the Kyushu region, the Japanese remnant party established Japan as an independent country.

The name of this Japanese remnant party is the chief cabinet officer (the most important position of the prime minister in the Japanese cabinet) during the period of the Shuki Xuanwu regime, Atsushi Sawazaki. After Japan announced its surrender, he fled to the Chinese Federation, and now he is back.

Bring people from the Chinese Federation and Knightmare.

The so-called independent country is basically a puppet government. With the turbulence caused by ZERO and Joker, I want to take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters. Led a large number of steel skulls (Knightmare unique to the Chinese Federation) and landing ships, took advantage of the heavy rain to forcibly land in Kyushu and occupied the Fukuoka base.

In the news, intentionally or unintentionally, the Black Knights are connected with this puppet government. I want to take this opportunity to reduce the influence of the Black Knights.

Of course, it is impossible for Britain to allow the Chinese Federation to establish a puppet state in Kyushu and disrupt the order of the colonies in the 11th district. So after receiving the news, Cornelia immediately led his troops to Kyushu.

The administrative affairs of the 11th district were handed over to the current prime minister of the sacred British Empire, the second prince Schnezer.

But according to the news from the informant, it seems that Conelia is in a hard fight. Landing operations in stormy weather are really too difficult. And taking advantage of this opportunity, the Sawazaki puppet government is continuously expanding its territory and cutting off land traffic.

There is only one thing the Black Knights need to think about right now, and that is what they need to do. As an organization operating under the banner of justice, it must counterattack this puppet government.

So here comes the problem. The Kyushu region is now surrounded by the British army. What can they do?

This kind of brain-burning problem, Xie Ming, of course, left it to Lulu Xiu to think about it. He, go back to see Nanali and Yui, take care of the student union work, and…

Help a certain princess to solve the troubles.


“What’s wrong with Yuffi, what’s this expression.” Xie Ming asked suspiciously.

“…Brother Ming.”

Some Yu Fei, who could not control his emotions, threw directly into Xie Ming’s arms.

“Who is bullying my little princess, my brother will help you beat him.”

Xie Ming hugged Yu Fei lightly and said softly.

“No… it’s not like that…. I just feel like I’m useless…”

“…All in all, let’s find a place before talking.” Xie Ming looked at the strange gaze cast here, and said with a wry smile.

After arriving at the cafe where the two of them often go, Yuffi also calmed down after asking for a box.

“Brother Ming’s embrace, I really haven’t felt it for a long time…”

“How old you are, and still love acting like a baby so much.”

Knocked Yu Fei’s forehead lightly, Xie Ming said helplessly: “Okay, let’s talk to brother. What’s the matter?”

“…It’s just that compared with my sister and Brother Schnitzer, I really don’t have any use for it.” Yu Fei said with some frustration.

“Ah, this.”

Xie Ming squeezed Yu Fei’s face: “Did you want to help Xiu Nizeer, but was rejected.”

“…Well, Brother Huang also said that my sister has no extra energy to take care of me.”

“You’re not someone who doesn’t understand Schnitzer’s smiling tiger character.” Xie Ming said helplessly: “He is a guy who can let his subordinates die with a smile.”

“However, it is a fact that my willfulness has caused a lot of trouble to my sister…”

Yu Fei lowered her head and said sadly.

“Silly girl, that’s your sister. Just like Lelouch, it didn’t give me less trouble. I scold him every time, but the reprimand won’t change my previous relationship with him.”

“Lelouch, is it troublesome for Brother Ming?” Yu Fei’s eyes widened: “It’s really unbelievable.”

“That stinky boy, don’t look at the usual adult appearance, there are some things in his heart that are still naive.”

Xie Ming smiled and said: “So, don’t think that Conelia thinks you are troublesome. It is impossible. Conelia loves your sister more than anyone else. This is what I dare to do. .”

“Just, who doesn’t have a temper? You, dare you say that what you say sometimes does not hurt Conelia? Tolerance and forgive each other, this is the family.”

“No, I am not angry with my sister, I am angry with myself.”

Yu Fei said bitterly: “I don’t have the same strength as my sister and Brother Schnitzer, nor the strength of Brother Ming. I actually understand the vice-governor of the vase.”

“so what?”


“What about being called a vase? Is the evaluation of those insignificant people important to you?”

“But… they are telling the truth.”

“Stupid.” This time, Xie Ming used a little force and knocked Yu Fei on the head.

“it hurts.”

Yu Fei held her head and looked at Xie Ming with tears.

“You can’t make everyone like it, Yuffi.” Xie Ming held Yufei’s face and said seriously: “The most important thing is that you don’t hate yourself.”

“Don’t… hate yourself…”

“Yes, don’t hate yourself.”

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