Chapter 484: Gao Wen’s First Battle

“You must understand that you are only 16 years old now. Cornelia is 26 years old and Schneider is also 27 years old. They are 10 years older than you, so they are better than you in terms of handling and experience. Of course you can’t beat them.”

“If you are in the royal family, you should know that a mountain is higher than a mountain. People who are better than you will always exist. Even if a genius is like Lelouch, hasn’t he failed under Schneizel?”

“My swordsmanship was only achieved after years of hard work. To this day, I have not interrupted the practice of swordsmanship.”

Xie Ming said softly: “People can’t hate themselves, can’t avoid themselves, can’t pity themselves. We must face ourselves squarely.”

“Face… yourself?”

“Yes, in my opinion, you are better than Coneglia in many places.”

“I… better than my sister? How could it be…”

“Why is it impossible?” Xie Ming asked back: “Conelia has succumbed to Britain’s discriminatory policy. Have you succumbed?”


“Obviously growing up in the ugly environment of the palace, you are still so compassionate, compassionate, and still so kind and upright. Do you know? This is the thing that comforted me the most when I met you again. ”

“Because I saw it, Yuffi is still the same Yuffi. I didn’t succumb to the darkness of the world, and didn’t abandon my beautiful ideals. Otherwise, why do you think I always take the risk to keep in touch with you?”

“You are the only British royal family I trust.”

“I’m Brother Ming… the only person I trust…” Yu Fei murmured.


What seems to be wrong? But at this time, don’t care about that much.

“So come on, Yuffi, you have your own goals and your own ideals. Do what you think is right. No matter what, I will support you.”



Xie Ming touched Yu Fei’s head and said affirmatively.

“Thank you, Brother Ming.”

Sweeping away the confusion and depression before, Yu Fei showed a beautiful and gorgeous smile like a flower: “I think, I know what to do.”

“It seems that I have the potential to be a spiritual mentor. I really deserve it.”

Seeing Yu Fei leaping away happily, Xie Ming touched his chin and praised, then turned and left.

Tonight, there is still a fight. Really, too busy.


At night, the storm that had been raging for several days finally stopped. Conelia is ready to take advantage of this great weather to conduct another landing operation. At the same time, Suzaku’s special party also took the repaired Avalon to the battlefield.

While Conelia was carrying out the landing operation, Lancelot was equipped with a flying backpack with a suspension device, and set off from Avalon all the way to the Fukuoka base, suppressing the base in a single plane.

The Chinese Federation used the pretext of humanitarian support to establish a puppet government in the name of Atsushi Sawazaki. Therefore, as long as Atsushi Sawazaki is resolved, the Chinese Federation will have no excuse to continue to intervene.

Although that was the case, it was Schneizer’s idea to send Lancelot. If Suzaku can succeed, everyone will be happy. If Suzaku fails, it can also reduce the burden for Conelia.

As for the life and death of Suzaku? Sorry, please die for Britain as a knight.

This is why Schneider was called the smiling tiger by Xie Ming. This man, if necessary, even himself would sacrifice without hesitation.

It’s a pity that neither Schneizel, Cornelia, nor the Suzaku who has been waiting in Lancelot will not be the protagonist tonight.

“Detected the approach of a high-speed flying object!”

Sehir, who was about to notify Suzaku to attack, exclaimed in surprise, “This reaction is… Gao Wen!”


Lloyd on the side and Suzaku on standby were shocked: “Could it be Joker!?”

“I’m afraid it’s…” Cecil frowned: “But what is he doing here?”

Soon, they knew.

“Notify the entire British army, my name is ZERO. Now, together with Joker, we will fight against the Sawazaki puppet government. Those who stand in front of me will be recognized as helpers of the puppet government and eliminated.”

“In short, it means…”

Xie Ming pushed the engine to its limit, and smiled: “Don’t stop us from crusade against the thieves!”


The hadron guns on both shoulders opened, and two beams of black and red energy beams instantly smashed the armed helicopter that came to intercept. Gao Wen quickly approached the Fukuoka base at a speed that surpassed that of a fighter jet.

When Lloyd saw this scene, his face became very ugly, and his voice showed signs of collapse: “Unexpectedly… it can be condensed…obviously, it should be done by me! !!!”

“Miss Cecil, please let me go too!”

“Ah, okay.” Cecil reacted: “Lancelot, prepare to come out….Wait, Major Shumu, there are new instructions.”

“New instructions?” Suzaku asked in confusion, “Whose?”

“This is… His Royal Highness Cornelia’s instruction. Lancelot gave up the assault mission and came to support the team’s landing operations.”

“…Yes, Your Higness. (Yes, my highness.)”

On the other hand, under the control of Xie Ming, Gao Wen drove straight ahead. The division of labor between the two is very clear. Xie Ming is responsible for the combat of the airframe, and Lelouch is responsible for the control of the Druid system and energy monitoring.

Although Gawain is a large Knightmare with as many as four energy packs that can be inserted (Lancelot only has one), no matter whether it is a suspension system or a strong particle cannon, it is a big energy eater. So energy still has to be calculated carefully.

In proportion to the energy consumption, Gawain’s attack power is enough to be regarded as the world’s top. Each strong particle cannon is enough to burn the enemy’s Knightmare into ashes, with no bones left.

The strongest spear is already in the hands of the world’s top pilot, so who can stop him?

He alone is a legion.

Seeing that Gawain had broken through the active force in the base and was using a strong particle cannon to burn a hole in the outer armor of the conning tower, Atsushi Sawazaki and General Cao from the Chinese Federation began to panic.

“ZERO, Joker! Are you not comrades fighting for Japan!? Why are you helping Britain!!”

“Our Black Knights are the enemy of all those who use improper force.” Lelouch held his face and sneered.

“Improper!? I did it for Japan! What’s wrong with asking for help from a foreign country and waiting for the opportunity!!” Sawazaki Atsushi shouted angrily.

“Haha.” Xie Ming sneered: “A country, a nation, must stand up on its own! Relying on the strength of its allies ignorantly will only lose the dignity of the country and the nation!”

“Japan has to rely on the Japanese to restore the country on their own to make sense.”

“Damn it!”

Already sitting in a military vehicle, Sawazaki Atsushi, who went to the helipad with General Cao, hung up the communication: “Damn kid!”

“But this way, it should have bought us a lot of time.”

General Cao smiled and said, “We still have a defensive line on Turtle Island, and we can start all over again.”

“Yes, I really took care of you.”

However, only the wreckage of the helicopter on the apron was left. Gawain, who was 6 and a half meters long, was looking down at them with his crimson pupils (cameras).

“General, rebels.”

Gao Wen slowly raised his right hand, and Lelouch and Xie Ming said together.

The largest military base in Kyushu was so easily broken by a machine of the Black Knights. The Battle of Kyushu is over.

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